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S5 Claim Thread - Printable Version

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- RashfordU - 2022-08-05

Grading and processed PTs from S5 are published in this thread.

All claims here must be claimed in your update thread prior to the end of the S6's off-season.

- RashfordU - 2022-08-05

Congratulations to all the Prospects selected during the S5 Prospect Draft

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Mock Draft:

BoD and Managers may claim the AVG: 3 TPE
Participation TPE included in the numbers shown

4D Chess 4
Aenir 2
AgentSmith 2
ajwllmsn 3
Aneeqs 4
Arctic 4
Ashes 4
Asked Madden 4
Bauer 4
Bibleman19 12
Birdman 2
CampinKiller 4
Citizen of Adraa 4
Cleetus 2
CptSquall 2
Domffl 4
Dylan 2
Fluw 2
Froste39 4
fútbuoliscool 4
Gordon Bombay 4
guku 2
H0PPY75 4
Halkohol 4
Henrik 2
Hexx 4
High Stick King 2
holy.sheesh 4
Hoovuh 3
ImSatanJunior 4
jeffie43 4
Jepox 4
Jiggly_333 4
leatherneckmike 4
Legend 3
Lemorse7 4
lespoils 4
marco999 4
mastersheep 3
McAl95 2
mer 4
MrMom 2
Muford 2
mutedfaith 4
Nadiyd 4
OrbitingDeath 4
overdoo 4
PorQueNoLosCinco 4
RaidTheArcade 4
Raven 4
RenoJacksonHS 4
Renomitsu 4
Retuperkele 2
roastpuff 2
Runningman434 3
RussDrivesTheBus 3
Sadio 2
Sarah 4
Sburbine 2
Scudmuffin19 2
seafreddy 4
Sermokala 4
SFresh3 4
slothfacekilla 2
solas 2
sulovilen 4
Thunfish 2
Tiktaalik 4
Toast 2
Tomen 4
TubbyTim69 2
tweedledunn 2
Tylar 2
Warrior_of_Massalia 4
Whitecap 2
WildfireMicro 2
ZootTX 4

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know RashfordU#4119

- RashfordU - 2022-08-06

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Week 1 Predictions:

BoD and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 2 TPE

.evok 2
3lewsers 1
4D Chess 3
ajwllmsn 1
Aleris 3
Aneeqs 2
Arctic 2
Ashes 3
Asked Madden  2
AW13 3
Berocka 3
Birdman 2
C9Van 2
caltroit_red_flames 2
Citizen of Adraa 1
Cleetus 2
cmac8 1
ColeMrtz 2
CptSquall 2
domffl 2
Fluw 2
fútboliscool  1
G2019 2
Gordon Bombay 4
Graydonsanatomy 2
HalfEatenOnionBagel 3
Hexx 1
High Stick King 1
holy.sheesh 3
Hoovuh 1
HouseOfBlack 3
ImSatanJunior 2
jackkmart 2
JaytheGreat 1
jeffie43 2
Jepox 2
Legend 1
Lumosityfan 2
marco999 2
mastersheep 1
Matty86 2
Maur Rivers 3
mer 3
Mojo Rizing  3
MrMom 1
Mutedfaith 2
OrbitingDeath 3
pauadrian 2
PorQueNoLosCinco 2
RenoJacksonHS 3
Renomitsu 1
retuperkele 3
roastpuff 1
RunningMan434 1
RussDrivesTheBus 4
sambam229 2
scudmuffin19 1
seafreddy 3
SFresh3 1
slothfacekilla 2
stevo 3
sulovilen 2
Thunfish 2
Tiktaalik 3
trëlla 1
tweedledunn 2
twix 3
ValorX77  2
Vulfzilla 2
Warrior_of_Massalia 3
Whitecap 2
WildfireMicro  1
Xenlos 4
ZeBurgs 2
Zombiewolf 2
ZootTX 2

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know

- RashfordU - 2022-08-13

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Week 2 Predictions:

BoD and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 2 TPE

.Evok 3
3lewsers 3
4D Chess 2
Aenir 1
Aleris 2
Aneeqs 2
Ant 3
Arctic 3
Asked Madden  2
AW13 3
Bauer 2
beegbeegyoshi 2
Berocka 2
blix900 3
caltroit_red_flames 3
Cleetus 2
cmac8 2
domffl 2
Fluw 2
Froste39 3
G2019 3
Gordon Bombay 3
Graydonsanatomy 3
HalfEatenOnionBagel  3
Henrik 3
Hexx 2
High Stick King 2
holy.sheesh 3
Hoovuh 3
ImSatanJunior 2
jeffie43 2
Jepox 2
Kasterborous 2
Leatherneckmike 2
Legend 2
Lemorse7 3
lespoils 1
marco999 3
mastersheep 3
mer 2
MN_Moosey 2
Mojo_Rizing  3
Muford 2
Nhamlet 4
OrbitingDeath 2
pauadrian 2
PorQueNoLosCinco 2
Raven 3
RenoJacksonHS 3
Renomitsu 2
retuperkele 3
roastpuff 2
RunningMan434 3
sambam229 2
Sburbine 2
scudmuffin19 2
seafreddy 2
Sermokala 4
SFresh3 3
slothfacekilla 3
solas 2
spooked 1
SteveAiva 4
sulovilen 3
Thunfish 1
Tiktaalik 2
trëlla 3
tweedledunn 3
twix 2
Tylar 2
ValorX77  2
Vulfzilla 2
Warrior_of_Massalia 2
Whitecap 2
WildfireMicro  2
zeburgs 2
Zombiewolf 1
ZootTX 2

