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2023-07-03, 07:30 PM - Word count:
TW Pass
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2023-07-04, 07:08 PM - Word count:
BallonSport Magazine So, Muunokhoi, you've heard they're talking about having a regional competition - where teams made up of players from neighbouring countries battle against each other. What do you think your team should be?
Muunokhoi Sarantsatsral Mongolia.
BSM Well... er... yes. But this isn't about your country, this is about your whole world region.
MS Show me the map.
[Muunokhoi peers at the map and mumbles things in Mongolian. He turns it upside down and mumbles some more.]
MS I see this small half of an island that gets to be its own team. Is that Wales? And over there, that one is Canada - I know that one because we compare temperatures with them - if they get their own teams, then my team is...
BSM Yes?
MS Mongolia.
BSM I'm not sure that you're understanding...
MS Maybe if they put a couple areas together here. The indigo and the sky blue. They have some of the area wrong. Mongolia never reached the Arctic Ocean in Asia. And I think this here... Польш..., that's wrong. There we went further, to Vienna and the Carpathians. We went further West and not so far North in the sky blue, but in the purple we took China and not the Arabian places.
BSM What are you talking about?
MS Greater Mongolia. When Mongols ruled more than half the land they'd ever heard of. But that's not quite this map.
BSM So then, on this map, with these purple bits, what would you name your team?
[Muunokhoi pauses to think.]
MS Mongolia. Future Greater Mongolia. Eastern Future Mongolia. Be nice to overrun the Great Wall again.
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2023-07-05, 11:17 AM - Word count:
Well, I see in this map there is a grouping of The entire island of Ireland, Scotland & Iceland.
We will be known as Northern Lights Utd merging the Gaelic combination of the Irish & scottish with the scenery of the beautiful island of Iceland.
The home kit will be a gorgeous deep blue of a night sky overlayed with that lovely turquoise of the northern lights.
The away kit will be a classic white with a turquoise (no orthern lights coloured) Celtic knot down the sides of the kit.
The alternate kit will be the irn bru orange and blue as they will be our team sponsor because irn bru is fucking banging.
Our badge will be 4 wolf heads looking up symbolising the pack like nature of the 4 countries coming together and hunting down their prey.
The fans will adopt the classic Icelandic drum beat followed by a loud Hooooo. DUM DUM HOOOO, DUM DUM HOOOO. DUM DUM HOOOOO.
It'll speed up and speed up but the crowd will get right into it. Their arch rivals are the English and Welsh because they're a bunch of arseholes. The Icelandic players don't really understand the hatred but go along with it.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><span style='color:blue'><b><i>She's turned the weans against us! </i></b></span>
2023-07-05, 11:30 AM - Word count:
I see a lot of possibilities here but I will stay close to home and go with “rebranding” Italy. I do love the current Azzuri, but for a country known for a lot, especially food and coffee, I would probably rebrand Italy to the Espresso’s. I may be one of the few Italians who don’t drink coffee, but I know that it’s a point of pride in Italy and they love their coffee throughout the day and can’t live without it.
Having The Espresso’s would surely come with new colors. Inspired by the coffee itself and the pots used to make a nice espresso, the colors would go from Blue and White to a coffee brown, white and silver. Normally a brown color on jerseys won’t look good, but let’s be honest, the Italians have some of the nicest jerseys and they would surely be able to pull it off. Not to mention, the players are always focused on their appearance, and I think they would definitely be able to model the colors well. In addition to that, there would be a lineup of companies trying to sponsor the national team if this was the direction taken.
To top it off, I don’t believe there is another country who uses brown, so they could really make a mark with the branding and stand out from the rest. The Espresso’s, who wouldn’t want to play for them?
2023-07-05, 06:48 PM - Word count:
This is a truly fantastic prompt and it really has my wheels spinning! My first thought is the one I'm sticking with as I feel it can be a positive message. Tata Youre is from Divo, Ivory Coast, so he would fit squarely into the African region. Combining forces with some of the most prolific players from almost all of the continent would surely lead to a fearsome squad. But, there is a lot of Africa that doesn't exactly get along. But this new cup could change all of that. Countries coming together to put forth the greatest squad the world has ever known should be quite the impetus for some cooperation that has been lacking for some time. The continent is divided not only by country borders but by cultural and tribal ones as well. And with the joining of forces backing the common goal of demonstrating African excellence, truly the best approach for a name may be the simplest one. As the heads of state meet to discuss the project, they are greeted by the new brand and purpose behind it all. Two words that sum up the team and the greater objective behind the beautiful game: AFRICA UNITED.