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#4 Versatility - RashfordU - 2022-04-30

Words: Minimum of 300 Words Required
Reward: +1 Positional Upgrade, secondary to primary position (outfield players), +10 TPE (goalkeepers)
(Must be approved by Grader)

Users will have the opportunity to write 300 words on their players off-season training that helped them develop into a more versatile player. They are encouraged to write who they trained with, where they trained, etc. Players are unable to complete this PT until after they have started their 4th season. Once graded and approved, the user will be able to claim the reward listed above.

Make a post in this thread, and wait for a grader to go through and approve it by editing it and writing "Approved". At that point you may go ahead and claim the Point Task for TPE.

Must have completed and approved Career PT #3 [Link CPT #3 at top of post]
Include the position you would like the upgrade applied to.
Please Link Player Page at Top of Post for ease of Grading

Currently Eligible Players:
Season 9 - 15

Players Currently Ineligible:
Season 16+

Once a player has entered regression, they are no longer eligible to complete Career Point Tasks

- RashfordU - 2022-05-23

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Rashford CPT #3</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>(S1) Rashford</a><br><br>The offseason heading into Season 4 was important for Rashford. After a frustrating season of finishing 4th in the league, Mikko wanted to find ways to continue to develop into a better player so that he could compete better for Hollywood FC.<br><br>Mikko knew he'd be flying back to Zambia to join his fellow Zambian Nationals for some off-season fun, but thought it would also be good to bring in some of the new recruits as well. The only different this time was that everyone was going to be forced to train as if they were a different position on the pitch. Captain of the High Seas Mr. Jarrow thought it was time to show Ricky Bobby just how easy it is to be a Striker, so the two swapped positions on the pitch. Rashford decided it was time to get some work in as an Attacking Mid and decided to swap places with Rizzo Rigmarole, the new highly touted prospect out of Victoria Falls.<br><br>The two knew each other from their time as youngsters, playing on the Under 12 side for Zambia back when Rizzo was an 8 year old phenom. Mikko still things it is crazy how good Rizzo is.<br><br>Each day of training was something different, the coach wanted to use some alternative methods and thus day 1 looked rather odd, seeing a bunch of footballers wearing weighted jackets trying to play hackey sack. The first afternoon session saw players having to hand out pamphlets to locals about the benefits of wearing turtlenecks to dinner. The players have no idea why they had to do that, but most importantly, it got them all laughing and connecting with their fans on the street. Though, in classic Rizzo style, he quit halfway through after he met one of the local street vendors who makes Chorizo. The man is a sucker for a good Chorizo.<br><br>Mikko was able to run the sessions on day 2, and decided a squad hike around Victoria Falls was on the table. The squad figured that running around the terrain there would be good for their agility and being willing to adapt to the changing landscape could benefit them, well, and of course Bobby wanting to get a few selfies for the Gram.<br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

- 3lewsers - 2022-06-09

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Taka CPT #3</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>(S1) Taka</a><br><br>My off-season conditioning program consists of many different elements that I will describe in detail one at a time. Aerobic fitness and exercise is very important to success. If you do not build up your cardiovascular strength, finding the energy to make it through an entire match will be extremely difficult. So, to keep my cardio in check, I do always different types activities to help with that aspect of my fitness. Every day I either run, swim, bike, and on light days even brisk walk to get my heart rate up. While on occasion, I do as little as 30 minutes of cardio, I usually do anywhere from 60 to 90. Another important part of my conditioning is my interval training. Since football involves a number of start and stop, short bursts, I make sure to train similarly. One minute of walking followed by 30 seconds of full sprinting, follow by about 20 seconds of rest has been very successful for me throughout my career. I do that pattern for at least 30 to 45 minutes on a daily basis; sometimes twice a day. In addition, agility is a very important aspect of my game, where I practice dribbling through and around obstacles like cones or any other course I can put together. I work on my speed by doing sprints. These sprints will be in a straight line as well as in a zig-zag pattern to help my change of direction form and speed. While often overlooked, I also incorporate strength training into my regimen. A short warm up gets my body loose, and then I do some lunges, push ups, and sit ups to strengthen those muscle areas. An extremely important part is also stretching to help prevent injuries. I focus mostly on groin, hamstrings, and calves with various stretches that help get those areas warmed up and ready for training. While everything I have mentioned already really focuses on the body, you cannot forget ball work as a critical part of your conditioning program. Juggling is favorite activity as it helps many facets of my game like balance, coordination, and reflexes. Finding some teammates and friends for scrimmages is a big help as well to get practice for in-game situations. These keys are important to my game, and should be a key for every player.<br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- ZootTX - 2022-06-16

