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#6 International Superstar - RashfordU - 2022-04-30

Words: Minimum of 300 Words Required
Reward: +10 TPE
Reward: +$1M Bank
(Must be approved by Grader)

Users will have the opportunity to write 300 words on their players first international corporate sponsorship. Your brand is now global, your name is known over all the earth. What company is paying you the big bucks to to represent them on the international stage. Players are unable to complete this PT until after they have started their 6th season. Once graded and approved, the user will be able to claim the rewards listed above.

Make a post in this thread, and wait for a grader to go through and approve it by editing it and writing "Approved". At that point you may go ahead and claim the Point Task for TPE.

Must have completed and approved Career PT #5 [Link CPT #5 at top of post]
Please Link Player Page at Top of Post for ease of Grading

Currently Eligible Players:
Season 9 - 13

Players Currently Ineligible:
Season 14+

Once a player has entered regression, they are no longer eligible to complete Career Point Tasks

- RashfordU - 2022-09-26

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #5</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>Mikko Rashford is on an absolute roll! The dynamic midfielder has used their great decision making, vision, and a knack for finding the open teammate into a consistent threat on the offensive end of the pitch. Lately, with adding some additional goal scoring prowess, major companies are starting to call his agent looking to get Mikko representing them on a global stage.<br><br>Who is the lucky first company? None other than Sudocrem. Wait, really? Mikko Rashford, Team of the Year Midfielder, Winner of the League, Cup, and Shield during his time in professional football, is sponsored by a ... Rash Cream?<br><br>For Mikko, he loves it, as a Father of two, this is a product he reaches for each week and it is very effective. Even better, he loves the connection with his last name. A direct quote from Mikko himself &quot;In life, you are handed certain things that you have no control over. As a kid, playing on the school grounds often meant hearing someone make a joke about his last name. You know, as a kid that stuff lingers with you. You think, why? why do people have to be like that? As I got older, it wasn't that people stopped saying it, but rather the noise didn't matter because I knew I was headed in a direction that would put a huge gap between myself, and those that were calling me things trying to bring me down. Fast-forward to today, and I love having fun with it. It is a source of pride to see my name on the backs of jerseys, and I hope I can inspire other kids at the same time. Whether it is my play on the field, my work with Tourism Zambia, or now with my partnership with Sudocrem.&quot;<br><br>Where does Mikko go from here? Hollywood is deep in the championship battle as the season hits the halfway mark. The team has just recently advanced to the Quarter Finals of the SSL Cup, as Hollywood looks to become the first team to ever take down their 3rd Cup in the history of the League. For Mikko specifically? its Status Quo ... now with a bit more cash in the pocket <!--emo&;)--><img src='//' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='//' /><!--endemo--><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- r1c3bowl22 - 2022-09-27

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT5</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>Franco Torres has made it big in Cairo. He's gone from a humble Spanish footballer to one of the most loved athletes to ever bring his talents to Cairo City. Now that he's become a famous athlete, companies are lining up to secure an opportunity to have him do some media spots for them. The first partnership that Torres is working on is with Travko Group.<br><br>Not to be confused with another famous Egyptian travel company, Travko Group is an up and coming travel agency. It has a similar name to a more well-established travel company, but aims to bring more consumers to its platform. In order to do that, Franco Torres has been tasked with bringing its name to the public. Travko has decided to give him any airfare for free, given that he wears a Travko Group tracksuit wherever he goes and speaks to the public about checking out the new travel platform. Travko has even gone so far as to offer him cruise vacations and car rentals, given the same conditions.<br><br>Happy with the prospect of being able to travel for free, Franco Torres has visited his home country of Spain. In addition, he has arranged for trips to South Korea, Japan, the United States, Sweden, and Brazil. Those are simply a few of the countries that Franco Torres has been wanting to visit. Avid fans of the SSL will know that Torres has already been to a handful of those countries when playing other SSL teams. However, he has never really been able to take a vacation in those places and take in all of the sights and everything else those countries have to offer. So, during the S5 off-season, Franco Torres aims to see as many of these places as possible.<br><br>Fans of the SSL, Franco Torres, or Travko Group can follow any developments relating to this new partnership on Franco Torres' blog, &quot;;. He aims to post a lot of pictures and give dining recommendations at all of the places he visits. It could be a very exciting story to follow and a nice change of pace for SSL fans waiting for the start of the new season.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- 3lewsers - 2022-09-30

