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- C9Van - 2022-12-16

<!--QuoteBegin-RashfordU+Apr 30 2022, 05:40 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='QUOTE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (RashfordU @ Apr 30 2022, 05:40 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--><div align="center"><b>Words:</b> Minimum of 350 Words Required<br><b>Reward:</b> +10 TPE <br><b>Reward:</b> +$1M Bank<br>(Must be approved by Grader)<br><br>Users will have the opportunity to write 350 words on their players first international corporate sponsorship.  Your brand is now global, your name is known over all the earth.  What company is paying you the big bucks to to represent them on the international stage.  <b><span style='color:blue'>Players are unable to complete this PT until after they have started their 6th season.  Once graded and approved, the user will be able to claim the rewards listed above</span></b><br><br>Make a post in this thread, and wait for a grader to go through and approve it by editing it and writing &quot;Approved&quot;. At that point you may go ahead and claim the Point Task for TPE.<br><br><b>Requirements</b><br><i><span style='color:yellow'>Must have completed and approved Career PT #5 [Link CPT #5 at top of post]</span></i><br><i><span style='color:yellow'>Please Link Player Page at Top of Post for ease of Grading</span></i><br><br><b>Currently Eligible Players:<br><span style='color:green'>Season 1-2</span><br><br>Players Currently Ineligible:<br><span style='color:red'>Season 3 - 7</b></span></div><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><!--QuoteEEnd--><br><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #5</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>So Owen Forty-Four got a big day sponsorship? Well I thought about going for real life Man City ones like the Etihad cause if I am going to be picking a company I may as well like them and since they are a great sugar daddy this would mean Owen Forty Four is probably going to be getting a lot of cash like Haaland does.<br><br>It might make more sense to do charity organisation or maybe a television series. Owen Forty Four being hype incarnate with even daily tasks makes him probably perfect to make appearances on Ted Lasso so maybe NBC or whatever television company made the show could be a good sponsor. Then he could do adverts for random products since capitalism is the way to go to get a lot of money.<br><br>Since it says he is known all over the world this presents itself as a rare opportunity since you do not see may Slovenian superstars in sports. So I would imagine like a few niche country superstars they get inflated fame within their own country so that would be super cool to see him be all over Slovenian advertisements and billboards and stuff as he represents his beloved country. Getting big over europe too would help maybe increase tourism if he got sponsored by a tourism company or the capital city itself to promote it. I would like to think that Owen Forty Four would do this cheap though to help the economy out and help bring money into more peoples businesses because of it.<br><br>Since he is a global name it would hopefully bring in asian, north and south american and other europeans to see where he grew up and make everything improve. I have seen this happen in real life with Hull City when they got to the premier league cause Hull was really bad when rotting in league 2 so why not for Slovenia! <br><br>I guess he could also do watches or high end cars and stuff but that shit is boring and dull, why not do a random milk product cause if you're going to milk sponsorships, do it with n actual milk company for ironic affect.<br><br>A lot of options exist though and hopefully he mnages to make a lot of money this way or to help make a difference with his new found fame.<br><br>[395 words]<br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- twix - 2022-12-16

