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#3 Media Day [Now Open to S16 Players]
Player: <a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'></a><br>Career PT 2: <a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Guillaume-Olivier Aubuchon-Touchette has been in the league for a long while now, and yet until now it had always been complete silence whenever he asked his agent about potential deals that could be coming his way. GOAT had always thought of himself as a very marketable player and thought that a lot of companies would be after him to represent them in the media and various other endeavours. And yet, nothing. Even when his team was having success and he was proving to be a key player, essential to the team’s success, he would never get a single call from sponsors. <br><br>He started doubting himself. Was it because of his thick French accent? He thought he was doing pretty well on that regard, he had been speaking English forever and no one ever commented on it, even jokingly, anymore. Was it because of his long ass name that people had a hard time pronouncing? Maybe, but the abbreviation of it was such a cool nickname, who would not want GOAT as their public face for their company. And still, the corporate partnerships did not come for GOAT. <br><br>And then it finally did. After years of waiting for that first corporate partnership offer, the long wait was over when the phone rang on a quiet autumn morning, way into the month of October. It was almost Halloween, and GOAT had gotten up early to work on his two person giant goat costume he would be wearing with one of his teammates, who shall remain nameless. It was his agent, calling him to announce the good news: <br><br>“Hey Gui-Oli (this is how GOAT’s friends call him), I have great news for you, you are going to make a lot of money from this deal I just got you.” <br><br>“Oh wow, well spit it out man!” <br><br>“You are going to be the new face of GOATED, a Japanese store specializing in very fine goat cheeses, they import goat cheese from all around the world, their company is very popular with the japanese elites.” <br><br>“... you have to be joking.” <br><br>“Absolutely not! Say, do you still plan on going to that Halloween party dressed as a goat? That costume could really...” <br><br>GOAT hung up. The first corporate partnership can wait a bit longer, actually.<br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

<div align="center"><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #2 Hugh Mann</a><br><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Hugh Mann Player Page</a></div><br><br><br> Starting during Hugh Mann’s third season in the SSL were the sponsorship offers! Multiple companies and their products such as Slurm, Popplers (Fishy Joe’s), Bachelor Chow, the new THUNDERCOUGARFALCONBIRD, Glagnor’s Human Rinds, Light Speed Briefs, St Pauli Exclusion Principle Girl Beer, and finally the periodical “Astounding Tales of Doing It” Hugh considered many of these offers, but finally he went a bit more classic and went with Blammo’s Log™. Having seen the classic commercial (in 1991) with the jingle:<br><br><div align="center">“What rolls down stairs/Alone or in pairs/ Rolls over your neighbor's dog?<br>What's great for a snack/and fits on your back?/It's Log, Log, Log!<br>It's Lo-og, Lo-og,/It's big, it's heavy, it's wood./ It's Lo-og, Lo-og,<br>It's better than bad, it's good!/Everyone wants a Log!/You're gonna love it, Log!<br>Come on and get your Log!/Everyone needs a Log (everyone wants a Log)...<br>You're gonna love it, Log!”<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>1</span></div><br><br>It really spoke to Hugh that something so simple could be so catchy and so memorable even this many years later it can still be quickly recalled and reminisced about. It kind of is a hope for Hugh that eventually someday someone might recall his career with the nostalgia and fondness that this jingle does for him. So Hugh signed with Blammo and embarked upon a whirlwind commercial tour. It actually wasn’t that hard as due to an oddity in the SSL schedule Hugh was able to travel the world in-between his once a month Seoul <!--emo&:seoul:--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='' /><!--endemo--> games. One might ask how this was humanly possible to which Hugh says… “of course its humanly possible, I’m a <b><u>Human</u></b> Hugh Mann and I’m able to do it, anyone could with enough effort!” He then proceeded to leave quite quickly sprouting all sorts of catchphrases that were later rejected such as “Need Wood? Get Log!” and “I’ve Got Log for you!” representatives of the Blammo corporation were unable to be reached for comment at this time. However, as we now know, Hugh was expelled from many different stops on his commercial barnstorming tour. Usually such events were followed up by a rash of hospital visits from people suffering mishaps due to Log related injuries. Worst was the child who was literally flattened by a runaway Log. Hugh did make time to visit them in the hospital.<br>All we know is that going forward, Hugh has promised to be more discerning in his choice of commercial partnerships, and vows to choose something with less potential for property or personal damage. When asked how and what went wrong with this partnership, Hugh only had this to say… “Had it been anything else, it might have worked. But unfortunately, you can’t teach an old Log new tricks.”<br><br><span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>1</span> Kricfalusi, J. (1991, August 11). Stimpy's Big Day. Ren &amp; Stimpy. Episode 1, Nickelodeon.<br><br>(380 Words)<br><br><br>Im so ashamed <!--emo&:D--><img src='//' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='//' /><!