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #3</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Costanza player page</a><br><br>George Costanza loves the offseason. While he loves his team, teammates, and the city of Sydney, the constant schedule following and the need to travel for business can get to be a grind at times. Something that has always been important to him is mental health and taking a break at times, so one of the things he always makes sure to do during the offseason is take a nice vacation (or two!) A well-rested player is a better player and sometimes you just need a break. Now, that doesn’t mean that George doesn’t spend a good amount of his offseason getting better and staying in shape. No one wants to show up to training camp fat and lazy! George spends a large amount of his offseason at ‘home’ in Sydney. Although he’s only been there a short time, he loves living there and has come to consider the city his second hometown. Staying in Sydney has allowed him to spend a lot of time at the team facilities where he can work out with his teammates and the coaching staff. Just working out with his fellow teammates is a great way to build camaraderie for the next season of play. This last offseason he also spent several weeks working with a private coach near his hometown in New York, USA. He focused primarily on his footwork and ball handling skills. As a primarily defensive player George needs to be able to get the ball and keep it away from the other team. Of course it's nice to spend some time with his family and his mom’s home cooking. Fortunately the hard work keeps him from getting flabby! George also spent some time with a sports psychologist that specializes in football players and their decision making. It sounds cheesy but George believes that it will help make him a better player (it had better for the amount of money it cost!) Finally, George spent another few weeks in Rio De Janeiro, where he spent his first season in the league, as a staff member at a football camp there. He met the director and has enjoyed working with the kids there every offseason since then. It’s nice to be able to share the love of the game with the next generation of players! <br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->383 words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- Asked Madden - 2022-07-10

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Deedee's Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT3</a><br><br>Off season. Otherwise known as Deedee Yokers favourite time of year.<br>Not only does he not have the pressure of playing games but he also has the incredible ability of improving himself year in, year out.<br>So for those of you interested, this is Deedee's off season regimine and how he goes about improving himself.<br>First off, he takes a full week to find himself. This includes smashing a bunch of psychedelics and wigging out in his friends house with some incredible murals that he'll stare into for hours on end. He claims this is how he relaxes and takes away all of the bad Juju of the previous season, resetting his chakra.<br>Secondly he'll go into an intense body improvement week where he'll occasionally lift some weights in the gym, do some resistance training and only have 2 beers a day as opposed to the usual 5 or 6. He claims 2 beers a day is the perfect number of beers to keep your body just chubby enough to throw your opponent off guard so he can scoot by very easily.<br>After resetting his mind and getting his body in peak physical fitness he then works on skills. This includes hours on end of his own personal trainer smashing balls at him of various weights and Deedee controlling them with any eligible body part. Sometimes it's balloons sometimes footballs other times medicine balls. Deedee doesn't really know what this does to improve him but he's taken so many medicine balls to the head he no longer has the mental capacity to question it.<br>All of the prior training pales in comparison to the overarching training he does, which was prescribed to him by a dodgy medical doctor in the back of a Spar in Northern Ireland. This is Lionel Messi's special sauce (yes ripped straight from space jam). This is an intense off season regimine of twice daily injections of special sauce. This is supposed to increase pace, skill &amp; timing. Now obviously he's just being sold anabolic steroids at an increased price due to the branding having messi's name attached but he is a bit dumb.<br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- EsAmYk - 2022-07-12

