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- OrbitingDeath - 2022-07-29

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Kuai Liang player page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career Task 1</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career Task 2</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career Task 3</a><br><br>After getting a championship with Inter London in season 3, Kuai Liang slowed down on his training and took being good for granted. Not going to lie, once you make it to the team of the year, you think you can just slow down and work with your current reputation. But that was not the case, Kuai Liang slowed down on his training and just dropped a big update half way, but it might as well have been the deciding factor in the end of Inter London relegating to the second division. No championship wildcard to avoid relegation, but straight down the gutter as the current champions. <br>Kuai Liang knew he had to switch things around. He approached his manager about a sign and trade and ended up in Sydney for the following season, new managers, new players and new advisors to train with, helping him once again to become a better player. <br><br>The training regiment applied in Sydney contained a lot of off the ball stuff, but he also got some mental assignments, helping him to increase his anticipation and his teamwork. In Sydney, he will most likely play more of a support role in order to help Owen Forty-Four gain another top scoring title, so this should definitly help out. <br><br><br>Next to that, he spent some time in the gym to buff up more, no more relying on his natural strength, but also become actually stronger and more buffed up Adama Traore style. Kuai Liang will no longer be a pushover for the opponents defense. <br>The training in Sydney has helped him as a player and he hopes that his improvement and dedication, will also help the rest of the team to get in shape. <br><br><br>Kuai Liang is still working with the Sydney team to improve his traits and tendencies, so hopefully the personal growth is not over just yet. Together with Kuai Liang the Sydney team will hope to attack the top spot of the league and only by training hard, this could be achieved. We can’t stop now, not now we are public enemy #1. It feels the league is the Earth and we are the Outland Warriors. And that is just the situation Kuai Liang is used to. The more you hate on him, the stronger he becomes. SSL get ready for the new and improved version of Liang.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- Aneeqs - 2022-08-02

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Roster Page</a><br><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT 3</a><br><br>Xherdan Xhaka spends most of his vacations/holidays training with his Switzerland national team teammates and enjoying the national team setup! Xherdan Xhaka tends to work mainly on the physical aspect of the game during their offtime. You see during the offseason, Xherdan Xhaka does like to let loose and enjoy themselves. Maybe have a few drinks or 5 and try to not let the stresses of football get in their head. However, once Xherdan Xhaka is done relaxing and mucking about on holidays, the real work starts. Xherdan Xhaka works closely with Switzerland's fitness coaches to make sure that they are fit enough for the rigours of an entire season in the Simulation Soccer League. Not to mention that the fact that the league is in Australia, it is very difficult to be able to keep up the speed in which we press and play the game in the blazing heat in Sydney! So Xherdan Xhaka is grateful that he is able to partake in lots of cardio training in temperature controlled environments. The fitness team simulates lots of different environments and weathers in order to train Xherdan Xhaka's mind and body. Also mainly to just make sure that his body will be able to face differing conditions. The motto for Xherdan Xhaka is the following: &quot;to win games, you have to make sure you are available to be picked, the rest will come&quot; So yeah hopefully this new training method can help. Not to mention the fact that Switzerland is home to a number of mountain ranges, where Xherdan Xhaka is normally found going on long hikes to recharge his batteries. He also fills his trekking bag with weights in order to work on his calves and leg muscles! The more strenuous the hike, the better the workout and the payoff. All of this in conjunction has helped make Xherdan Xhaka a much stronger player and has allowed him to gain more of a physical presence on the field. Hopefully this means that Xhaka will be able to stand their ground more often during a heavy challenge. At the end of the day, this is all in search of something more meaningful to Xhaka. The SSL trophy... Hopefully this new training regime can get him playing the right way<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1--><br>381 words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- 4D Chess - 2022-08-05

removed. i cant do this one yet <!--emo&:o--><img src='//' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='//' /><!--endemo--><br><br><a href='index.php?showuser=92' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>@4D Chess</a>, if you come back to do this one and post it here make sure to tag me