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #5</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>Tiki Taka was a legendary soccer player, known for his skillful footwork and precise passing. His rise to fame began in his early years, where he played for local clubs in his hometown. As he gained recognition for his talent, he was eventually picked up by a major European club and soon became a household name in the world of soccer.<br><br>His popularity skyrocketed, and soon he was being scouted by international brands eager to have him represent their products. After careful consideration, Tiki Taka agreed to his first corporate sponsorship deal with Nike, a leading sports apparel company.<br><br>Nike had been searching for a global ambassador for their brand, and they found the perfect fit in Tiki Taka. He embodied their values of hard work, determination, and excellence both on and off the field. Nike offered him a lucrative deal that would make him their flagship athlete, with his image being used in marketing campaigns and product endorsements around the world.<br><br>Tiki Taka was ecstatic about this opportunity. He had always been a fan of Nike products, and he felt that their brand aligned with his own values and style of play. He knew that this partnership would help him reach new heights of success and fame.<br><br>The announcement of the sponsorship deal was met with great excitement from fans and media alike. Tiki Taka was already a household name, but this endorsement deal cemented his status as a global icon. His image was plastered on billboards and advertisements across the world, and his jersey became one of the most sought-after items among soccer fans.<br><br>As the years went by, Tiki Taka continued to excel on the field, breaking records and leading his team to victory time and time again. His partnership with Nike only grew stronger, with new products and campaigns being launched featuring his image and name.<br><br>He remains one of the greatest players of all time, and his brand continues to be a global sensation. Nike credits him with helping to build their brand into the powerhouse it is today, and Tiki Taka is proud to have played a part in that success. His first international corporate sponsorship with Nike was the beginning of a long and fruitful partnership, one that has left an indelible mark on the world of soccer and sports marketing.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- OrbitingDeath - 2022-10-06

Player Page: <a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'></a><br>CPT #5: <a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Kuai Liang just finished a big trade to Hollywood and this is attracting a lot of big movie studio's wanting to star him in movies. From basically a nobody he went to a big star the last season as he was a driving force between Sydney being a good 'number 2' team, to winning the double. The boost Kuai Liang provided now hopes to get Hollywood back on top again. With now being in Hollywood, he is also attracted to the fancy lifestyle of the rich and famous, and with this, also comes social influence in to play.<br><br>Kuai Liang has been approached by Universal Studios Hollywood to be the center piece of a new ice influenced attraction. Kuai Liang being an ice cold midfielder leaving a lot of his opponents frozen to the field, this seems to be a great investment by USH. The new ride will take the user on a roller coaster world ride, showing his chinese roots, a visit to london, followed by a visit to sydney and ofcourse ending with Hollywood.<br><br>The promotion for this new ride will be done in an actual movie where Kuai Liang will make his film debut. The movie will be Die Hard In Hollywood, and is basically one big marketing stunt for promotional activities in the region. But Bruce Willis movies are still blockbusters, so why not milk the cow while they can. Kuai Liang will be a buddy of Willis and help him fighting against the bad guys. Liang is not only promoting his new ride in this movie, but is of course also doing other activities like karaoke (and promoting a sing star game), playing videogames to promote playstation and next to that are lots of things. Kuai Liang is hot and sells a lot of stuff, so he is being used in all the ways possible by his agency to improve his brand. <br>Kuai Liang is happy with this new deal and his on screen debut as a person (he ofcourse did star in some movies in his prior life as a martial artist, but this was in costume)<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- sulovilen - 2022-10-07

