- RashfordU - 2023-10-08
Grading and processed PTs from S12 are published in this thread.
All claims here must be claimed in your update thread prior to the end of the S13's off-season.
- RashfordU - 2023-10-08
The following users may claim the specified TPE for S11 Season Survey:
CODE | Aenir JuOSU FuriousChicken sulovilen Socc tomtommen hhh81 Renomitsu BUM® lore 3lewsers Juniped jj2416 Otrebor13 Eggcracker C9Van ValorX77 Shnitzl CapnCooper RussDrivesTheBus Myspace Laser Opera_Phantom DominicToblerone27 Retuperkele RomanesEuntDomus liamcowboys firstfray Froste39 SFresh3 Pandar kingslime samoa-men666 FaraDian woog Murtsi Air Crou KZBZ Ulaire Crunk Jiggly_333 .simo
- slothfacekilla - 2023-11-01
The following users may claim the specified TPE for S12 Week 1 Predictions:
Buenos Aires vs. Catalunya >> União São Paulo vs. Hollywood FC >> AC Romana vs. Schwarzwälder Fußballverein >>
BoD, Grader and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 3 TPE
CODE | .evok 1 Bartimaeus 2 Bayley 2 bjkman 1 BUM® 3 C9Van 2 CapnCooper 2 CaptainGatsby 1 domffl 3 Dragons Maw 2 Duilio05 3 FaraDian 2 FuriousChicken 3 fútboliscool 4 hhh81 3 JartY 3 JuOSu 3 KZBZ 3 liamcowboys 2 mastersheep 2 mer 2 Metafiction 1 Murtsi 3 Opera_Phantom 3 OrbitingDeath 2 Otaznik 3 Pandar 2 Prikulis5 2 Puppy 3 RAmenAmen 3 Renomitsu 3 Retuperkele 4 RomanesEuntDomus 2 runningman434 3 SFresh3 2 Shnitzl 3 Tdan04 2 Thunfish 4 Tiktaalik 3 Toast 2 tOmtOmmen 4 TubbyTim69 2 Ulaire 2 woog 4 Zoone16 2 ZootTX 1 |
- slothfacekilla - 2023-11-07
The following users may claim the specified TPE for S12 Week 2 Predictions:
Inter London vs Seoul MFC >> DRAW Red Star Laos vs AS Paris >> FC Kaapstad vs Athenai FC >>
BoD, Grader and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 3 TPE
CODE | .evok 2 AW13 2 bjkman 2 BUM® 3 C9Van 2 CapnCooper 3 CaptainGatsby 1 domffl 3 Dominictoblerone27 3 Dragons Maw 1 Duilio05 3 Durodo 1 Eggcracker 2 FaraDian 3 Froste39 2 FuriousChicken 2 fútboliscool 2 HanTheMan_ 2 hhh81 4 holy.sheesh 4 JartY 1 Jiggly_333 1 jj2416 2 Juniped 2 JuOSu 3 KZBZ 2 Lumosityfan 1 mastersheep 2 Metafiction 2 Murtsi 3 Opera_Phantom 3 OrbitingDeath 3 Otaznik 2 Otrebor13 4 PMoney 2 Prikulis5 1 Puppy 3 RAmenAmen 3 Renomitsu 3 retuperkele 3 RomanesEuntDomus 3 scudmuffin19 1 SFresh3 3 Shnitzl 3 sonicgmail 2 Tiktaalik 3 tomtommen 3 Ulaire 3 Whitecap 1 woog 2 Zoone16 3 ZootTX 1 |
- slothfacekilla - 2023-11-20
The following users may claim the specified TPE for S12 Week 3 Predictions:
Seoul MFC vs FC Kaapstad >> Inter London vs Cairo City >> AS Paris vs Montreal United >>
BoD, Grader and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 3 TPE
