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(S1) Kuai Liang - Update Thread - Printable Version

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- Renomitsu - 2023-11-05

Update approved!

Total TPE: 1549
Used TPE: 1514
Banked: 35

- OrbitingDeath - 2023-11-10

AC 103 - 6 tpe -
AFF pt 103 - 6 tpe -

Total TPE: 1561
Used TPE: 1526
Banked: 47

- Renomitsu - 2023-11-12

Update approved! However, please note your Used TPE above is incorrect, as you did not spend any of your banked/acquired TPE this week to improve attributes. Your banked is appropriately updated.

Total TPE: 1561
Used TPE: 1514
Banked: 47

- OrbitingDeath - 2023-11-24

AC105 - - 6 tpe

AFF pt 105 - - 6 tpe

Total TPE: 1573
Used TPE: 1514
Banked: 59

- Renomitsu - 2023-11-26

Update approved! That's a lot of banked!

Total TPE: 1573
Used TPE: 1514
Banked: 59

- OrbitingDeath - 2023-12-06

[url=]+ 0 TPE - [/url]

Earned TPE: 1573 + -315 = 1258
Used TPE: 1258
Banked TPE: 0

Agility: 16 -> 15 (12)
Strength: 13 -> 12 (6)
Anticipation: 16 -> 15 (12)
Composure: 16 -> 15 (12)
Decisions: 16 -> 15 (12)
Flair: 16 -> 15 (12)
Off the Ball: 16 -> 15 (12)
Vision: 16 -> 15 (12)
Work Rate: 16 -> 15 (12)
Dribbling: 17 -> 16 (18)
Finishing: 17 -> 16 (18)
First Touch: 17 -> 16 (18)
Free Kick: 13 -> 5 (34)
Long Shots: 14 -> 11 (24)
Passing: 17 -> 16 (18)
Technique: 16 -> 14 (24)

All banked is gone / regression done.

- Renomitsu - 2023-12-10

Update approved!

Pre-Regression Total TPE: 1573
Pre-Regression Banked: 59

Post-Regression Total TPE: 1258
Post-Regression Used TPE: 1258
Post-Regression Banked: 0

- OrbitingDeath - 2023-12-14

AC108 - 6 tpe
Aff pt 108 - 6 tpe

- Renomitsu - 2023-12-17

Update approved! Regression already previously completed.

Total TPE: 1270
Used TPE: 1258
Banked: 12

- OrbitingDeath - 2023-12-21

AC109 - 6 tpe
Aff pt 109 - 6 tpe

Aff pt 110 - 6 tpe
AC110 - 6 tpe

Total TPE: 1294
Used TPE: 1258
Banked: 36