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Júlíusson and Gunnarsson go out for pylsur - Printable Version

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- MN_Moosey - 2022-04-08

This league is home to two Icelandic players, Jokull Juliusson and Alexandra Gunnarsson, who fortunately have been made part of the same team as the keeper and center back. Whilst their match was in London, the two decided to take a trip back to their homeland to enjoy the countryside and eat their favorite foods. The pair got plane tickets to Reykjavik for the scheduled off day following the match. They totally told team management that they were going on this little excursion and totally did not sneak away to feel the comforts of home once again no no no.

Once landed, they quickly were recognized by children playing around with a football in a local park. They swarmed the two stars and begged them to play a game with them. Knowing these youngsters looked up to them, they obliged and hung out with them for a while and even signed their ball. Following their little pick up game, the two traveled to a favorite spot of theirs to get some delicious pylsur. For those uninformed, pylsur is an Icelandic hot dog made from a blend of beef, lamb, and pork. There are a few stands that have been around for decades, serving the locals and travelers alike.

The two took their food down to the shore where they spent some time relaxing and enjoying the clear waters of the sea. Shortly thereafter, Alexandra gets a call from team management.

“Where have you two gone? We have to be off back to Spain in the morning!” the manager exclaimed.

“Relax, we’ll be back in time for the flight,” the captain answered.

“You better be or else yo-” *click*

She hung up on management and laughed. The two enjoyed the rest of their day home before going back and being scolded by the manager before their flight back to the team facility.

- Reno - 2022-04-08

The Laufabrauð was great and ignoring our manager was even better

- omniscius - 2022-04-08

That pylsur have better been worth it. A week's fine!

- Reno - 2022-04-08

QUOTE (omniscius @ Apr 8 2022, 07:19 PM)
That pylsur have better been worth it. A week's fine!

Fine deez nuts