- sulovilen - 2022-08-06

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #3</a><br><br>Zinedine Gintonic realized that his biggest weakness was the ability to make quick decisions and to execute them properly. That is what held him back from being a threat in the AMC position. That is why he wanted to develop his first touch, technique, passing and mental elements, such as vision, decision-making, anticipation and composure. <br><br>Gintonic thought long about different options on where to work on these skills. He first looked at the possibilities with different coaches and training groups in Greece and Netherlands, but nothing felt right. Finally his agent called that he had found a somewhat mystical academy in Brazil that does futsal-based skill training for footballers, and that many players have benefited highly of that. Futsal would be perfect for improving the weaknesses, as it’s so fast-paced and heavily focused on technical skills and quick thinking in tight spaces.<br><br>So Gintonic wanted to give it a chance, he packed his backpack and left for Brazil. Soon he found himself in Salgado Filho International Airport, where a local contact would pick him up. When he jumped in the car, guess who was there with him? Ronaldinho! One of his biggest childhood idols. Turns out that Ronaldinho runs an underground football academy in his home town of Porto Alegre. It’s considered a public secret among the best football players, and many of the world’s best regularly practice there.<br><br>The academy is in a hotel that looks abandoned from the outside, but secretly hosts a bunch of top footballers and some of the worlds best individual skill coaches. They only host 10 players at a time, and the hotel has everything a professional player needs, from gym equipment to restaurants and nice rooms with hot tubs. And on the hotel rooftop there is a futsal field, where the players play daily matches against each other.<br><br>The days consist of many innovative drills, that develop reactivity and quick decision making. Everything is done with a ball, so you get an incredible amount of touches every day to improve your dribbling skills and first touch. Everything prepares you for the daily main events, where the players play a 20-minute futsal match with some kind of a stake. Sometimes it’s just some small punishment practice for the losing team, but sometimes they put actual cash on the line. The games are super competitive and they perfectly simulate many of the key situations in a football match.<br><br>(403 words)<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- sköldpaddor - 2022-08-08

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Helena Söderberg Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT 3</a><br><br>During the early parts of this off-season, Helena had a meeting with her coaches in which she was asked if she could focus on more of her defensive game. This was not a surprise to her, because with expansion and the composition of the roster changing, it made sense that everyone might need to become a little more versatile when it comes to the roles they're able to play out there on the good old soccer field. But she was also very well-positioned to work on this over the off-season, because there have been some notable changes in Helena's life of late - most notable, perhaps, being her newly-forged relationship with Eirlys Snooks. Her once-enemy has become her closest companion and partner, and now off-season roommate (when they aren't literally on different continents to play for their respective teams). <br><br>Eirlys and Helena were once rivals (to the point of hating one another) but back in the early days, they were also both defenders. Helena eventually shifted up to midfield but Eirlys remained one of the most gifted defenders in the league, and Helena took some time this off-season to work closely with her on some of the defensive things that she has fallen a little more out of practice with since switching to midfield. Mind you, this took no small amount of humility on Helena's part, to make herself go and ask Eirlys for advice and assistance on soccer things. While the two of them have undeniably worked out their personal differences off the field, they are both very competitive so it took some grace on both of their parts (Helena in being willing to ask, and Eirlys in not rubbing it in her face the entire time they were working out) to be able to work together on the thing that has always caused the most tension between them. In the end, though, it was a great thing for both of them - Helena was able to improve her defensive game, and they learned to communicate a little better on the one thing that has always made them most likely to get into a spat ever since they played each other in high school. <br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->363 words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- omniscius - 2022-08-09

