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Let's get some TPE - Printable Version

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- Dragons Maw - 2022-10-02

So I'm fairly limited in my experience with sim leagues. One ill fated Madden league a decade or more ago, and much more recently a former sister league to this one, the WSBL. I spent 5 seasons in the latter, and very much enjoyed it, getting roles in the Awards committee and several seasons as a very bad general manager. And how I start a new, and hopefully much longer journey.

So let's start at the things I'm excited about. The nature of Football Manager makes it a bit easier to really dial in what you want your player to do, or to be. There are more possible ratings that you need to pay attention to, but you need fewer of them, in general, to be good at a given thing. For example, being an all around scorer in something like the WSBL, you were looking at 5+ stats (inside scoring (two variants), out side scoring (again, two variants), mid range scoring, ball handling potentially, so on. In something like FM, in general you are looking at a few. Decisions, creativity, flair, all good, if you are looking at an off ball scorer like a SS or a wing player, off ball, anticipation, and obviously for any of them finishing, maybe long shots. It further helps that the scale is smaller, with many sports games doing the 1-100 rating system, against FM using a 1-20 rating. It should be easier to get a player to an acceptable level in your primary goal, before branching out.

It also helps that the TPE rewards are larger, although some of them can be harder to get (such as 300 word forum posts, yucky), and grinding for cash is less required. I don't mind doing the work, but but a tangible result is always nice.

And it helps even more that I'm getting to play with a couple of friends this time around. @Aenir recruited me, relentlessly, for weeks... Muford is on my team, it should be a ton of fun.

I'm trying to think of downsides to balance the ledger, but I'm not really far enough into the league yet to really have many. Maybe at some point I'll post a new one to whine about. But let's try not to, eh?

In conclusion, this kind of turned into a random rant about what I'm interested in coming here and getting started, before I really know the players and the tone of the league, or the balance of power and such to make some kind of reasonable predictions. So thanks for having me, and good luck to you all!