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- SteveAiva - 2022-12-17

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'> CPT3 </a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'> Player Page </a><br><br>As the off-season comes, changes need to be made. Paris has been stuck in D2. Leonidas knows that this situation is not ideal and that, as the captain of this team, needs to be the turning spark. After the season ended, Leonidas organized a dinner for the whole team to ignite the spark in them as well that the situation isn't what it should and everyone, including him needs to try harder. The next day he flew to Greece, to start his off-season training.<br><br>Leonidas started training with the coaches of the Greek National Team and the training sessions were daily. He knew that he needed to channel his best self in order to make Paris great again. The season that passed Leo scored 14 goals, but for a player of his calibre, that wasn't even close to enough. He requested a session with Angelos Charisteas, the scorer of the winning goal that led Greece to the Euro 2004 trophy. Angelos happily accepted. He helped him finish more precisely and be less anxious in the one on ones. Charisteas also tought him that as a striker, he doesn't only need to score but also pass, because a scoring chance for the teammate is the same as a goal for Leonidas, and it boosts the teamwork of the team.<br><br>Another thing that Leonidas had to improve was the shitty penalty taking of his. For that he asked for help from the best penalty taker Greece had, Fanis Gekas. Fanis recognized in Leonidas that his penalties were mostly missed because his stance hints where he is sending it. He taught him a new kick routine, which gives more time to focus where to send and tricks the goalie most of the times. Leonidas sat that day in the training ground and shot 300 penalties, from day till night. Interesting fact is that he had a 91% success rate. He was very happy. Next day he went on a dinner with Fanis and Angelos to have a chat and thank them more personally for giving him the chance to improve in every aspect he was lacking on. Leonidas continued individually training, before flying again to Paris...<br><br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

- CptSquall - 2022-12-21

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT 3</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>S4 Physt</a><br><br> Versatility is often one of the first word people use to describe all time greats. You know the line. &quot;So and so was so great on all sides of the ball. A very Versatile player.&quot; Striker? Capable of breaking up back line passes and creating turn overs for chances. Sounds versatile. Midfielders who can dictate pace and control the whole game? Weather holding the ball or cutting off passing lanes? Versatile. Defenders who lock their opponents downs and still create quick counter chances. Can dribble outta danger, or pass the right way to the right guys? To lock things down on defense? Win the Ariel game. <br><br> Leif is a Central Defender, usually ball moving. He is fast, great at winning headers, clearing the ball outta danger. But he has been working on his Tackling and dribbling now too slowly. It all started learning from Jökull Júlíusson, his defensive partner in the center. The Icelander was an easy, natural fit as a fellow Scandinavian. Juha Jarvinen and Vins Vins have been awesome too. Imparting their drive and speed as both excel as Wingbacks. Recently Leif has been working with Senior man Budget Busquets at the Libero role as Catalunya has begun experimenting with a back three. While he is not quite ready yet for such a central role, showing such an interest has drawn nothing but support.<br><br> The stick of Danish Dynamite has also been sighted working on dribbling drills all around the world as he has taken to travel as vacation leading into Season Seven. Though it has yet to improve significantly at the SSL level, Leif is slowly getting to be a more complete defender and, while still a younger player in this league, making big, ambitious strides in his career. Willing to learn from anybody around, rumors' have begun running the circuit that Leif Physt has been training with anyone he can in Spain. Including one of the most famous Spaniards in the SSL. Franco Torres. How much of these rumors' are just to drum up more heat for the rivalry between Busquets and Torres or closer to the truth remains a mystery. One thing is for certain though. Leif will do anything to show that amazing players can come from one of Europe's oldest countries.<br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- _Blitz_ - 2023-02-05