--endemo--><br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #1</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #2</a><br><br>Eirlys was shocked when a major video game company reached out to her to talk about having her in advertisements for the game. They wanted to promote, not only the female athletes in the now wildly popular co-ed SSL, but also LGBT members of the league. Eirlys was on the fence about it. Until she saw the pound amount at the bottom. She could afford a new sail boat with that kind of money. So she was in. And it was fun. They did a whole face scan thing to have her real face in the game. They hooked her up with dots and a fancy tight suit to measure her movements and tackling abilities. All sorts of make-up and motion capture. It was fun. She didn’t even realize that the jerk who tore her ACL in high school had shown up. <br><br>There she was…Helena. Eirlys still couldn’t stand her. But at the direction of the producers and crew, the ice was slowly melted, and then very rapidly melted. At one point Helena and Eirlys both reach for a football and Helena brushed Eirlys’ hand. Time froze. Eirlys’ stomach dropped. No. Helena was just warm from the lights, they were everywhere. She didn’t look particularly stunning right now, it was the effects. Right? Why had Eirlys’ heart stopped at the one she hated. This can’t be. The event moved on. They had Eirlys and Helena stand back to back, and again Eirlys’ heart dropped at Helena’s touch. I don’t even know if she’s a lesbian. But then why was she here, draped in a rainbow flag, wearing a special edition rainbow kit. Well she’s at least an ally. Eirlys decided it was time to live. Sneakily while they were getting shots of Helena, Eirlys snuck into the back room and found a note with Helena’s phone number on it. She quickly put it into her phone and smiled. She was gonna ask her to get coffee. Then we’ll see where it goes. She was very upset when she was down. As Helena had blocked her in so she didn’t get home til late. But that night she laid awake. The perfect image of Helena searing into her brain.<br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>
[Image: 4MiVV8l.png]

Anyone with an approved CPT #3 has had their Bank Portion requested to be paid up to this point

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT 1</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT 2</a><br><br>Peter Oak, the young center fielder playing for Association Sportive de Paris in the City of Light, signed a contract and made an great financial move off the pitch at the start of his 3rd season in the SSL. Oak is quickly becoming one of the mainstay players for AS Paris and has caught the attention of many possible sponsors. Known for wearing various Nike branded boots throughout his first two seasons, Oak signed a deal with the Sports Apparel giants Nike.<br><br>&quot;I've been wearing Nikes every since I can remember on the pitch, and off of it, I prefer wearing Jordans over most other sneakers, so this was a no brainer for me,&quot; said Oak on his Tik-Tok, Instagram and Facebook pages. <br><br>France24, a French sports news site has revealed that the deal is an extensive one, covering a 4-year period with a cash amount of well over 2 million Euros. <br><br>Coming from a close-knit family, with his brother being his agent, the Oak family was involved heavily from starting negotiations to getting the deal done, and then participating in the photo shoot. <br><br>The deal allows Oak the opportunity to select from over 10 designs to wear on the pitch during matches throughout the season, as well as an opportunity to design and sell a branded &quot;Oak&quot; version of the famous Jordans Air Force Ones to expand his own personal brand. Oak will also be present in off-field Nike functions as a global ambassador where fans can expect to see Oak in various commercials and events. <br><br>&quot;Its such an amazing opportunity for me and my family. Having a massive brand like Nike behind me is something that not too many players have a chance to have, so I am grateful for my good fortunes,&quot; Oak said to France24. <br><br>Oak and his teammates are now preparing for the Paris-based club's 3rd season in the league where big expectations have been placed on the young squad. &quot;Im excited to see what the upcoming season has in store for us, and what the future can bring for my game and now with Nike.&quot; <br><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
<div align="center"><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>- <a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Profile Page</a> - <a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Update Page</a> -</span><br><br></div>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #2</a><br><br><b><div align="center"><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>*Graders, its 399 words*</span></div></b><br><br> Leif Physt Is a man who likes to think of himself as a ladies' man. Going from a Brash and dashing rookie from Denmark, and quickly rising to wear the Captain's Band through Season Five, his second season in the league. He has but a single goal in League play and another in Cup play. The lack of offense is expected from a Center back, a position more used to helping their keepers keep the ball out of their own net. A facet that the curly haired stick of dynamite excels at in spite of his relative youth. Playing his role has helped him and FC Catalunya to win their first Founder's Cup and Shield. <br><br> Off the pitch, Leif has taken to his second home of Barcelona. Diving right into the culture. Siestas in the midday, coffee being a way of life, and of course the music. I think every young man ends up drawn towards the guitar as he looks for a way to make a name for himself among the ladies. Spain has a fantastic and long tradition of unique guitars. Leif is ALL about making his own music and dedicates massive portions of his non soccer time to learning the Five-Order style of Guitars. So, when Flavio Guitarras, a Catalan styled guitar manufacturer, offered to sponsor him and threw in a custom guitar, there was no turning back. <br><br> Of course, the first question out of his mouth was &quot;Do i get to design it?