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#3 Media Day [Now Open to S16 Players]
CPT #1

CPT #2

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[Image: SA-Perfect-Serve-1.jpg]

It was only natural that Reykjaviks Jean-Claude Goddamn, being Belgian and all class, would sign a corporate sponsorship with a company like Anheuser-Busch Inbev, the brewers of Stella Artois, one of Belgiums favorite beers. In a somewhat unusual move for a professional sportsman, signing a deal with a Beer company could be seen as controversial, given the usual message to fans, especially younger ones is to avoid both alcohol and tobacco products. When asked about this, Jean-Claude had a typical response. "Well, once the chance to become a spokesperson for such a fine, superior tasting and refreshingly crisp lager such as Stella, I could not decline the opportunity. Obviously some people will not approve, but if they are worried about such things as their children being encouraged to drink a beautiful, sexy and delicious Stella Artois, then that, I believe, is their problem. Be a better parent." With such a strong reply, the Reykjavik midfielder is sure to receive a backlash from supporters, but it doesn't phase him. "I've signed a deal to promote a certain product and in doing so, will ensure that I will do my best, day in and day out to speak about it and highlight the impressive qualities of Stella Artois. Of course I am being paid for this endorsement, but I do truly think that it is a fine beer and for those fans of football who enjoy consuming an alcoholic beverage, they are denying themselves of a true experience if not drinking Stella."

The deal itself is believed to be a three year, $1.8 million contract, somewhat modest, although it is thought that Goddamn will have several cases of beer delivered to the football club every week. Not a popular decision according to confidential club sources, however the rest of the Reykjavik roster seem to pleased and to Jean-Claude, that's all that matters.

APPROVED @BUM® - remember kids, drink responsibly and profitably.
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CPT 2 
player page

Marco Tentacles approached the door to the conference room, nervous but excited for this opportunity. After winning the Minor League Championship with North Shore last season, he was sent a couple of sponsorship offers from companies with various degrees of shadiness. Turning down all of them, he was excited at finally getting a real sponsorship for the first time in his career. Not a crypto scam company, poisonous energy drink, or anything like that, Marco was finally happy to represent something he uses and enjoys. Stepping out onto the stage of the conference room in Auckland, New Zealand, a small crowd of reporters were gathered with a company spokesperson on stage greeting Marco. Saying hello to the reporters and shaking hands with his publicist, Marco takes a seat and leans into the microphone. "Hello everyone, thank you for coming to this press event. I am joined here by Sal from Sal's Sushi Hut and it is a pleasure and honour to partner with them for my first sponsorship in my professional career. After every match and training day I like to go and grab a bite to eat at Sal's Sushi Hut as their freshness and taste combination is out of this world. A quick healthy meal for cheap has made this my favourite restaurant since moving out here to play for United, and I couldn't be happier to have partnered with them. We are releasing a new meal that contains some of my favourites, with a combination of Mango Crab Rolls, Spicy California Rolls, and Shrimp Sushi with a special spicy sauce. Calling it the Tentacle Trio, you will be able to order it at any of their two locations and I am extremely excited for you all to try it." The sponsorship was actually a very small one, with Marco mostly agreeing to it due to loving the food and having a pass to eat for free at either of Sal's Sushi Hut's two locations which he could not pass up.

APPROVED @Squid - I was asked to make Octopus for dinner on the weekend. A Tentacles Trio sounds lovely.
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Career PT#2
Player Page

It was just a natural partnership that made sense for a young Italian player who was progressing through the professional ranks at breakneck speed. Announced before the start of the S14 season, Alessandro Del Pirlo partnered with Ferrero Group and became an ambassador for the Nutella and Kinder brands. This announcement, which seemingly came out of nowhere, was the product of Del Pirlo’s love for the chocolate per his statement:

“I grew up on Nutella in the morning, and Kinder Buenos after practice. To be able to represent these products that I love is a great honour and opportunity for me. As I got older, I also started enjoying the Ferrero Rocher and Rafaello chocolates. In the end I am a big kid at heart and chocolate is always a welcome in my day to day”.

It is unclear what the full scope of the sponsorship will entail but the Ferrero group representative has already confirmed that “the marketing team is already planning on having Alessandro [Del Pirlo] in adverts, billboards, and some promotional offers on select products across the group’s brands”.

Details of the compensation for Del Pirlo’s likeness and appearance fees hasn’t been disclosed as of publication but it is believed to be a significant deal between the two parties that would bring in more money in a year than his player current contract would bring him in its entire duration.

Rumours continue to suggest that this will not be the only sponsorship deal for the young Italian midfielder. A new contract in hand which will guarantee him a majors debut in S16, a strong NSU team to challenge for the title in S15 and it wouldn’t surprise anyone when we report that Del Pirlo and his agent have been spotted at the Armani headquarters. Perfume? Suits? Something else? The future looks classy. Italian classy.
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APPROVED @Zoone16 - I can't help but picture a player covered in melted Kinder chocolate.