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #5</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>Well first of all, Shion Okamoto found it funny that he was now called an International Superstar. While he has not necessarily lived up to his potential of a top midfielder or winger in the world, he has definitely carved out a decent career with CF Catalunya, and has won the hearts of many fans in Catalunya.<br><br>Now, Okamoto was focusing more on the financial side of his career, and one of his most prized foods/snacks decided to approach him for a sponsorship. This snack was Twix!<br><br>Catalunya fans may already remember that Okamoto had a small partnership with Twix in the past, where if Okamoto scored a goal, someone would run to him with a bucket filled with Twix bars, and he would throw them all into the crowd as a celebration. Now, with more recognition coming to Okamoto's career after winning the cup for the second time with Catalunya, Twix wanted to take this marketing campaign to an international level.<br><br>One of the first big changes was to Okamoto's patented Twix celebration. First of all, Okamoto still wanted to make sure that he was delivering that patented sweet Twix goodness to everyone in the crowd during his celebration, but he knew that him and Twix both had to go bigger. So instead of simply throwing the Twix from a bucket when Okamoto scored, a team member on the sidelines would run out to Okamoto with a different item. This item was -- a TWIX CANNON.<br><br>This team member pushed the Twix cannon on to the field, and Okamoto would take his rightful spot at the back of the cannon. With the pull of a custom trigger, this cannon would spray 50 Twix bars into various parts of the crowd. Okamoto would shoot this cannon across every corner of the stadium as he did not want any fan to go home unsatisfied, if his play on the field wasn't satisfying the fans enough!<br><br>Now, during CF Catalunya games, the team announcer not only has to warn the crowd of footballs leaving the pitch and going into the seats, but also of Twix bars leaving the pitch at a very high speed.<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->361 words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- High Stick King - 2022-12-18

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #5</a><br><br>Captain Jarrow's Rum. One of the hottest and best selling alcohol brands on the market, and a global success before Spack Jarrow even laced up his boots for Hollywood FC. Jarrow took an opportunity to be a spokesman for a company and pitched his own idea to create his own brand of rum. Such forward thinking has always led Spack to new marketing ideas.<br><br>Since those early days, Spack has signed on with many other companies as not only spokesmen but business partners. Much like how McDonalds made their fortune from real-estate rather than the burgers, Jarrow has made a fortune by investing in the companies he has advertised for.<br><br>Seeing the turmoil that Papa John's was embroiled in, Spack took that opportunity and bought shares in the company then proceeded to lend his name to the company with products such as: Spack-a-roni Pizza. I'm sure you've seen the advertisements by now where he is dressed up as different people from his family enjoying the new pizza.<br><br>&quot;I've always known that my name has carried weight, so I've made sure my entire career to wield that weight to my advantage. There is no point in selling my name for pennies when a company is using it to make millions. I want my share of the pie, or rather pizza.&quot; Spack explained in a Rolling Stone's interview where he expanded more on the subject. &quot;By leveraging my name and taking those pennies and buying into these companies, it shows people that I care about the product I am putting my name behind. It is more than me just trying to make a quick buck.&quot;<br><br>The market has shown to agree with Spack Jarrow's assessment as the companies that he has put his name behind have all seen incredible bumps in revenue. It is no surprise that more and more brands are reaching out to Jarrow in hopes to get his attention. When asked what he sees as his next business venture, Jarrow responded with a smile &quot;You know, something that I really loved as a kid that I would love to delve into? Ice-cream. I am a huge fan of the dessert but especially Ben &amp; Jerry's and everything they've done. I would be thrilled if I could create my own flavour. That would make me so happy!&quot;.<br><br>No word from Ben or Jerry but I wouldn't be shocked if we see a Jarrow inspired flavour hitting the store shelves in the near future.<br><br>[ 413 words ]<br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- captjanko - 2023-01-11