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know

- RashfordU - 2022-08-20

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Week 3 Predictions:

BoD and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 3 TPE

.evok 3
3lewsers 3
Aenir 1
ajwllmsn 1
Aneeqs 4
Ant 3
Arctic 3
Ashes 4
AW13 4
Berocka 2
Bfine 4
C9Van 3
caltroit_red_flames 3
ColeMrtz 2
domffl 2
Fluw 2
Froste39 2
fútboliscool 2
G2019 2
HalfEatenOnionBagel  3
High Stick King 3
holy.sheesh 4
Hoovuh 1
HouseofBlack 2
ImSatanJunior 3
jeffie43 4
Jepox 3
Kasterborous 2
Leatherneckmike 4
Legend 2
marco999 3
mastersheep 3
Mojo Rizing 3
Muford 2
Mutedfaith 2
OrbitingDeath 4
pauadrian 4
PorQueNoLosCinco 2
Pythonic 1
Raven 3
RenoJacksonHS 4
Renomitsu 4
retuperkele 2
RunningMan434 3
RussDrivesTheBus 2
sambam229 3
Sburbine  3
scudmuffin19 2
Sermokala 3
SFresh3 3
slothfacekilla 3
solas 4
spooked 4
stevo 2
sulovilen 4
TheSparkyDee 2
Tiktaalik 4
trëlla 3
tweedledunn 2
twix 3
Warrior_of_Massalia 4
Whitecap 3
WildfireMicro  2
Xenlos 2
Zombiewolf 3
ZootTX 4

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know

- RashfordU - 2022-08-22

Really enjoyed reading through these, and seeing some of the Dream XI's that were dreamed up!

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Theme Week:

.Evok 6
3lewsers 6
4D Chess 6
Aenir 6
AgentSmith 6
Ajwllmsn 6
Aneeqs 6
Ant 6
Asked Madden 6
AW13 6
Big Newff 6
Blix900 6
C9Van 6
caltroit_red_flames 6
CanadianThor 6
Canadice 6
Captjanko 6
Cleetus 6
ColeMrtz 6
Dogwoodmaple 6
Domffl 6
Drokeep 6
fútboliscool 6
G2019 6
Gordon Bombay 6
Graydonsanatomy 6
Guku 6
HaleEatenOnionBagel 6
Henrik 6
High Stick King 6
Holy.sheesh 6
Hoovuh 6
HouseofBlack 2 (did not fulfil task requirements)
JaytheGreat 6
Jepox 6
Jiggly_333 6
Legend 6
Lemorse7 6
Marco999 6
Mastersheep 6
Matty86 6
Mr. Splash Man 6
Nhamlet 6
Omniscius 6
Pauadrian 6
PorQueNoLosCinco 6
ProjectSaint 6
R1c3bowl 6
RashfordU 6
RenoJacksonHS 6
Renomitsu 6
Retuperkele 6
Runningman434 6
Sadio 6
Sarah 6
Sermokala 6
SFresh3 6
sköldpaddor 6
slothfacekilla 6
Solas 6
SteveAiva 6
Sulovilen 6
TheSparkyDee 6
Thevoicelesscreator 6
Thunder39 6
Thunfish 6
Tiktaalik 6
Tomen 6
trëlla 6
Twix 6
Warrior_of_Massalia 6
Whitecap 6
Zema 6

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know

- RashfordU - 2022-09-02

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Week 4 Predictions:
BoD, Sim Team, and PT Grader may claim the Average = 3 TPE

.Evok 4
3lewsers 4
4D Chess 3
Aenir 4
Aneeqs 3
Ant 3
Beegbeegyoshi  3
Berocka 3
Bfine 4
Big Newff 1
C9Van 2
caltroit_red_flames 3
Cleetus 2
Cmac8 1
Dindog 3
dogwoodmaple 4
domffl 3
Fluw 1
fútboliscool 2
G2019 2
Gordon Bombay 0 >> submitted after matches began
HalfEatenOnionBagel  3
High Stick King 3
holy.sheesh 4
Hoovuh 1
jackkmart 3
Jepox 3
Kasterborous 3
Leatherneckmike 3
Lumosityfan 3
mastersheep 3
Matty86 3
mer 4
MN_Moosey 2
Mojo_Rizing  3
Muford 3
Mutedfaith 3
Nhamlet 3
OrbitingDeath 3
pauadrian 3
Raven 3
RenoJacksonHS 4
Renomitsu 2
retuperkele 2
RunningMan434 3
RussDrivesTheBus 3
sambam229 2
sburbine 3
scudmuffin19 2
Sermokala 2
SFresh3 3
slothfacekilla 3
Socc 2
spooked 3
stevo 1
sulovilen 3
TheSparkyDee 2
Thunfish 2
Tiktaalik 3
TOmen 3
trëlla 3
twix 3
Vulfzilla 2
Warrior_of_Massalia 3
Whitecap 3
WildfireMicro  1
xenlos 3
Zeburgs 2
Zombiewolf 3
ZootTX 3