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Thomas Llewellyn (S4) Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Completed Activity #3</a><br><br><br>S7 ended early for Accra. Sitting in his childhood bedroom at the end of his bed, Thomas Llewellyn runs both hands over his face. He's supposed to be taking a shower before lunch, but he's still haunted by the final whistle ringing in his ears. <br><br>It's been 2 weeks, and he's back in Seattle for the first time since his rookie off-season. He's been doing drills, calisthenics, and watching tape with his Mom, Kelly pretty much since he returned home. The question he's had running through his mind for the last 14 days is, &quot;Should I hang up the boots?&quot;. His career hasn't launched or leveled the way he thought it would, and the press around the SSL is ferocious. He's constantly been nipped with remarks about his teamwork, his decision-making, the risks to his tackles, and (despite his role) his lack of offensive production. The Adowa Accra faithful boo when he steps on the pitch now. The sports pundits in Ghana call him &quot;Yellow Card Tom&quot;, not because he's earned so many but because he's more likely to get carded than to &quot;do anything useful&quot;.<br><br>&quot;All of that talent, all of that development, all of that <i>bloodline pedigree</i>,&quot; one radio host said memorably, &quot;And for what? A guy who slips into his tackles and draws a foul more than anything else! The best hope we have when Llewellyn touches the ball is that he passes it quickly. It doesn't even have to be another Accra player.&quot;<br><br>It's not statistically accurate, but that doesn't make it hurt less. <br><br>Training with Kelly, who was a long-time international squad player for Team USA and had a respectable USWL career, Tom hopes to gain some insight and improve his mental game more than his physical conditioning. That's not to say that there isn't some focus there, the strength training has been rigorous. He's also been able to talk to his cousin Joey Marston a little bit. Joey had a lot of similar troubles to his career, but a position change and re-training ultimately helped him find a place in the ISFL even after stagnating. <br><br>It's a long off-season, and this is just the beginning. With a new contract extension and somehow a raise, Tom hopes that he can redeem himself to the home crowd in Accra. He's not ready to hang up the boots just yet.<br><br>(394 Words, Ready for Grading)<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- MN_Moosey - 2023-02-06

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #3</a><br><br>Jokull Juliusson is widely considered to be one of the best defenders currently in the game, but he was not always in this position. The three time team of the year centre back had to turn to a variety of sources to keep improving his game. Coming into the league as a young raw defender, Jokull had to turn to his superior in Budget Busquets to learn more about the style of football they play in Catalunya. The two would spend hours after practice just passing the ball around the pitch, focusing on the quick and accurate passing and ball control. Moving the ball is the key for the style that the team intends to field in their matches. Busquets is a renowned veteran and grew up with this tiki-taka style of play and was a huge influence on Jokull's game. <br><br>The next thing that Jokull did was set a trip out to Latin America to learn from some of the most prolific players in that region. The players are all full of passion and have a real sense of flair. They eat, sleep and breathe football from the moment they open their eyes to when they close them for a final time. Jokull does not have a lot of flair in his game and is instead very safe in his play. He works with the players on refining his ball handling skills. A ton of dribbling drills make up the bulk of their training. Juliusson does not play up very often but having the ability to protect the ball and move down the field will be a useful skill to have. <br><br>They all take part in some street games with locals. Jokull is not very flashy and often finds himself getting beat by young teens one on one. It really was a humbling experience for the defender. Seeing all these people coming together over one sport puts a new spark in the eyes of Juliusson. Everyone has their own style, their own identity in the game and now Jokull will work to craft his own style.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- Raven - 2023-02-07

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CAREER PT #3</a><br><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>PLAYER PAGE</a><br><br>Everybody knows Vui has an amazingly offense minded midfielder who can make a sly run from the midline into the box. Besides this he has also proven himself as quite a playermaker. <br><br>This offseason however Vui has shifted his focus a bit. He has started training at the attacking midfield position. Not a position he is unfamilar with, but one that he can absolutely improve in. Together with the Accra coaching staff it was decided that he should start focusing on getting the most out of the attacking midfielder. Vui's current ability allows him to play higher up the pitch and be a more direct menance for the opposing defensive side. While a great playmaker or mezella, being directly in the midst of active will allow Vui to hopefully create more opportunties for him and his team mates.<br><br>Practise is not only playing 11 on 11s in this new position, but also more position related training. Learning how to play football in a position where a defensive mid or a third centerback might be trying to intercept Vui. Additionally his ability to play around the box has been a focus for the team. <br><br>Accra has been on an amazing touring training camp to prepare for the upcoming season. First was a stop in Casablanca, with an exhibition game against the local Cassablancan team. After this they travelled to Switzerland, home of one of the most modern, impressive training complexes in the world. Any need a player has can be met here. Making it the perfect ground for Vui to breed his new position. With state of the art gym, pitch and training equipment, he has been put in the optimal position to learn this new role.<br><br>Soon the season will be starting and it will be a guessing game for the opponents gm on where Vui will be on the pitch. As he can slide back and be that playmaking or mezella menace or move up the pitch and be a direct danger all the time.<br><br>[336 words]<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- SFresh3 - 2023-02-07