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>PT #5</a><br><br>K. Clamence's debut for the US National Team went as well as could be expected and in response has been inundated with an abundance of sponsorship options to choose from. Due to his unique position as an International Footballer playing in London, from the United States, playing around the world, he knew his next sponsorship deal would need to appeal to a broad audience to help target as many as people as possible.<br><br>When it comes to scalability and appeal, one sponsorship offer was irresistible to K. Clamence, however, and he is now proud to announce that he is the new spokesperson for Pandora Travel!<br><br>Billions of people are interested in taking the cyrosleep shuttle to the inhabitable moon of Pandora (just make sure you have your oxygen mask on!). Only on Pandora can you ride Direhorses across great plains, Ilu's deep underwater through beautiful coral systems, and take to the sky on mighty Tetrataptorons! Of course, there are dangers to be wary of, such as Slingers, Manticores, and the gigantic Hammerhead Titanothere! But with Pandora Travel, adventurers are awarded the opportunity to explore with safety guides who ensure an adventure you'll never forget!<br><br>Naturally, a waiver must be signed to make sure that no one gets injured, and a waiver to promise to not ride an Ikran to become Omaticaya! If a traveller becomes Omaticaya and recognized as a Navi, they will immediately be taken home. Should a traveller tame a Toruk and become Toruk Makto, they will unfortunately lose their protected status as a traveller and be shot on sight.<br><br>Beyond these unique waivers offers a unique opportunity unlike any experience found on Earth!<br><br>When K. Clamence was offered the opportunity to become a Pandora spokesperson, they asked him to travel to Pandora, but because each trip is a 6 year one way adventure, he instead pledged to go on his adventure of a lifetime after he finishes his SSL career. <br><br>When asked about this contract terms, K. Clamence revealed that he requested only a single way trip and a promise that he would not have to sign any waiver.<br><br>(353 Words)<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- SteveAiva - 2023-01-31

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'> Player Page </a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'> CPT #5 </a><br><br>Leonidas is shining on the international stage after earning a call-up to the Greek national team. The pressure hasn’t got up to himself, with his performances for the national team establishing him as a key player for the national team's future. His outstanding performances on the field have captured the attention of fans, and not only it seems.<br><br>The morning after flying back to Paris for pre-season training, Leonidas got a call that proved to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He didn’t recognize the number, but the caller made sure to let Leo know that he was a representative of the famous beverage “ouzo” company in Greece “Ouzo Plomari”. The representative talked about the company’s plans to expand to Europe for starts and that Leo’s fame from his D1 promotion with Paris and his national call up would definitely boost their plans. Leonidas’ face would be all over bill boards, social media posts, flyers and the company would even arrange a commercial that would include people from many European countries saying the word “ouzo” and then the end would be Leonidas in a Greek tavern drinking ouzo and saying “One word but the same feeling all around the world”. Leonidas immediately fell in love with that idea and agreed to shoot the commercial. If only they called a day earlier though and he hadn’t left from Greece…<br><br>The company made announcements all around the social media: “We, at Ouzo Plomari, are thrilled to announce our latest collaboration with one of Greece's most talented and renowned football players, Leonidas Papadopoulos. This partnership represents a significant milestone in our journey to bring the unique flavor and tradition of our beloved product to the global stage. Our goal is to promote our authentic and premium Ouzo Plomari to fans around the world and our partnership with Leonidas will help us achieve that goal. As a symbol of pride and excellence in Greek culture, Leo embodies the same values that our company holds dear, and we are honored to have them on board as our brand ambassador.&quot;<br><br>Leo’s face was everywhere and Plomari was becoming very famous around the world. Leonidas was happy that he could extract a part of his culture to more people and advertise Greece and its beauties, along with him having his first big endorsement chance.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- Laser - 2023-02-02

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT-1</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT-2</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT-3</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT-4</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT-5</a><br><br>Pascal Anivierre's first gigantic sponsorship came immediately on the heels of a wondrous season in Catalunya. It capped a solid several seasons at Sao Paulo and Cairo, and with his rights being owned by Romana, he really had no connection to a team for a long period of time and didn't have and permanent connections. Such a global presence, between Sao Paulo, Brazil in South America; Cairo, Egypt in Africa; and two European teams in the Spanish Catalunya and Italian Romana, has made him the perfect candidate for international sponsorships for companies that spanned all ways of life. And to that end, the mega company Apple was the first to reach out to employ Pascal's services to their advantage. Pascal was to advertise the brand new Apple 30 series, including a 30+Ultra, a 30+, a 30 Ultra, a 30, a 30 watch, a 30 iPad Max, a 30 iPad Mini, and a 30 iPad, as well as a new line of AppleTop computers ranging anywhere from $850 to $2500. They also have a new gaming computer setup system. There are several different options for the hardware systems, but all compatibility is Apple only for SSD, HHD, fans, etc. However, for keyboard, mice, mics, etc, it is compatible with all companies. <br><br>Pascal's job was basically just to pose with some of the products, say a few lines, play a generic online football game Apple had coded on the new gaming PC setup, and film one very intense commercial that involved him pulling in several associates and former teammates and just playing a pickup match with everyone to try and get some intense shots on the 30 series phones and watches to display the videography and photography capabilities of the cameras. He also had to agree to only purchase Apple products going forward, but was able to except his gaming computer from this requirement. <br><br>For his services, Pascal was given full room and board for the entirety of the weeklong stay near Apple headquarters, $100k USD, and an additional $50k in Apple stock. Beyond that, he was given a 1.07% commission on all 30+Ultras sold with his likeness during the promotional period, maxing out at $1,000,000. (364)<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- omniscius - 2023-02-04

