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S13 Claim Thread - Printable Version

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RE: S13 Claim Thread - RashfordU - 2024-03-03

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S13 Minors Standings Predictions:

Congratulations goes out to Inter London ILFC for their championship.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me
Board Members / Interns, Team Managers, and Simmers are able to claim the Average TPE which was 4 TPE

tomtommen    2
abh89    3
Aenir    3
Bayley    3
bjkman    5
brickwall35 (after deadline)    0
BUM®    5
C9Van    5
CapnCooper    5
CloudRobot    2
ComebackZak (not eligible)    0
domffl    2
DominicToblerone27    3
Duilio05    2
Durodo    2
Eggcracker    5
FaraDian    2
firstfray    6
Froste39    2
FuriousChicken    6
hhh81    4
JuOSu    2
kingslime    3
liamcowboys    3
lore    2
mastersheep    3
Metafiction    3
Murtsi    4
OrbitingDeath    4
Otaznik    5
Otrebor13    3
Pandar    6
Prikulis5    2
Puppy    6
RAmenAmen    3
Reno    3
Renomitsu    5
RussDrivesTheBus (after deadline)    0
Rygar    3
scudmuffin19    3
SFresh3    6
Shnitzl    2
sonicgmail    6
ulaire    5
valpix    3
woog    2
Zoone16    4

RE: S13 Claim Thread - RashfordU - 2024-03-03

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S13 Major Division Statistic Predictions:

The following were the correct answers
Goals - São Paulo USP
Clean Sheets - Reykjavik RKV
Fouls Made - Hollywood HFC
Expected Goals - Catalunya CFCat
Passes Completed - Schwarzwalder SFV

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me
Board Members, Grader, and Simmers are able to claim the Average TPE which was 6 TPE

abh89    8
Aenir    4
Bayley    8
bjkman    4
brickwall35    6
BUM®    6
C9Van    6
CapnCooper    6
ComebackZak (not eligible)    0
domffl    6
DominicToblerone27    8
Duilio05    6
FaraDian    6
firstfray    8
Froste39    6
FuriousChicken    8
hhh81    6
JuOSu    6
kingslime    8
liamcowboys    2
lore    6
mastersheep    4
Metafiction    6
Murtsi    2
OrbitingDeath    6
Otaznik    4
Otrebor13    8
Pandar    8
Prikulis5    4
Puppy    6
RAmenAmen    8
Reno    4
Renomitsu    6
RussDrivesTheBus (after deadline)    0
scudmuffin19    4
SFresh3    4
Shnitzl    6
sonicgmail    8
tomtommen    6
ulaire    8
valpix    6
woog    6

RE: S13 Claim Thread - RashfordU - 2024-03-03

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S13 Minor Division Statistic Predictions:

The following were the correct answers
Goals - North Shore NSU
Clean Sheets - London ILFC
Fouls Made - London ILFC
Expected Goals - London ILFC
Passes Completed - Cairo CFC

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me
Board Members, Grader, and Simmers are able to claim the Average TPE which was 7 TPE

domffl    4
FuriousChicken    6
ulaire    8
Metafiction    6
hhh81    2
hhh81    6
Bayley    6
brickwall35    4
CapnCooper    8
Puppy    8
liamcowboys    4
Renomitsu    8
scudmuffin19    10
C9Van    8
Duilio05    10
OrbitingDeath    6
Dombrofski Maximiliano    10
FaraDian    8
woog    10
ComebackZak (not eligible)    0
tomtommen    10
BUM®    4
SFresh3    6
bjkman    4
Shnitzl    10
Otaznik    6
JuOSu    10
Blastoise    10
Froste39    10
Prikulis5    10
Murtsi    6
sonicgmail    6
Pandar    6
lore    10
RAmenAmen    4
abh89    4
Otrebor13    4
Aenir    2
Reno    2
firstfray    4
kingslime    10
mastersheep    4
valpix    4
RussDrivesTheBus (after deadline)    0

RE: S13 Claim Thread - slothfacekilla - 2024-03-03

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S13 Week 6 Predictions:

Inter London vs Reykjavik United >>  ILFC
Inter London Goals >> 2
Reykjavik United Goals >> 2

BoD, Grader and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 2 TPE

abh89    2
Aenir    1
AW13    1
Bayley    3
bjkman    2
brickwall35    2
BUM®    2
C9Van    1
CloudRobot    1
Comebackzak    2
Dindog    4
domffl    1
DominicToblerone27     1
Duilio05     1
Eggcracker    3
Emmanuel Blackman    2
FaraDian    1
Froste39    1
FuriousChicken    2
Heart0verheight3    3
hhh81    2
Jepox    1
Leo Fiachra    2
lore    1
Metafiction    1
Muford    1
Murtsi    1
Oozegirl    3
Otaznik    1
RashfordU    2
Renomitsu    2
scudmuffin19    3
SFresh3    1
Shnitzl    1
Snowy    1
sonicgmail    2
Squid    1
tomtommen    1
woog    1
ZootTX    2
CapnCooper submitted their answers after the deadline