CODE | .evok 3 Aenir 4 Bayley 2 bjkman 3 brickwall35 2 BUM® 3 C9Van 3 CapnCooper 3 domffl 4 DominicToblerone27 1 Dragons Maw 2 Duilio05 3 Eggcracker 1 Froste39 2 FuriousChicken 4 fútboliscool 2 hhh81 4 jj2416 4 Juniped 4 JuOSu 3 Lumosityfan 2 mastersheep 3 mer 4 Metafiction 1 Opera_Phantom 3 OrbitingDeath 2 Otaznik 2 Prikulis5 3 Puppy 3 Renomitsu 3 Retuperkele 4 RomanesEuntDomus 3 scudmuffin19 2 SFresh3 3 Shnitzl 3 SledgehammerPete 2 sonicgmail 4 sulovilen 3 Tomtommen 3 Ulaire 4 Whitecap 3 woog 3 Zoone16 2 |
- slothfacekilla - 2023-11-20
The following users may claim the specified TPE for S12 Week 4 Predictions:
Schwarzwälder FV vs União São Paulo >> DRAW A.C. Romana vs CF Catalunya >> CA Buenos Aires vs Reykjavik United >> DRAW
BoD, Grader and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 2 TPE
CODE | .Evok 1 abh89 2 Aenir 1 bjkman 2 brickwall35 3 CapnCooper 1 domffl 2 Dragons Maw 2 Duilio05 2 Durodo 3 FaraDian 2 FuriousChicken 2 Gordon Bombay 1 hhh81 2 holy.sheesh 2 JuOSu 2 lore 2 Lumosityfan 3 mastersheep 2 mer 3 Metafiction 1 Murtsi 2 Opera_Phantom 2 Otaznik 2 Otrebor13 2 PMoney 2 Prikulis5 2 Puppy 2 RAmenAmen 1 Renomitsu 2 Retuperkele 1 RomanesEuntDomus 2 RussDrivesTheBus 1 scudmuffin19 2 SFresh3 2 Shnitzl 2 SledgehammerPete 1 sonicgmail 2 Toast 1 tomtommen 1 Uebergestern 3 ulaire 2 woog 1 Zoone16 2 ZootTX 2 |
- slothfacekilla - 2023-11-28
The following users may claim the specified TPE for S12 Week 5 Predictions:
Schwarzwälder FV vs CA Buenos Aires >> A.C. Romana vs União São Paulo >> Hollywood FC vs Reykjavik United >> DRAW
BoD, Grader and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 3 TPE
CODE | .evok 3 Aenir 1 bjkman 2 brickwall35 1 BUM® 3 C9Van 3 CapnCooper 2 domffl 3 DominicToblerone27 3 Dragons Maw 1 Duilio05 3 Eggcracker 2 FaraDian 3 firstfray 3 FuriousChicken 3 hhh81 3 jj2416 2 Juniped 3 JuOSu 3 lore 3 Metafiction 1 Murtsi 2 Opera_Phantom 2 Otaznik 2 Prikulis5 2 Puppy 3 RAmenAmen 2 Retuperkele 3 RomanesEuntDomus 2 scudmuffin19 2 SFresh3 3 Shnitzl 3 SledgehammerPete 2 sonicgmail 3 sulovilen 3 tomtommen 3 Uebergestern 1 ulaire 4 Whitecap 3 woog 2 Zoone16 3 |
- RashfordU - 2023-12-02
The following users may claim the specified TPE for S12 Major Division Statistic Predictions:
The following were the correct answers Goals - Tokyo Clean Sheets - Reykjavik Fouls Made - Sao Paulo Expected Goals - Reykjavik Passes Completed - Catalunya
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me Board Members, Grader, and Simmers are able to claim the Average TPE which was 7 TPE