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Update Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT#5</a><br><br>There has long been speculation over who Budget Busquets would choose as his boot sponsor. A lot of the biggest brands have been pitching him offers, trying to bring the biggest football player in all of Catalonia, hell all of Spain, to buy into their project. And I mean, who wouldn't the 4 time cmoty, 2 time SSL Cup champ (who had one of the best balls I've ever seen in a finals), and Founder's Cup Winner. He's been a cornerstone of C.F. Catalunya and while he may not be the flashiest player he is certainly the orchestrator of the team. Budget Busquets has excelled in his role despite physically being slower than his competition. His decision making and ability to always be in the right place at the right time (which could also be said of his ability to play the ball in the right spaces). Busquets has come to define the modern defensive mid in the SSL.<br><br>Between the offers and Budget Busquets unique sense of Catalan identity that he decided against signing for any major brand. Instead, Busquets got together with some of the finest cobblers and shoe designers in all of Catalonia. He went about making his own custom boot tailored to his own style. He soon found all of his teammates wanting to copy a pair. &quot;I decided to get my teammate's foots measured and molded so I could make my teammates all a couple of pairs. The best part of this is over time on the training pitch we would discuss what we thought of them and what we could design. With the big corporations, your input is minimal.&quot; Says Busquets It's true, players like Neymar have worn silos of different lines or older models dressed up like the boots being sold on the market.<br><br>Because of this Busquets finally decided to use this research he and his teammates along with his works with the professionals in industry to launch Olé, a Catalonia-based football boot brand. The idea is to bring back a classic leather look and feel without all the added synthetic leather you get on boots nowadays. Nike's Tiempos for instance doesn't offer the same amount of real leather it used to. Another goal is to find a way to make football boots adorable again. With the rise of the replica market, making football boots adorable again will bring back consumers who may have left the authentic market for a more affordable boot that can vary in quality and even safety. <br><br>Below is an early look at our logo and our first model campaign will be coming soon! <br><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- retuperkele - 2023-02-05

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT#5</a><br><br>During his 6 year long tenure at Buenos Aires, Aimo Tälli became one of the most known foreign football player in the whole continent - and as we all know, Aimo really likes to drink mate. He is one of the regulars at Todo Mates, going there atleast three times a week. Might cost him a bit, but since he has no own means of making mate, this is his way to go and enjoy the beverage and interact with the locals on the side.<br><br>One day he was approached by the sales representative of Cruz del Malta, the most known mate brands in Argentina to be their spokesperson. Apparently he had caught his eye on Aimo's drinking habits and thought he would fit well being the associate spokesperson to plead for their brand, having the same healthy values and all. Some quick thinking led to Aimo not hesitating at all given the opportunity to speak for his favorite drink, and apparently brand, since Todo Mates uses Cruz del Malta mate blend in most of their drinks, also in one which Aimo enjoys the most.<br><br>Later that week Aimo visited the Molinos headquarters in Buenos Aires, which is the bigger brand Cruz del Malta is associated with to sign his contract. From now on Aimo would always have Cruz del Malta mate drink within his reach during the post-game press conferences where he would be included. He would also get a flat amount of stock for his contribution towards the brand, as well as a nifty signing bonus of 1 million dollars (roughly 185.6m argentinian pesos) A big marketing event was announced, including Aimo's own blend of mate. The traditional mate is flavored with strawberries and lemon, both grown all over Argentina.<br><br>With his current contract extension Aimo Tälli had become the most expensive signing in CA Buenos Aires history, paying him 5m each season. First thing he did with the money, he sold his house he had been living in for the past 4 years and moved to a bigger place, a rooftop apartment in the middle of Buenos Aires. Not only does he get to be closer to his work, also known as the home stadium of CABA, it is also located right next to his regular mate spot, Todo Mates - a win-win situation overall.<br><br>388 words<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- trella - 2023-04-07