&quot; Leif was told that he should as it would be to the benefit of all parties involved. The beauty of custom designing any instrument is the ability to look back into history and take inspiration. Almost every Classical Guitar now is made with Six Strings. Something that came about in the 1700s. Prior to that they had had five since the 1500s. These with Five were also Double Ordered and smaller than modern guitars. Selfishly, Leif also believed that reaching back to the Baroque Style of Spanish Guitars would not only make him sound unique but endear him to the Catalan population who form the core of Catalunya's supporters. After all it was the Catalan Joan Carles Amat who published his work in 1596 titled &quot;Spanish five-order guitar”. This Musical piece doubled as a teaching piece for Strumming and Tempering and made the Spanish Five-Order THE guitar throughout Europe in its time.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Leif's Updates</a><br><br>&lt;SELECT style=&quot;background-color:#d92114; color:#FFFFFF;font-family:Arial; font-size: 12px; width: 450px;margin:5px 2px 5px 2px;border:none;border-radius: 2px&quot;&gt;&lt;br&gt;<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;Leif Physt || Central Defender || Catalunya FC ||<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;Height: 6'1&quot; || Weight: 171lbs<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;Number: 7<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;Birthplace: Bornholm Island, Denmark<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;Peak TPE: 442<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;------------------------------------------------------------<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;SSL Season Career Statistics<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;S4: CFC, APPS:2, G:0, A:0, P:0, Pass%:85, Int: 12, Clears: 41, Key Headers: 6 RTG:7.85<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;SSL Season Totals: Teams: CFC, APPS:0, G:0, A:0, P:0, Pass%:0.00, Head%:0.00, Tac%:0.00, RTG:0.0<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;------------------------------------------------------------<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;SSL Playoff Career Statistics<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;S4: CFC, APPS:0, G:0, A:0, P:0, Pass%:0.00, Head%:0.00, Tac%:0.00, RTG:0.0<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;------------------------------------------------------------<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;SSL Hardware<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;------------------------------------------------------------<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;Individual Awards<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;------------------------------------------------------------<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;Transactions:<br>&lt;OPTION&gt;S4 Drafted in 3rd round, 32OV by Catalunya FC<br>&lt;/select&gt;

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Profile Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #2</a><br><br>For his first sponsorship, Jeffrey LaVert was approached early on by Bumble, Tinder and Hinge. Why these 3 in particular you might ask? Because these apps can help you score just like former Athenai FC dynamo striker, Jeffrey LaVert! With all the people paying for the premium subscriptions in order to get more swipes and all, it was also extremely easy for all 3 to throw big deals towards the Free Agent striker who appears to be close to signing with the Athletice Clava Romana. Even though LaVert had a big 3M deal with his former team, Athenai, the 3 companies were able to eclipse that mark and offer him massive deals in order to help his training regiment in order to gain fans who would then in turn start using their app more and more.<br><br>So what would even come out of this deal for LaVert? Why would he even take it?<br>With this deal LaVert can be a model for young men everywhere that no matter how much you're down you can always score! You just need to believe in yourself and you can always achieve your goals. He also earns a boatload of money along with a % of profits from the company he chooses to sign his sponsorship with in order to improve his own trading regiment to help himself navigate better around opposing teams and score with more ease. <br><br>Although it may not be the best brands to support in order to increase his fanbase, this allows LaVert to be an icon and role model in today's society for young adults and perhaps teenagers everywhere while being able to make a lot of money, and even guarantee himself money farther down the line in an industry that is booming and appears to be showing no signs of stopping. He will also get to hang out with some super cool people during corporate parties and he loves the vibe with these companies and the young entrepreneurs that are typically involved. In an industry with a lot of room to grow, LaVerts young career looks insanely promising and has a lot of potential to grow along with the company he chooses to support as well.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #2</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Shinji Kaido Player Page</a><br><br>After Shinji Kaido’s second year in the Simulation Soccer League playing for Tokyo Soccer Club, his agent was approached by a Nintendo representative to work on a game together. Even though Shinji was newer to the league than some other Japanese players Nintendo had specifically asked for him due to the popularity of all of the young Japanese soccer players getting to see him play in person. Most other Japanese players have gone overseas to begin their soccer career, while Shinji was able to stay in Japan and have the first two seasons in the league bloom there. <br>Shinji did not know exactly what game that Nintendo had wanted him for, but once he arrived at the Nintendo Headquarters, he understood exactly why they had requested him. Nintendo was underway with their development of the next Mario Strikers game, Mario Ultimate Strikers. Their plan was to get a bunch of motion capture work from Shinji on how he handles and performs when playing to translate that into a playable character that gamers could select. After many hours in the motion capture suit running around without a soccer ball, dribbling the soccer ball, taking a few normal shots, they hooked Shinji into a harness and had him do some high-flying acrobatics that would be used for the Hyper Strike, the main feature of the Mario Strikers franchise. Shinji messed around with a few variations between what the programmers at Nintendo had offered and things that they allowed Shinji to tweak a little bit. When all was said and done, they ended up going with the one where he kicks the ball straight up, jumps way above it, and then dive back down at it with both feet together, striking it with the bottom of his feet.