2021-11-16, 03:09 PM - Word count:
(Affiliate PT claim), + 6 TPE
http://sslforums.com/index.php?showtopic=65 (Activity Check), + 6 TPE
http://sslforums.com/index.php?showtopic=19&st=15entry276 (S1 Training camp, + 40 TPE)
http://sslforums.com/index.php?showtopic=221&st=15entry626 (Activity Check # 2), + 6 TPE
Total claim: 58 TPE
Previously banked TPE: 6 ( I erred in my math when creating my player and only used 344 TPE. Just adding that on in this update)
New TPE: 58
Total TPE: 350 + 58 = 408
TPE to spend: 64
Adjusted Attributes:
Pace from 15 --> 16 (12 TPE)
Acceleration from 13 --> 14 (12 TPE)
Anticipation from 13 --> 14 (12 !TPE)
Finishing from 15 --> 16 (12 TPE)
Teamwork from 5 -->8 (8 TPE)
Work Rate from 5 -->8 (8TPE)
Banked TPE: 8
(Affiliate PT claim), + 6 TPE
http://sslforums.com/index.php?showtopic=65 (Activity Check), + 6 TPE
http://sslforums.com/index.php?showtopic=19&st=15entry276 (S1 Training camp, + 40 TPE)
http://sslforums.com/index.php?showtopic=221&st=15entry626 (Activity Check # 2), + 6 TPE
Total claim: 58 TPE
Previously banked TPE: 6 ( I erred in my math when creating my player and only used 344 TPE. Just adding that on in this update)
New TPE: 58
Total TPE: 350 + 58 = 408
TPE to spend: 64
Adjusted Attributes:
Pace from 15 --> 16 (12 TPE)
Acceleration from 13 --> 14 (12 TPE)
Anticipation from 13 --> 14 (12 !TPE)
Finishing from 15 --> 16 (12 TPE)
Teamwork from 5 -->8 (8 TPE)
Work Rate from 5 -->8 (8TPE)
Banked TPE: 8