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Catalunya Organizational Extensions Pt 3 Electric Boogaloo - Printable Version

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Catalunya Organizational Extensions Pt 3 Electric Boogaloo - Aenir - 2024-04-18

The Catalunya Organization is super excited to offer extensions to the following players!

First up:

Danny Paul @Dragons Maw
S15 4,000,000 (Vet Clause)
S16 4,000,000 (Vet Clause)
S17 4,000,000 (Vet Clause)

Amore Delo @sonicgmail
S15: 2,500,000
S16: 3,000,000
S17: 3,000,000

Ljubica Kamenova @Valpix
S15 2,500,000
S16 2,500,000
S17 3,000,000

And cannot forget the man between the sticks!

Manuel Neuer @SomeSay...
S15: 5,000,000
S16: 5,000,000
S17: 5,000,000 (Vet Clause)

RE: Catalunya Organizational Extensions Pt 3 Electric Boogaloo - Dragons Maw - 2024-04-18

I suppose so…

Accept, if that wasn’t clear from the previous…

RE: Catalunya Organizational Extensions Pt 3 Electric Boogaloo - SomeSay... - 2024-04-18


RE: Catalunya Organizational Extensions Pt 3 Electric Boogaloo - Valpix - 2024-04-18

comunicado oficial:



RE: Catalunya Organizational Extensions Pt 3 Electric Boogaloo - sonicgmail - 2024-04-19


Catalunya Organizational Extensions Pt 3 Electric Boogaloo - Canadice - 2024-05-11


Note that Amore Delo had unclaimed TPE at the time of signing that put them at above 800 TPE and the minimum salary of 3 million for S15. Salary has been adjusted up.