Ali Dia


The legendary Ali Dia was particularly particular about who he signed his first sponsorship deal with. Amongst names like Adidas, Nike, and Puma were also companies like Al's Mediterranean Grill, Red House Furniture Store, and Frothy Monkey Coffee Shop. But once it was time to finally sign, Dia turned all of these down. And instead signed a deal with a telemarketing company based in his hometown of Dakar, Senegal. "Why telemarketing?" most would ask. But the answer really was quite obvious once you understood all the ways that Dia made his mark on the Premier League. It was from these telemarketing phones that his family member called the Southampton manager posing as George Weah, who claimed that Ali Dia was his cousin and that he should really take a chance on signing him. And so, it only seemed fitting for Dia to recognize all the hard work that got him there. Cold calling is one of the most hated, yet most necessary roles in global sales. Outdated, sure, but there was nothing that couldn't be sold over the phone. The possibilities were endless! You could even sell a 2 week contract for a Premier League club if you were a good enough telemarketer! 
So, as a way to pay homage to his background, raise awareness for an under appreciated job style, and to show the world that he doesn't sell out by signing on with the "major brands," Dia put pen to paper for this telemarketing firm. Social scientists have already started to track the number of applications turned in to telemarketing centers all over the world to see what kind of impact this sponsorship could have on the industry. When it was all said and done, there was only one word that Ali Dia had to say about his decision: "Money."

APPROVED @Domffl - glorious backstory. Love it.

Player Page

Rookie Season

Shortly after the news broke that Sean O'Leary was called up by Buenos Aires, his agent began receiving phone calls from companies wishing to sponsor him. That is a lot considering that just weeks ago he was playing minor football for Athenai and his play being scrutinized. To now, companies wanting him to be the face of their product. Obviously for O'Leary it wasn't about the money but the cause. After finishing a long day at practice, Sean got into his car to head home when the phone rang. It was his agent, Caitlyn. She informed him of the recent attention garnering sponsorships. O'Leary let out a laugh and said, "You sure they got the right Sean?" With which Caitlyn responded bluntly, "Considering you are the only player in the league named Sean, yeah I think they got the right one...". Caitlyn proceeded to tell him about all the companies that had reached out to her and what they are about. Luckily for him a newer local company in Buenos Aires called Zavvs caught his attention. They were exactly the type of company he would love to be the face of. Zavvs was your typical football equipment store, but it was the work behind the scenes that makes them so special. They had so many programs that supported former footballers and families in need. They also had a fund setup that would be used to help keep the "lights on" for community fields for young players aspiring to become a pro. They even had a representative that would take special needs kids to see Buenos Aires at home and on the road. They also had a program for every pair of cleats bought they would donate a pair to charity. Sean had never seen a company so generous and it was a no brainer for him to sponsor such a great company trying to give back to those in need or less fortunate.

APPROVED and Applied @Blueline - Nice emphasis on charity.

Career PT #2

Player Page

While most soccer (or football, for you Europeans, who speak the correct name of the sport) are usually getting sponsorships from Nike, Puma, Adidas, and the like, for new cleats, or shin guards, or hell some sort of new uniforms, Gerd Klose isn’t getting that for his first corporate sponsorship, instead he is getting in bed with PEPTO BISMOL! That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first, Gerd Klose has signed a sponsorship deal with Pepto. You turn on your TV, and there’s Gerd, standing there, asking you, Have you ever had GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) and don’t know how to handle it? Get you some Pepto and help ease those pains. Gerd Klose gives his opponents GERD On the field, as he runs past his opponents and scores from anywhere he wants. He knows the pain that it can have with having his own GERD when he has to watch his team lose, when he feels like he hasn’t done enough to help them win. He’s always ready and prepared with some Pepto Bismol on the sideline, on the bench, waiting for him either at half time or an injury time that they need to bring someone off the field. Gerd Klose is always prepared, and now Pepto has a new flavor, the “Gerd” Flavor, which is obviously Gerd Klose’s favorite. He likes to kick ass on the field and in his stomach, so shop Pepto Bismol today and make sure you use code #Gerd4Gerd to get a buy one get one free (limited supplies, only available in America). Gerd Klose supports Pepto and you should too! Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea, YAY PEPTO BISMOL. This media has been brought to you by Pepto Bismol, and co-signed by Gerd Klose, we are excited to see you guys walking around with your new Pepto Bismol flavors. Yay Pepto!

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APPROVED and Applied @Muford - glorious, glorious punning.

Career task #2

Player page

Alright, man am I hyped to tell you about the great sponsorship opportunity that I have gotten or well actually it is a double whammy as it is a not so usually seen strategic co sponsorship that I have gotten. As many are well aware at this stage, in my previous life or career however you want to put it, I was one of if not the most successful racing driver ever, on a level almost never seen before. So obviously the ultimate tire manufacture in Finland, Nokia Tyres was interested. Yes for those not as knowledgeable, this was what Nokia did before mobile phones, but that is for another story. Well anyways, I was happy to hear about their interest and was already talking to them when my agent received an interesting call from Marimekko. They are a Finnish company well known for their different designs on clothing, shopping bags, anything you want to mention. My agent then decided to include them into the deal that was going on with Nokia Tyres and well here we are now. In this combined sponsorship, I will be promoting both brands separately in different types of commercials and of course wearing Marimekko clothing when I see it the best. In addition though, the two companies will be creating a new tyre model that will work both in the harsh winter conditions as well as the summer conditions. These tyres will have the Marimekko logos and designs, to hopefully appeal to lots of different markets and new customers. I am really happy to be doing this and will also be taking part in a charity race for old times sake where the car I will be driving will have these tires. I hope this does not take away from my football career, but with the talent I possess, I see no problems. Go Marimekko and Nokia Tyres, let's race away in style!