CODE | .evok 2 .simo 6 3lewsers 2 abh89 10 AW13 10 bjkman 2 BUM® 10 C9Van 8 CapnCooper 10 Cleetus 4 DalC21 8 Domffl 10 Dominic Toblerone 27 4 Duilio05 8 FaraDian 8 firstfray 2 Froste39 8 FuriousChicken 10 Gordon Bombay 10 Hello Beeper 2 hhh81 6 High Stick King 2 holy.sheesh 6 Jiggly_333 8 JuOSu 8 kingslime 10 KZBZ 6 Laser 6 lore 8 mastersheep 10 Metafiction 6 Murtsi 6 Opera_Phantom 6 OrbitingDeath 2 Otaznik 6 Otrebor13 10 Pandar 2 PMoney 2 Prikulis5 4 RAmenAmen 10 Renomitsu 10 retuperkele 8 RomanesEuntDomus 8 runningman434 6 RussDrivesTheBus 10 Rygar 6 samoa-men666 6 scudmuffin19 2 SFresh3 6 Shnitzl 8 sulovilen 8 Sve7en 10 Tiktaalik 6 tomtommen 8 trëlla 8 TubbyTim69 6 Ulaire 10 ValorX77 2 woog 8 Zoone16 0 (Prospects unable to complete Seasonal Predictions) ZootTX 2 |
- RashfordU - 2023-12-02
The following users may claim the specified TPE for S12 Minor Division Statistic Predictions:
The following were the correct answers Goals - Laos Clean Sheets - London Fouls Made - Athenai Expected Goals - Laos Passes Completed - Error on Form - Everyone gets 2 TPE
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me Board Members, Grader, and Simmers are able to claim the Average TPE which was 8 TPE
CODE | .evok 8 .simo 10 3lewsers 8 abh89 8 Aenir 6 AW13 8 Bayley 6 bjkman 8 BUM® 8 C9Van 6 CapnCooper 8 Cleetus 4 DalC21 6 Domffl 8 Dominic Toblerone 27 6 Duilio05 8 FaraDian 8 firstfray 8 Froste39 10 FuriousChicken 8 Gordon Bombay 8 Hello Beeper 8 hhh81 8 High Stick King 8 holy.sheesh 6 Jiggly_333 6 JuOSu 8 kingslime 8 KZBZ 8 Laser 10 lore 4 mastersheep 8 Metafiction 8 Murtsi 10 Opera_Phantom 10 OrbitingDeath 8 Otaznik 10 Otrebor13 8 Pandar 8 PMoney 8 Prikulis5 6 RAmenAmen 8 Renomitsu 8 retuperkele 6 RomanesEuntDomus 10 runningman434 6 RussDrivesTheBus 8 Rygar 6 samoa-men666 8 scudmuffin19 6 SFresh3 6 Shnitzl 8 sulovilen 8 Sve7en 8 Tiktaalik 10 tomtommen 6 trëlla 8 TubbyTim69 10 ulaire 8 ValorX77 8 Whitecap 12 woog 10 Zoone16 0 (Prospects unable to complete Seasonal Predictions) ZootTX 8 |
- slothfacekilla - 2023-12-04
The following users may claim the specified TPE for S12 Week 6 Predictions:
Hollywood FC vs Reykjavik United >> Hollywood Goals >> 3 or more Reykjavik United Goals >> 2
BoD, Grader and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 2 TPE
CODE | Aenir 1 Bayley 3 BUM® 1 C9Van 1 CapnCooper 1 CloudRobot 2 cmac8 1 domffl 1 DomToblerone27 1 Dragons Maw 4 Duilio05 1 Durodo 2 FaraDian 2 FuriousChicken 1 hhh81 2 JuOSu 1 lore 1 mastersheep 1 Metafiction 1 Murtsi 1 Opera_Phantom 1 Otaznik 1 Otrebor13 1 Puppy 1 RAmenAmen 1 Renomitsu 1 Retuperkele 2 Runningman434 1 RussDrivesTheBus 1 SFresh3 1 Shnitzl 1 sonicgmail 2 Tomtommen 1 Uebergestern 1 ulaire 2 woog 1 Zoone16 2 |