<br>Later in the year, once Mario Ultimate Strikers was released, Shinji was to do a promotional commercial for Nintendo to get the buzz up for the game, and to help host a tournament of the best 16 regional gamers of the past game title, Mario Strikers Battle League. Shinji would be there as a commentator along side a couple who know more about the gaming side of what was going on. It was a fun site to see when the players would choose Shinji as their Captain and have an avatar of himself getting hit into the electric field surrounding the pitch, or tackle the ball from an opposing Luigi and proceed to blast the ball into the back of the net.<br><br><!--QuoteBegin--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='QUOTE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->417 words<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><!--QuoteEEnd--><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Thomas Llewellyn - S4 - Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Completed Activity #2</a><br><br>&quot;Right, and now smile for the camera,&quot; the photographer said. A slow awkward smile spreads stiltedly across Thomas Llewellyn's face. He's posed carefully, holding up the SSL Division 2 Championship Trophy. It's a difficult task, splitting the camera view between the trophy, a clear view of the Adowa Accra jersey, Tom's face, and the logo spaces for UNIBANK - Official Bank of the Black Stars.<br><br>&quot;Are you sure I'm the best poster boy for this?&quot; Tom asked, teeth gritted. &quot;I mean, I haven't really been in the right boots for the team. Pretty sure half of the fans hate me.&quot;<br><br>&quot;It's not about field performance, Tom. It's about marketability. If you weren't such a nice guy, <i>all</i> of the fans would hate you,&quot; the producer of today's shoot answered. This is not a comfort to Tom, whose grip tightens to white knuckles. <br><br>He hasn't been playing this season and barely played last season. And now he's been one of the five selected for focus by UNIBANK - Official Bank of the Black Stars. After the draft or even at the end of his rookie season, it might've been an honor to have his picture taken for the team's sponsor, to be primped and coifed so that the camera picked up most on his best features and they could more easily edit the not-so-great ones, and then the image could be pasted on buses and billboards. Now, it highlights all of the reasons he has for disappointment. He's stuck in a rut with no real improvement and he's been riding pine for it. The new coach has no faith or expectations for him. Perhaps another player would ask for a trade or just quit, but Tom can't even bring himself to do that.<br><br>The camera snaps rapidly and Tom's face is stuck in a plastic smile. In a couple of weeks, he'll have played in one more game and been sat at the half, and he'll see his smiling face on the side of a bus on his way to practice the next day. It makes his stomach drop out. His eyes look empty as the shirt on his chest has the club logo, he didn't win the trophy in his hands, and the text over all of it says UNIBANK - Official Bank of the Black Stars. <br><br>(385 Words, Ready for Grading)<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
<div align="center"><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /></div>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Adam Knight Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #2</a><br><br><br>As an up-and-coming star in the SSL, it was only a matter of time before Buenos Aires left back Adam Knight found himself getting sponsorship offers from some companies back home in the New England area. As the offers piled up, Knight knew he would have to decide and have his agent finalize a deal. For Knight, however, the choice ended up being fairly straight forward. As a kid who grew up in New England and stayed in Beantown for college, Knight had to choose to represent his hometown favorite coffeeshop: Dunkin Donuts. During his time as a student in a Boston high school and then as a college student at Boston University, Knight had probably passed by a Dunkin around a million times in his life. And over the course of many late-night study sessions had consumed numerous gallons of Dunkin coffee to keep awake, making it the perfect company for him to support. The first order of business was putting pen to paper and signing a contract. The next order of business was flying back home for a spell during the offseason to take part in photoshoots and film some commercials in the Boston area. Knight had no acting experience, so filming the commercial was a bit of a challenge. He was able to get the lines down but the delivery in front of the cameras was a bit rough. All told though, at the end of the day producer’s told Knight that he was, “a bit of a ham,” but that all in all they had got enough good material for an ad campaign. All the hard work didn’t come without perks, however, as the trip back to Boston gave Knight the chance to spend time with his family, as well as head back to the Boston University campus and get a chance to meet the current roster of his old team and give them a pep talk. And of course, there was a lot of free coffee and doughnuts to enjoy. Knight hopes this new partnership will be beneficial for both sides and will help him build national exposure while supporting a company he enjoys. And remember everyone, Buenos Aires runs on Dunkin!<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

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