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The return of the midfielder - Printable Version

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The return of the midfielder - Derry7 - 2024-02-19

Derry 7's player this time is here to stay. A right midfielder from Winden, Germany, was chosen by the agent for competing in the SSL. The agent proudly remembers his love for the management game and his priority to make his voice heard by helping the team, not his pocket. Jonas, was thrilled to say that his jackpot will be hitting people's hearts, not the bell. "All's well that ends well". The German said, happy after a heart breaking time with his anxiety. The next step for his career is putting his feet on the fiedl and make people wanna see him, wether is from the stand, the couch or the tablet. Jonas' dream is to win at least 1 MVP in a match in every season that he participates in. He doesn't wanna be the best, he just wanna win a trophy. His family says they're very proud of him, saying they'll be very pleased to meet his new team mates. The agent loves his family too and he'd like to invite them every week upcoming. Some supporters say that he's gonna bring "justice" to the game, saying he's a very good guy, his sportsmanship is very good. The agent approves but says: You never know what could happen at this leve. Jonas responds:"I hope I won't have to be yellow-carded like Derry's previous player." All laughs.