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT#3</a><br><br>I came through the Catalan academies where principles like Total Football and Juego de Posición where accepted and encouraged at all levels and ages. I played in fluid attacking styles where we tried to keep position of the ball. As a coach and player at CF Catalunya, I've tried my best to incorporate these principles. In my eyes, if a player can learn to play multiple positions they can better understand the game. I've myself started out as a defensive midfielder, but when I was drafted by Athenai I had to play as a centreback. Since I had some experience there before because of my time in the academies I could slide in no problem, the issue was the team played in a way not much suited to my style of play. At CF Catalunya, I've mainly been deployed as a defensive midfielder or occasionally a bit higher up the pitch as a central midfielder. I have leaned heavily on my experiences growing up and we have a specially designed pitch that has lines draw vertically and horizontally to help players visual these zones. <br><br>Basically, we use Juego de Posición or Positional Play, to create superiority in areas of the pitch. There are 3 was we can create superiority. The first is <i>numerical superiority</i>. Has the name suggests, it's when you have more players in a zone than your opponent. A great example of this is when playing from the back against the press, the centrebacks will push wide and the defensive midfielder, in this case me, will drop to make a bit of a diamond. This allows an extra free player to pass to which can help create triangles and diamonds, essentially allow you to pass around your opponent.<br><br>Secondly, there is <i>qualitative superiority</i>. This is when you try to isolate one of your better players to get one on ones versus the opposition's weakest link. To do this, you need to overload one area of the pitch thereby leaving a wide player on the underloaded side wide open to take one a defender one on one. This is honestly one of my favourite things to see in football and something we'd definitely try to incorporate here in Catalunya.<br><br>Finally, there is <i>positional superiority</i> which focuses on getting the ball to players either beyond or in between lines of pressure. This is important for progressing the ball and beating the press. Most importantly though, this can create the third man run. Basically, the 3rd man is marked, so the 2nd man moves into space thereby drawing attention. All the while, the 3rd man makes a run into the now emptied space of the 2nd man and is open to receiving a ball. Back in Messi's heydays as the false 9, when he dropped into the midfield he could receive the ball, play it off, then one of the wingers would run into the space he left behind him. Reversely this works off the ball too. When counter-pressing using positional play, you can press in numbers trying to create numerical advantages in the counter-press by swarming the opposition. Kind of a simplification, but easier to do show with examples than explain with words. <br><br>Essentially, Juego de Posición is a way we play to manipulate the space on the pitch. I've always been under the impression that we should be proactive in our movements and passing patterns forcing our opposition to reactive. If you can make your opponent react to your movement, you need to use it to manipulate the space you and they occupy to your advantage. I am a firm believer in these principles and it has helped me as I am a fluid player on the pitch. <br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->619 words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- twix - 2022-09-23

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #3</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Okamoto Player Page</a><br><br>So, Shion Okamoto has been working hard on trying to increase his versatility. While Catalunya FC currently have a decently strong side, they could stand to have some more players who can slot into the midfield three. While Catalunya have enjoyed playing in a 4-3-3 in previous seasons, this season, they have had to shift more into a 4-2-3-1 due to not having as many players in the midfield with the loss of Tim Sinclair. So, Watermelon Pep (manager of Catalunya) approached Shion Okamoto as one of the more senior players on the team, and asked if he would be willing to train this offseason to play in the midfield instead of on the wing, as this would greatly help with team depth. So Shion Okamoto set off on creating a routine to move off of the wing and into the centre of the pitch.<br><br>Now, Shion Okamoto did not exactly have the optimal offseason, but he knew in which areas he needed to improve. For example, to boss the middle of the pitch, he knew he would have to improve on his physicality and on his strength. So he focused on spending a lot of time with the Catalunya trainers in the weight room. Of course he had already been doing some weight training previously, but this offseason, it was one of his main focuses. Okamoto also had a very unorthodox exercise, in which he would hang upside down while doing other exercises. Okamoto swore by this method, which led to his teammates giving him the nickname of Batman. Of course, his trainers warned him that doing this could potentially bring an injury, but he refused to stop, and passerbys to Catalunya's main gym would often have a dumbfounded look as they walked by seeing this football player upside down while doing his exercises. You could find him doing this basically everyday.<br><br>Of course, Okamoto also knew that he would have to focus on building up his passing skills, so he could often be found working on that area of his game with Watermelon Pep and a few of the other players who would be playing in the midfield that season. So overall, Okamoto hopes that these two focuses will help him on his journey to playing in central midfield.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- Thunfish - 2022-09-23

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>The Delinquent</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>His background (PT 1)</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>His First Season (PT 2)</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>His First Sponsorship (PT 3)</a><br><br>Squall took the off-season to focus on Taekwondo practice, which was probably one of the more off-the-wall decisions he has taken in recent times. The quirkiness would, however, cloud its effectiveness towards one aspect of play - Squall's ability to start plays on his own via quality passing. Originally, his idea when being taught the Korean martial art was preferably to improve both the strength and the speed he could put on a ball while also making his reaction time improve further. However, when referring to the team's head office about his plans, he was told that they could also see about the possibility of improving his passing talent, something he was decent at but could (or rather, had to) improve onwards to reach a higher level of quality that could then, in turn, benefit Tokyo's football team.<br><br>The funny thing is that while he didn't exactly trust this to actually work, scouts and media people that were allowed to observe Tokyo training sessions have reported that the defender who was originally better known for his physical approach to defensive matters when not executing quick cuts on promising plays was now also taking a taste for creative football, so to speak. The man that was originally a solid defender now aimed to create plays and inconvenience opposing defenders with his own brand of talent.<br><br>Additionally, some believe that his practice has improved his moral standing and his ability to work together with the team a bit more. In recent times, he has displayed good quality with his fellow center-back Rup but Squall seems to be more curious about how to best work with the band of players Tokyo has under its disposal. Given the nature of Taekwondo, very much like any other martial art that requires at least a modicum of respect towards a master, the Canadian centre-back seems to be more acceptive of such a sort of figure and as such has been behaving in a better manner towards all that work for the team.<br><br>It's likely he'll be studying Taekwondo for quite a while, given he &quot;really likes it&quot; for some reason.<br><br>(350 words)<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- Reno - 2022-09-25