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know

- RashfordU - 2022-09-03

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Week 5 Predictions:
BoD, Sim Team, and PT Grader may claim the Average = 2 TPE

.evok 2
3lewsers 2
Aenir 2
Aleris 2
Aneeqs 2
Ant 2
Arctic 2
beegbeegyoshi 2
Bfine 2
C9Van 2
caltroit_red_flames 2
Cleetus 2
cmac8 1
ColeMrtz 2
Dindog 2
domffl 2
Fluw 2
fútboliscool 2
G2019 4
HalfEatenOnionBagel  2
High Stick King 2
holy.sheesh 3
Hoovuh 3
ImSatanJunior 2
Jepox 2
Laser 1
Lemorse7 3
marco999 3
mastersheep 2
Matty86 2
Mer 2
Mojo Rizing 3
Muford 2
mutedfaith 1
Nhamlet 3
Prikulis5 2
RenoJacksonHS  2
Renomitsu 0 (submitted after deadline)
retuperkele 3
roastpuff 2
RussDrivesTheBus 2
sambam229 1
sburbine 3
SFresh3 2
slothfacekilla 2
Socc 1
solas 0 (submitted after deadline)
stevo 2
sulovilen 2
Tiktaalik 2
Tomen 3
trëlla 2
Whitecap 2
zeburgs 2
ZootTX 2

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know

- RashfordU - 2022-09-13

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Week 6 Predictions:
BoD, Sim Team, and PT Grader may claim the Average = 3 TPE

.evok 2
3lewsers 3
Aenir 2
AlbanianValor 0 (S6 Prospect)
Aneeqs 3
Ant 3
Arctic 3
Berocka 2
Birdman 3
C9Van 2
Caleb_H 3
caltroit_red_flames 3
Cleetus 3
cmac8 3
domffl 2
Frazzle14 2
fútboliscool 2
G2019 3
HalfEatenOnionBagel 2
High Stick King 3
holy.sheesh 3
Hoovuh 4
HouseOfBlack 2
Jepox 3
Laser 3
Leatherneckmike 2
lespoils 2
Lumosityfan 3
marco999 4
mastersheep 3
Matty86 4
mer 3
MN_Moosey 2
Muford 3
Nhamlet 3
OrbitingDeath 4
Prikulis5 2
Pythonic 3
RenoJacksonHS 3
Renomitsu 3
retuperkele 3
Runningman434 3
RussDrivesTheBus 2
sambam229 3
Sburbine 3
scudmuffin19 1
Sermokala 4
SFresh3 3
slothfacekilla 3
Socc 2
solas 3
stevo 2
sulovilen 3
TheSparkyDee 2
tomtommen 2
trëlla 3
Whitecap 3
WildfireMicro  1
zeburgs 2
Zombiewolf 2
ZootTX 3
ztevans 0 (S6 Prospect)

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know

- RashfordU - 2022-09-17

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Standings Predictions:

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me
Board Members, Team Managers, and Simmers are able to claim the Average TPE which was 5 TPE

4D Chess 6
Aenir 4
AgentSmith 3
ajwllmsn 2
Allstar20809 7
Aneeqs 6
Arctic 3
ArmTheSharks 6
Asked Madden  2
Bauer 6
beegbeegyoshi 7
Berocka 4
Bfine 7
Birdman 5
blix900 4
caltroit_red_flames 3
Citizen of Adraa 6
Cleetus 4
cmac8 3
Domffl 6
dylan 5
Fluw 4
Froste39 3
fútboliscool  3
Gordon Bombay 3
guku 3
HalfEatenOnionBagel  6
Henrik 4
Hexx 4
High Stick King 3
holy.sheesh 5
Hoovuh 5
ImSatanJunior 2
JaytheGreat 5
jeffie43 7
Jepox 2
Jiggly_333 5
Kasterborous 7
Legend 5
Lemorse7 8
lespoils 5
Lumosityfan 6
marco999 6
mastersheep 5
mer 6
MN_Moosey 8
MrMom 2
Muford 7
mutedfaith 2
OrbitingDeath 6
PorQueNoLosCinco 3
Pythonic 6
RaidTheArcade 3
RenoJacksonHS 8
Renomitsu 6
retuperkele 5
roastpuff 4
Runningman434 6
RussDrivesTheBus 6
sambam229 5
Sburbine 4
scudmuffin19 3
seafreddy 6
Sermokala 5
SFresh3 5
slothfacekilla 4
solas 9
stevo 6
sulovilen 5
TheSparkyDee 4
Tiktaalik 6
Toast 3
tOmtOmmen 4
TubbyTim69 3
tweedledunn 7
Tylar 3
ValorX77  5
Warrior_of_Massalia 6
Whitecap 5
WildfireMicro  4
ZootTX 6