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Azpilicueta Signals Intention to Test Free Agency - Printable Version

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- G2019 - 2022-03-06

"According to leaked conversations from within the London-based organization, Inter London centerback and team captain Connor Azpilicueta intends to test free agency in the offseason. Azpilicueta has one goal and two assists on the season to go along with an average match rating of 7.08, following up a rookie campaign where he failed to tally any goals or assists but held an average match rating of 7.

To make things even more interesting, it's said that Azpilicueta plans to position swap to striker. In conversations with his agent, as well as other team personnel, Azpilicueta is quoted as saying he "is ready for a change in play style", "is ready to lead the line", and plan to "make a huge spash next season". With offensive players in abundance in the league, will an outside team give a strong pitch to bring Azpilicueta in and give him his chance? Will Inter London convince him to stay in a new attacking role? With the FA period closely approaching, we will find out soon!

According to agent Dealsy McMoneybags, interested GMs are urged to reach out when the negotiation period opens on March 14. Azpilicueta can be reached on Discord at G2019#0639. McMoneybags states the player's non-negotiables as: a starting role as the team's main striker (or one of a front two) and joining a team with solid management who has a vision for success and how to utilize him effectively, as well as a positive and non-toxic locker room. The player is also said to value an active locker room and one that gets hype over results and in-game happenings, while not taking things too seriously. "Soccer is a game and is meant to be fun, but I do intend to blow up and be one of the top scorers in the league for whichever team I join," Azpilicueta stated through a statement from his agent."

@3lewsers@Air Crou@Aneeqs@Big Newff@ColeMrtz@Graydonsanatomy@Nhamlet@omniscius@pauadrian@Sermokala@thevoicelesscreator@TubbyTim69@Will3@Zema

- pauadrian - 2022-03-06

Scrub /s

- thevoicelesscreator - 2022-03-06

I can't believe I'm finding out this way :shock:

- omniscius - 2022-03-06

Azpilicueta becoming a striker? That's a bit of a gamble

- HalfEatenOnionBagel - 2022-03-06

Dealsy McMoneybags sounds like the bad guy in a Disney Channel original movie