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT 5</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player page</a><br><br>Zinedine Gintonic has previously had a big sponsorship deal Goody’s Burger House, which turned out to be a huge success, getting Gintonic a lot of positive publicity around Greece. This campaign was seen by the owners of Bombay Spirits Company in the UK, which is in charge of the globally famous Bombay Sapphire gin. They reached out Gintonic’s people and asked if they could come up with something big.<br><br>Gintonic’s name, despite having some resemblance with the cocktail “gin and tonic”, does not actually have anything to do with the iconic beverage. But because of the coincidence, he obviously chose it as his go-to cocktail right at the legal drinking age. Thus it was natural to use this as the base story for the sponsorship deal.<br><br>What the very smart marketing people came up with was “The true gin and tonic gin by Gintonic”. They would create a new special edition of the Bombay Sapphire gin, that would be marketed with Gintonic’s face. And where the original Bombay Sapphire bottle says “Distilled London Dry Gin”, but this will be “Distilled Athenai Dry Gin”. <br><br>The key element according to marketing is of course Ouzo, as we’re talking about Greece here. This means a hint of anise in the gin. But because gin and tonic shouldn’t really be messed with too much, the anise-flavor is so subtle that you barely notice it. This was also a requirement from the Bombay Sapphire people, and they actually suggested that there would be 0 % anise and said that people wouldn’t even notice that it’s missing. They said it’s a common marketing trick to just say a beverage has something that actually is not there, and people will still think they taste it.<br><br>So, now liquor stores around the world will start seeing Bombay Sapphire Gintonic Edition bottles next to the traditional Bombay Sapphire bottles. “The true gin and tonic gin by Gintonic. With a hint of Ouzo.”, it says. <br><br><i>“I’m very honored to represent one of my favorite global beverage brands. I have always made all my gin and tonics with Bombay Sapphire gin, and from now on I’m happy to do that while watching myself on the side of the bottle”</i>, Gintonic said in the press conference.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- sköldpaddor - 2022-10-10

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #5</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>Helena and her partner, Eirlys, got over their life long enmity on the set of a video game back for one of these things a while ago, so it seems only fitting that their careers have become further entwined. Helena plays in Tokyo, and Eirlys plays for Accra, and that makes it pretty hard for them to spend quality time together during the season outside of the infrequent times they end up playing each other. So during the off-season, it's pretty important for them to make the most of the time they have together. Instead of keeping one home and both going home to it during the off-season, they have made a life of traveling together when they are not with their teams. This has led to some really unique and enjoyable sponsorship opportunities, but their primary sponsor is a luxury travel company called Rainbow Rivers. Rainbow Rivers is a travel company that focuses on helping people take vacations that are respectful of the destination and the people who live there, and Helena and Eirlys both appreciate that.<br><br>Helena and Eirlys travel extensively when they're not playing soccer, taking trips together to many picturesque destinations, and Rainbow Rivers highlights their journeys in many of their brochures and website imagery to market travel packages to those destinations. Being young, fit athletes, Helene and Eirlys are frequently happy to go on hiking excursions to beautiful waterfalls and secret beaches, staying in luxurious hotels and being photographed for their trouble while enjoying their time off together. They get compensated for most of it - the hotel stays, many of the delicious restaurants they get to eat and and adventures they get to go on. Guided tours through the jungle, sailing expeditions in exciting places (Eirlys is already an accomplished sailor, so they lean into that a lot), they do a wide variety of things. Sometimes they're going on demanding hikes to scenic nature destinations, sometimes they're spending a week in a beautiful city somewhere, enjoying the local cuisine and customs. While they are happy to get paid to do something they'd probably be doing anyway, they also try to make sure to always be respectful of the local population, and do some kind of volunteer work while they are there.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- Thunfish - 2022-11-24

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>The Delinquent</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>His background (CPT 1)</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>His First Season (CPT 2)</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>His First Sponsorship (CPT 3)</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>His Special Practice (CPT 4)</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>His First International Game (CPT 5)</a><br><br>Squall's eyes could show he was still rather amazed at the sight in front of him. Ten ladies of different sizes and appearances were all in front of his house, led by the twins that originally wrestled as the &quot;Kunoichi Twins&quot;... and the two were bowing in front of him. To recap, their wrestling federation (called Tokyo Joshi Stars) had been on hard times financially and the twins had seen Squall in the news.<br><br><b>Ibuki:</b> Sir, you're our only hope!<br><b>Squall:</b> So... can you repeat that again, I don't think I fully got it.<br><b>Yama:</b> We're running low on funds and you're a rich soccer player, right? Maybe you could... uh... y'know, help us out?<br><b>Squall:</b> I mean... I'm just a guy, ya know.<br><b>Ibuki:</b> P-Please... we really like wrestling, sir!<br><b>Squall:</b> ...And you all didn't ask Mike before asking me or anything like that?<br><br>The twins looked at each other, one rubbing the back of her head. One of the federation's American wrestlers piped in that they did but he simply redirection them to him.<br><br><b>Squall:</b> Remind me to chastise him over it next time, you all.<br><br>It seemed like their hopes had been crushed with those words but Squall smiled.<br><br><b>Squall:</b> You know, I guess I could have something to do in life that isn't soccer... even more so when I'm forced to leave the league.<br><br>He then closed his door carefully, leaving the house with them in tow.<br><br><b>Squall:</b> Tell y'all what. Show me what you guys have that we'll be working with and we'll see the specifics but you can consider the whole thing done.<br><b>Yama:</b> You mean...<br><b>Squall:</b> Let's get Tokyo Joshi Stars back on its feet. And by that, I mean y'all better get ready to wrestle.<br><br>To some, that was one of the key moments Squall Vercetti had in his history. Unlike most of his teammates and opponents, the Canadian center-back chose ways that were far less luxurious, instead opting for true grit and respect. His purchase of that burgeoning federation was the first step into forming one of Japan's major wrestling companies while making sure that the man himself would be living off pretty happily all things considered. The choice was wise.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- KZBZ - 2022-12-03