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #3</a><br><br>As a dual athlete, it's difficult to find time to train. I usually count my practices and games in one league as part of my training for the other. And it works out as while I play hockey in the SHL in the winter, I also play soccer in the SSL in the summer. However, I wanted to hone in on my skills as a center back after 2 disappointing seasons. After the latest SHL season was done, I decided to fly back to my hometown in Portland before meeting my SSL teammates.<br><br>I was able to get into contact with some players from the Portland Timbers MLS squad: the center back duo of DRC's Larrys Mabiala and New Zealand's Bill Tuiloma. I may or may not have forgotten to mention that I was a deer, so when I first showed up on the field, they were confused. After getting things more or less sorted out, including them getting over me being able to talk, we finally got started with my extra training.<br><br>With all of the skating I do in the SHL, I wasn't worried about my physical condition nor my stamina. They helped me with positioning the most, as I'm used to being a forward in hockey. The next thing was my reaction time, or more fittingly, what my reaction should be for certain things. I was glad that it was only springtime, so I didn't have to train in the summer heat.<br><br>After the training session, I was invited to not only watch their upcoming game, but they invited me to sit on the bench with the rest of the players as a guest. I was ecstatic to be sitting with players on my favorite team growing up. Being able to watch what they did during gametime decisions had also helped. After the game, and thanking them, it was time for me to fly out to get into training with my team. I know that the help that I got from them will definitely help me out in my SSL career. And I made some more friends in my journey through the SSL.<br><br><br>364 words<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- r1c3bowl22 - 2022-07-18

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Torres Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Torres CPT #3</a><br><br>Franco Torres aspires to be one the best player to ever grace the Simulation Soccer League pitches. However, in order to do that, Torres needs to be versatile. There's no chance of him becoming the best ever, if he's labelled as a one trick pony. Soon enough, teams will start to figure out his strategies and game plan around that. In fact, we're starting to see that happen. <br><br>In S4, Franco Torres managed to score 12 goals. That's his highest goal total in league play since S1. However, he also played more than twice as many games in S4 than he did in S1. So clearly, the league is starting to shut Torres down. That's not ideal for Cairo City and not ideal for his aspirations to become the best. In order to become more versatile, Torres decided to learn how to play in other positions. He's hoping that by doing so, he'll manage to catch other teams off guard and snag goals sneakily.<br><br>Training with Eden Hazard of Real Madrid in La Liga, Franco Torres has started to learn the ins and outs of playing on the left side of the pitch. His off foot skills have increased dramatically and he is nearly ambidextrous with his feet. In addition, Torres has managed to master curling the ball from the left side of the pitch. Luckily that means an inside curve with his dominant foot. Off free kicks, Torres is a force to be reckoned with. His next goal is to be able to curl the ball while running at full speed.<br><br>Torres has also started to care more about where his teammates are on the pitch at all times. Playing in the middle of the field, it can be difficult to scan the pitch. However, with his back to the sidelines, he can put everyone ahead of him in a single field of view. This allows Torres to be able to cut into the middle more frequently and more efficiently. This is the latest new weapon that Cairo City's main target man has added into his arsenal. The league better watch out. Franco Torres is trying to step up his game and he won't be in the usual spots that teams expect him to be in.<br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- G2019 - 2022-07-21

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #3</a><br><br>Connor Azpilicueta made huge headlines when he moved from Inter London to Cairo City following Inter's league championship. Cairo City was coming off of a last place finish in the league, and many questioned the move, but Azpilicueta is no stranger to a challenge. The former centerback had reached the pinnacle of the sport in capturing the league championship, and was excited to help revive the Cairo City squad alongside good friend Franco Torres.<br><br>Despite his excitement to move, one question remained: where would he play? While Azpilicueta prided himself on flexibility, he had played as a single striker more often than not in London. How would it work with superstar striker Franco Torres on the roster? It quickly became clear that the two would need to share the limelight, with each playing an attacking midfield position when the team wasn't lining up with two strikers. Azpilicueta took no time in identifying some friends on other clubs that could assist him in gaining some experience at those positions.<br><br>For his work at right attacking mid, he need look no further than Seoul FC. Ketchup Noodle is a masterful RAM who thrives on cutting inside on his deadly left foot, a point of similarity for the two players. Noodle trained with Azpilicueta on improving his crossing more than anything else; an area that Noodle thrives in and that Azpilicueta didn't need as a center forward.<br><br>When training as a center attacking midfielder, Azpilicueta reached out to Emilliano-Yoichi Isagi, a masterful CM/CAM for Tokyo Sports Club. Whereas Noodle valued a lot of the physical attributes in his game, Isagi is a more patient and measured player, relying on a ton of technique work to help him pick out killer passes and strike from deep. This training served to add another dimension to Azpi's game and made him more comfortable playing behind another striker, something that will surely come in handy when playing underneath Franco Torres.<br><br>With his newfound positional flexibility, the hope is that Connor Azpilicueta will be able to play Center Attacking Midfielder and Right Attacking Midfielder with the same proficiency he has shown at the Striker position. Whether that will happen or not remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure, we will all be on the lookout to see how things shake out with the big man in Cairo.<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->393 words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- High Stick King - 2022-07-28

