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Way Down We Go - Printable Version

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- MN_Moosey - 2022-01-05


I was recently invited to partake in a training camp for the Sim Soccer League. This league is new but shows a great amount of promise. We will be working with a professional strength and conditioning coach who has helped shape the careers of many big name professionals. It will be an arduous process but will be worth it in the grand scheme of things. We are invited as guests to see the SSL Cup final as well. It will be very exciting to see the talent that we may end up joining forces with or will have to play against. It will be a wonderful opportunity to get my name out there to scouts as well. I am sure they will be watching and listening to us all throughout camp. I have to keep working hard to make it in this league and I will certainly keep you updating on this journey of mine. I also found out there is another from Iceland joining as a prospect. She is a goal keeper as well. A tough position to be in especially with how spry the young forwards are. I do not envy her position. I hope we can bring pride to the great country of Iceland. My flight leaves tomorrow morning to get to mainland Europe for camp. This is likely the beginning of my professional career. I will leave my family and friends behind to pursue this dream that I have been chasing since I was a young boy kicking a ball around a field of sheep. Am I ready for this next step? Maybe, maybe not. Only time will truly tell. All I know is that I have my country behind me as I step into this next chapter of my life. I will write to you once I arrive at camp and tell you all about what I have learned. Until then.



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