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT#5</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>Kofi Anshah was never considered a massive talent, but his hard work and determination have certainly given him and soceer fans some crazy moments. So, his decision to represent Roses Village's shirt sponsorship for next season has been commented with positive reaction. The Blackburn-based lower league team has been having major financial issues that were threatening its existence and they were in immediate need of cash flow.<br><br>The season-long shirt sponsorship for a amateur club in one of the world's first, having brought together Kofi and the beer mega-company Beineken, who have their factory very near the small club's community stadium. Thus, local forces have taken action to help save their next door team.<br><br>In other words, community.<br><br>Yet the backdrop to this partnership should really be at the forefront of this story. At a time when clubs in lower, amateur and Sunday leagues face a full-blown existential crisis, many a few inactive months from ending up in the same position as being close to bankrupty, this is one of the clearest illustrations yet of the increasing and unbridgeable gap between haves and have nots. When you are on the fourth rung of the ladder, every pound matters.<br><br>In the announcement made in the Hilton Hotel, the club's president, Jerry Borner, was amazed by the number of locals that gathered to celebrate local soccer. A number of journalists were also there, trying to get a few lines from Kofi, who was surrounded by fans, waiting in line to get a picture of him.<br><br>-&quot;Do you even drink beer?&quot; one of them asked.<br>-&quot;Beer is actually a great after-work out beverage. Beer has carbohydrates and some sodium where water does not, which could be beneficial post-exercise&quot;.<br><br>Martin Flocher, CEO and Managing Director Beineken UK, was also present in the event. <br>&quot;This is not your typical international corporate sponsorship that you would expect. No major contracts, no models and no world famous directors, telling you how to live your life. Just a young lad that plays professional soccer, trying to help another bunch of lads, keep playing on their Sunday League.<br>We are already making plans for the same thing in the Balkans, in Italy and in Spain. We would love to take Kofi's initiative to an international idea&quot;<br><br>(388 words)<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- Reno - 2022-12-12

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT5</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>(373 words)<br><br>Following her international team debut where Iceland would make a shockingly deep run in the Euros tournament making the semi-finals, Alexandra is starting to explode as a superstar on the global stage. No longer just the quiet girl from Seyðisfjörður who set out to play soccer, she’s achieved all of that and much more. This has led to more and more advertising opportunities for her and it has created a big decision for her because she doesn’t want to commit to too many advertisements and spread herself too far too fast and overwhelm herself. Having already had a sponsorship with local Taco Bells in Iceland, it would make logical sense for her to try and extend that world wide but she decides to go against that one. <br>The first company that Alexandra chooses to get sponsored by is the Pokemon company. A bit of a surprise as they accidentally offered her the sponsorship in the first place and were just too nice to revoke it. But, Alexandra is a long time player of Pokemon, having completed the Pokedex in every single game to max completion and she was actually a ranked player in the VCG format, finishing top 2 out of all 4 entrants in the Iceland Regionals. <br>When asked for comments about it she said: “I was kind of surprised when they offered this in the first place. Most companies who reached out had some form of athletic connection. Powerade, Gatorade, Under Armour, all those fun things that make sense. I don’t particularly use those products so I was still debating them when the email from Pokemon Company came in. Once I verified it was real I told my agent immediately and we accepted it that day. So far I’ve just been promoting the games and doing livestreams of it, but now I get to be a rival trainer in the next generation games in Pokemon Iceland edition!”<br>When the Pokemon Company was reached out for comment they replied: “We were trying to offer a sponsorship to Alex Gunnarsson, the top ranked competitive player in the world, when we accidentally offered it to Alexandra instead. She seems very nice and a huge fan of our products so it’s a happy little accident.”<br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>