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #3</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Shinji Kaido Player Page</a><br><br>After three seasons in the Simulation Soccer League, the Tokyo coaches have started to get a feel for what Shinji has to bring to the team in terms of his initial skills that were developed before the Major Leagues. However, over this time they have also been pushing Shinji to expand his purview of how he perceives the offense while coming from a variety of different positions on the pitch. <br><br>Initially it was through drills where the fields were swapped and the Forwards would play as Defenders, Offensive Midfielders would play as Defensive Midfielders, and so on as a way to help when there was an overload of opponents on one end of the pitch, whether that be offensively or defensively, and the tactics would need to be adjusted on the fly to compensate for that influx. This training came in handy when there was an injury to Gary Hog in the 38th minute of a Cup Match vs Hollywood and Shinji was tasked to substitute in the Defensive Line and hold off the top scoring team in the league.<br><br>After that harrowing experience, Shinji knew he needed to take more steps on his own to spark his growth. He asked Helena Söderberg if he could join here for the off-season training regimen that she’s been doing over the last couple of seasons to develop his defensive capabilities on the pitch and to have her give Shinji the ropes on more of the Midfielder positional duties, as he was primarily a Forward in Primary School. <br><br>For a majority of the time it was cardio focused, as being a Midfielder meant you’d have to cover both ends of the pitch. Then after being completely gassed from all of that, it was a focus on ball handling and ball control drills, as connecting the ball from the defensive end to the offensive end was the focus that Helena wanted to focus on for the both of us that weekend.<br><br><!--QuoteBegin--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='QUOTE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->327 words<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><!--QuoteEEnd--><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- Socc - 2023-02-11

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #3</a><br><br>It takes a lot of time to be able to adapt into a position. And for Fallon d'Floor, that time ended up not being spent well. Mistakes playing in a defensive position after their switch over to right back after commencing their career as a right midfielder meant that Inter London would end up dropping a crucial two points on the second-to-last matchday that would see them relegated to Division 2, a season after becoming champions in the lower league.<br><br>However, it has to be seen as a learning experience. Not everyone can be thrust into a key position their very first day and succeed. Yes, everything took a downturn in terms of statistical performance - a lower average match rating, a lower shot percentage, worse cross percentage and worse tackling percentage. It wasn't great signs, but one could attribute that in part to the learning of a new position, and in most to the rise in competition they had to face.<br><br>How exactly they learned it was unorthodox, too. With no suitable player or coach in the system quite ready to train d'Floor in the position, they took to tutorial videos and watching other footage of SSL players in an attempt to learn the new quirks of having to defend, primarily trying to learn from Paris' Jay Bryzski and Tokyo's Yannick Visser, two players that he noted as particularly strong right backs.<br><br>There will still be a lot to go through, however - of course, they can still play up the front as a midfield winger-esque option to try and cross balls in, or as a pure wingback to again assist the front players in being able to head home goals. All of it will remain to be seen as to how they take on the challenges they face as a defender in the future.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- jeffie43 - 2023-02-11