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>S4 Wesley Stains</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT 5</a><br><br>Wesley Stains, entering his 6th season in the Simulation Soccer League, is now a well-known name across the world. Playing his first 5 season in Division 1 with Cairo City has allowed him to get on a lot of people’s radars when looking for up-and-coming center midfielders. <br><br>This makes him a prime candidate for big corporate sponsors. A young, American superstar for US Soccer and brand alike to plaster on advertisements is something that will always be in demand. Stains has a pretty easy name to make word play off of as well, given that Stains is a word in the English language. Given his last name, the type of corporate sponsors he would be working with is clear: stain removal and laundry detergents.<br><br>Stains’ first corporate sponsor was with a company well known for their ad campaigns: Oxi-Clean. I’m sure we all first heard of Oxi-Clean through their vibrant and emphatic commercials from the late 2000s and early 2010s. With the help of Wesley Stains, Oxi-Clean can continue a legacy of eye-catching advertisements to maintain their place in the public consciousness. <br><br>The first of many ads that Stains and Oxi-Clean filmed was pretty straightforward. The ad consisted of a few shots of Stains playing soccer in his patented all-around style. Theres a clip of stains making a pass, scoring a goal, hustling back on defense, and making a game-saving slide tackle. After this tackle, Stains’ uniform is absolutely filthy.<br><br>After he makes this play, everyone cheers. Then, Stains turns to the camera and says: “Things can get messy out here on the soccer field. When my uniform is covered in deep stains, I always turn to Oxi-Clean, the #1 stain fighter brand, which helps you fight tough stains on your laundry and around your home with versatile stain removers and boosters!”<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- Asked Madden - 2023-05-12

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT6</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player page</a><br><br><br>DeeDee Yoker has become a household name in Scotland for a number of years, but now his brand is growing. On a recent trip to England he got stopped in the local Asda by the fat lad behind the till who recognised him. He'd made it.<br>Before long DeeDee was knocking back the sponsorship deals left right and centre because DeeDee is a lot of things, but a sellout he is not.<br>That is, until he got that fateful phonecall from a Devonshire area code. <br>He picked up the phone and was introduced to the head monk at the buckfast monastery. Buckfast wanted to make him the face of the brand, him! This was an offer he couldn't turn down. It wasn't big money, but they would send him a case of the stuff every month as well as pay for business class flights to and from corporate events. <br><br>The first time deedee saw his face in an advert he was over the moon.<br>Picture the scene. A group of neds walk into their local premier convenience store &quot;you goat any wreck the hoose joose mate?&quot; They ask the cashier. &quot;Sorry lads, we just sold out&quot; came the reply. The neds walk out dejected. The advert cuts to DeeDee Yoker in a premier inn surrounded by the green bottles going absolutely mental from the caffeine and alcohol raving to sandstorm by darude. The tag line smashes across the screen BUCKFAST made by monks loved by legends drank by Jakey's.<br>Buckfast put advertising boards across the Athenai stadiums and became the fastest growing alcoholic beverage in Greece. With yokers move to Reykjavik they will be looking at slipping into the tricky Iceland market. Yoker will no doubt get his teammates on the pure caffeine as soon as he touches down. Big things are coming<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>