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT3</a><br><br>It’s kind of interesting how when one door closes, another door opens. This is the way that Alexandra Gunnarsson encountered her strength and fitness coordinator was the folding of another league, the WSBL. With team staff now looking for new work, Gunnarsson was put in contact with her partner Gracie Baker’s strength and conditioning coordinator, Anastasia Firestone. Firestone was a graduate from Harvard University’s school of Sports Medicine and had a doctorate based around new strategies for injury prevention and stamina boosting. With the league folding and being let go by the Puerto Rico Passion, Firestone was approached by Catalunya to help deal with the teams growing injury issues. Mostly brought on by Floppy McFlopface tripping people when he rolled around with practice. Gunnarsson started working with Firestone to improve her consistency in her game because of Gunnarsson’s “conditioning training” with the old coach which consisted mostly of cocaine and protein shakes for food. Firestone introduced a new method involving new ways of stretching and in game workouts, ranging from invisible box jumps to aggressive lunges during downtime to keep limber. The big thing came from the off the field exercises, notably focusing on hand and eye coordination drills in which tennis balls were fired at the net and Gunnarsson had to catch them without dropping them, not stopping until everything is caught. <br><br>Training outside of Catalunya became another major thing as well, specifically training at higher altitudes to build up blood vessels to give Gunnarsson that extra edge as the games went on. Specifically, they trained in the hills of Hvannadalshnjúkur where the mountains would prove to be an excellent source of training compared to the relatively flat hills of Catalunya. Some might say that the idea of training on a mountain could be excessive, but for Baker and Gunnarsson, it worked.<br><br>Gunnarsson used all of these new techniques for training and nutrition and became an excellent and more versatile player as a result. She became one of the better passers on the team with her newfound focus, helping the offense spark a lot of rushes from her own end, and the endurance work from all the elevation training has been key to keeping her at full attention and speed as the games tick on.<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->376 words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- retuperkele - 2022-09-26

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT 3</a><br><br>It's Aimo's fourth season playing for the team hailing from Buenos Aires. The last 3 seasons he did spent solely on the midfielder position, sometimes in the central position, sometimes in an attacking position. Needless to say he lacks capability to provide proper results from that position, hence why he is now training more to be a right midfielder, which is Aimo's tertiary position. Although it might not fit into Buenos Aires' style of play, Tälli being a capable right midfielder opens up some opportunities for the team. Especially what comes to their midfielder department in general, it provides more depth and on top of everything, versatility.<br><br>Back in his youth days, his club would play the basic 4-4-2 with flexible fullbacks and very capable midfielders to provide both defensive structure while not on the ball and offensive flexability when his team had the ball. The main function for his teams midfielders back in the day was to go deep to get the ball and open up space for both right and left midfielders to take advantage of it, which they did very well - especially Aimo. He would always play and roam between the right central midfielder position and the right midfielder position. This style of play allowed him to do what he does best, which is to dictate the tempo and be in charge of the plays happening. This style of play in his junior team also did help him develop his vision and anticipation skills, so he was able to make the right decision most of the time. <br><br>As of right now, Aimo has not played a single game as a right midfielder ever since joining the Buenos Aires side, despite during his first few seasons there they did lack heavily on the wing department for both right and left wing. Coach decides what he decides, but I personally would have loved to see a few games of old-school junior league Aimo Tälli football from the right midfielder position. <br><br>With all being said and done, Tälli is now training his third best position to be as good as his two main positions are in the central midfield area. League starts in a week, and we might actually see him in full action.<br><br>375 words<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>