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Roster Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #3</a><br><br>In order to become a more versatile player in the 2nd Division of the Simulation Soccer League, Jeffrey LaVert thought it might be a good idea to look at potentially becoming a Winger. Becoming a Winger as an alternate position seemed to make more sense to LaVert than other positions as they fit his skill set most compared to positions he had played at in the past, such as the Center Attacking Midfielder position. With his incredible acceleration and amazing top end Pace, he has the ability to blaze by any defenders that might try to stop him. Add his consistent dribbling ability and you have a player that is very capable of slotting in at the Winger position despite mostly starting as an Advanced Forward. It might simply be a matter of time before LaVert turns a high end Winger in the league. Maybe with some training with other players, some practice on his own, some in game experience and a lot of hard work, Jeffrey LaVert would finally become a fully versatile player, despite really only playing at Striker for the duration of his entire career on Athenai FC and AC Romana. <br><br>In order to train hard and become the best winger he could possibly become, LaVert had his eyes on one player to train with and one player only, Neymar. Neymar is one of, if not, the best Winger in the entire world and he would be the best player for LaVert to learn from. With Neymar, LaVert would be able to improve on his dribbling and technique. He also has a lot of issues with his mental abilities on the field and LaVert feels like improving in that area would help him the most, whether it be Decision Making, Composure, Flair, or something along the lines of Technique or Penalty Taking consider how much better he is at it than Mbappe.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- JaytheGreat - 2023-02-28

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT#3</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>Jay Bryzski decided he needed to add some versatility to his game, but he had to figure out which position he wanted to learn. He already had a season as a MR under his belt and it turned out to be the worst season of his career. Not wanting to relive that experience Bryzski decided to move up farther up the wing to the AMR role. There are a few areas Jay would have to really improve at, mainly scoring but his high crossing makes him a good candidate. To help him get acclimated, he asked Angel Di Maria to return to Paris for the offseason. Di Maria who is considered one of the best playmaking wingers of all time. Bryzski is considered one of the best playmaking fullbacks in the SSL and moving up the pitch should improve his assists numbers. Also helping him is the fact he has a cannon for a shot but he doesn't have a great control of it. <br><br>Training with Di Maria has taught him how to get in a good position when the team has the ball and how to press right when they don't have it. The hardest thing to get used to is playing inside the box, he's used to sending ball into the box from either the byline or from past the midfield line. Another thing Jay was really excited to get to train with Di Maria was his dribbling and passing. Di Maria is a wizard who has played on the biggest teams in the world and has just won the World Cup. Jay went through drills that he had never heard of before and has made him a much better player. Coming out of this special training camp Jay feel like he has a much better understanding of the attacking right wing position and would do a good job if Paris asked him to play there.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

- Renomitsu - 2023-03-13

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #1</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #2</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #3</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Sydney Ramirez Player Page</a><br><br>Heading into Season 8, Sydney Ramirez had some difficult decisions to make. She had been an Athenai FC defender for four straight seasons, had signed a second contract, but for some reason had never sniffed the summit in the league: not only had she never seen the cup, she’d also never placed first in the league sadly. Perhaps it was time for a change. She’d come into the league planning to eventually take a playmaker role at central defensive midfielder, but opted temporarily to be a side defender because it fit the team better, planning eventually to take that facilitator mantle in short order when she had proven herself.<br><br>Unfortunately, even after four seasons that hasn’t been the case. She has been struggling to make her impact known for the last several seasons in the wins column despite being one of the most talented players in her class. She already knew how to play CDM and right defender at a professional level – even if she never got minutes at the former – and decided to learn the other side. She’d naturally dabbled in it when she played in Colombia, a necessary evil of playing defense, but had found herself feeling a bit clunky at the position since she didn’t have optimized passing from the left side. But now she’d had some time to learn the position, practice in front of mirrors, and just put the necessary time in to learning both sides. Naturally, Dee Dee Yoker isn’t going anywhere – he has been a superstar for Athenai FC since its inception – but Ramirez planned on learning the position to mimic drills for the remainder of the team should Yoker get injured or just need another body that played similarly.<br><br>Plus, looking at the rest of the team, outside of Yoker and herself, the team was sorely lacking talented defenders. Even Henrik Lind temporarily played outside of his preferred position while awaiting a replacement defender, but the league doesn’t exactly thrive off of defenders.<br><br>[331]<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>