APPROVED and Applied @Murtsi - I wonder whether Marimekko could bring style to tires.

Career Post 2
Player Page

After a somewhat successful 3rd season at Buenos Aires, Khabiri's reputation as a reliable shot stopper began to grow even further resulting in him catching the eyes of many companies looking for a marketable young athlete to endorse their brand and help it grow further. Out of all the possible options, he chose to go for one called "Wintech" which is an Iranian window manufacturing company which is often advertised in and sponsors many sport streaming services with football being the biggest sport they do it for. He would record 4 commercials with them, even doing a collaboration with another Iranian talent in Majid Hosseini.

Due to Khabiri's success in league as popular and marketable as SSL, it was a no brainer for a company such as Wintech to offer an endorsement to a Persian player who plays there and is a solid performer week in week out. It turned out to be a very good move on their end as sports fans all over Iran were impressed to see a player of Misagh Khabiri's caliber being sponsored by them, resulting in a big time increase in their stocks and overall profit in the country. Seeing how successful their partnership with Khabiri had become, Wintech wanted to do something meaningful with it. They launched a series of community initiatives focused on getting young people excited about sports in Iran. They organized workshops and football clinics where Khabiri took the time to coach young players, sharing his skills and passion for the game. It was heartwarming to watch him inspire the next generation, showing them that hard work can lead to great things. This not only enhanced Khabiri’s reputation as a dedicated role model but also highlighted Wintech’s true commitment to supporting sports and nurturing young talent in the community.

Even if this sponsorship wasn't as financially beneficial to Misagh as it was to Wintech, he was just happy to represent something from his own country and is optimistic about even more Persian brands offering him sponsorships in the future.

APPROVED and APPLIED @Parriyah -nice giving back.

Career PT 2 - Rookie Season

Ilya Prusikin gathers for media day with a big announcement to make. He has decided he has became his own sponsor. As next to playing soccer he is also making music in the band Little Big and with the two careers combined, he is making enough money already. So he decided it would be a great moment to invest in himself. So in order to create a bigger image for himself, making him the most known SSL player in the world, he decided to just create billboards all over the globe with his face on it. No text, no actual sponsorships or trying to sell product, He just wants the world to see himself. So while some cities now have billboards of just Ilya's face, other countries have been a bit unluckier as he decided to pict his entire body on these billboards. So some countries are looking at a billboard of just the bottom part of his legs and feet,  while others have to stare at his crotch, which somehow is the billboard he ordered the most off. He likes to show off what he is carrying, god knows why.

With this advertisement campaign Ilya hopes to intimidate opposing attackers, that each time they run into him in the field that they think  'isn't that the guy from the billboards', and that they are fully starstruck and forget to continue their attack. Ilya ofcourse isn't the worst guy then, and he will offer his autograph for free for attackers that just gave him the ball again.

So will this campaign pay off for him? Sport psychologists think he is crazy and it will not play out like he has planned in his head. But for Ilya only one thing counts and that is attention, good or bad, it's attention. So why think more of it then it is, Ilya is and always will be a sucker for being in the spotlights and that's what he is best at.

Words: 329

APPROVED and APPLIED @OrbitingDeath - maybe his accountant also wants a word.

Career Task 2

In a closed door meeting with Adidas, the plans for something special were being made. Adidas wants me to wear their brand for the next few seasons. The deal being talked about is quite simple, they will send me a few gloves and boots to try out, I will pick my favorite, and they will send me custom sets to use. I would not be getting a signature set, per se, but custom professional equipment to use. If things go well, signature sets may become available for all to use. Not only that, but they will sweeten the pot by adding $500,000 to the mix. That is quite the payday for a young man such as myself. After a few training sessions it became clear which set of gloves I wanted to be wearing. Adidas Predator Pros are fantastic. They fit great, my fingers move easily, and with a custom color job they are going to look sweet. The boots I picked were Predator Elite Firm Grounds. Obviously the Predator series by Adidas are fantastic, but how do I make them mine? I started coming up with color concepts that I think would mesh well with the kit colors. I landed on a white base, with bright green and red accents throughout.
Now that I know which ones I liked, and having found colors to match my personality, it was time to do the hard part, promotion. Part of the deal was to do a small promotion tour as an Adidas Athlete along with other athletes from across different leagues. I was paired up with a hockey player named Luca who was promoting Adidas’ first new skates under their name, instead of CCM, in ages. We would go to different stores and sign autographs and talk about our new partnerships with Adidas. I got to show off my new gloves and let a few kids kick a ball at me. I had to let them score, but it was a blast connecting to fans.  While this did cut into training a bit, I found time to work on studying other teams top scorers to prepare for the next season. 



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