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #3</a><br><br><br>With the season completed, Hollywood FC made a valiant effort but fell just short at the end. Despite the disappointing end to the season, everyone felt pretty good about our games and that we just ran out of runway. Coach sent the players home to their offseason destinations with homework this season. He asked the players to train specifically to expand our games, to try and become more versatile. This would hopefully give the team more options down the road and a better shot at competing next season. Maybe even provide some of us with expanded roles on the team if training went well.<br><br>So Jarrow headed home with the full intention of following his coaches orders. However Jarrow had unknowingly hit a rut with his training and became addicted to becoming a “heading beast” and the majority of his focus was on heading drills. This wasn’t a conscious decision, but rather a subliminal training tick he developed over the last couple of off-seasons. It wasn’t until the end of that first week of training when the coach texted Jarrow, prodding him as to how his new training was coming along that Jarrow realized he hadn’t done what the coach asked of him. Sheepishly he told the coach he hadn’t done what was asked but he vowed to him that he would make immediate changes.<br><br>In hopes of breaking out of his training rut, that very next morning Jarrow booked a flight back to LA to join the contingent of Hollywood players that stayed to train together. Jarrow was joined by fellow teammates Siege, Valor, Taka, Jomes, Puttanesca, and Sterling. All of whom were working together to improve in areas one another were weak in.<br><br>The following weeks had Jarrow pairing off with each one of his fellow teammates where they’d help him improve his crossing, shooting, weak foot, and all around ball skills while Jarrow would pass along his knowledge of heading which ended up scratching that itch to practice heading. In the end, Jarrow wasn’t all that sure if his overall game improved but he felt at the very least it was a really good bonding experience with teammates he hadn’t spent a lot of time with in the past.<br><br>We will have to wait and see if this unique approach to the offseason training made any dividends.<br><br>[ 390 words ]<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- KZBZ - 2022-07-28

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT#3</a><br><br>Last season was really bad and Kofi knows it very well. Season 4 showed that the Ghanian player lacked that energy and spark that would make him stand out in the highly competitive Soccer Simulation League.<br>That is why there was no vacation time during the off-season. Kofi Anshah travelled days after the end of the season in the famous (or maybe infamous) training and fitness center Atlas, in Morocco. The training center is placed at the foot of mount Atlantas, in the Aouf area.<br>Kofi would found there Ahmed Ah Mourak, the recognised sport scientist from the Health &amp; Sport University of Casablanca. Mr Mourak was famous for training on the condition of professional boxing fighters and track runners, but not so much for football players. Kofi’s agent was extremely reluctant with this idea, but the Ghanian Left back knew that this was the right choice to take him to the next level.<br>His training program was brutal. The day would start around 04:00 am, with a 10km run in 50-70% speed. After that, there was a lot of stretching and muscle mobility, mostly though yoga. After that, Kofi would need to take a break to pray or meditate. Then, there would be a lot of speed training, The main idea would be doing Plyometric workouts, which are essentially jump training. Doing plyometric workouts were a great way to train Kofi’s fast-twitch muscles fibers and build explosiveness . With all plyometric exercises, the idea was to exert the maximum effort in short intervals of time. After the body was so tired, it was the great time for ball exercises. Exercises included accuracy in passing, crossing and dribbling. The the day would end around 19:00 in the night, were Kofi would try to read a book and get back to sleep for the next session.<br>The above experience was indeed a challenge for both the body and the mind. Most football players are social people, enjoying training with others, but this time, Kofi took himself into a personal journey of self-improvement, in a quest of exploring the limits of his fitness and soul.<br><br>[353 Words]<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>