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#3 Media Day [Now Open to S16 Players]
<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career Point Task #2</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>Hard work pays off, that is a fact. As such, following an impressive second season in the Simulation Soccer League, the young Florida native received some news he never expected to come: a brand he highly respects is willing to pay him loads of sponsorship money in a multi year.<br><br>The new Funyuns™ Professional Athlete : Bismo Funyuns!<br><br>A fun, delicious snack to eat which combines a crips texture and a zesty onion flavor, the match is made in heaven. Bismo’s game can also be described as a delicious snack for the eyes, with a crisp texture in the quality final third touches and passes he provides, as well as a zesty swagger to his vision and the way he goes about the pitch. His flair, a beautiful and balanced flavor to the Montreal United squad’s offensively driven game.<br><br>Funyuns parent company, Frito-Lay’s CEO, Steven Williams, had this to say about the deal: ‘’At Frito-Lay, we drive the snack market forward, we’re visionaries, in the we provide delicious enjoyment to the people! Bismo here is a young visionary in the way he’s providing enjoyment while blowing his competition out of the water, and we are extremely happy and proud that Funyuns can keep powering his footballing dreams!’’<br><br>When asked about this new deal that would net him 10 million dollars over a period of 4 years, our main hero emphasized how happy and blessed he was that the snack after which he was named all those years ago had decided to put faith in him and invest in his talent. He swore to keep working hard to pay back this trust, all the while staying proud in being THE OFFICIAL snack of the SSL.<br><br>Safe to say, this young player has taken the league by storm, and you’ll be able to find him on the best shelves of a supermarket near you.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Matthew Mayhem Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #2</a><br><br>São Paulo defender Matthew Mayhems has recently announced a sponsorship deal with Mold Spice, a company that specializes in turning mold into deodorant for children. While this may seem like an unlikely partnership, Mayhems and Mold Spice have found common ground in their commitment to health and wellness.<br><br>Mayhem is known for his dedication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle both on and off the field as well as having an unusual fascination with mold. His drive to rid the world of mold, combined with his dislike of children who smell, make him a perfect fit for this partnership. Mold Spice is a company that focuses on reducing the negative impact of mold on children's health by combining it with a unique blend of toxic chemicals to make the mold safe to apply to a childs skin. <br><br>As part of the sponsorship deal, Mayhem will be featured in Mold Spice's advertising campaigns and social media channels. He will also be promoting the product at public events and through his own social media accounts. In exchange, Mold Spice will be providing Mayhem with financial support and other resources to help him continue to excel in his career as a defender in the Simulation Soccer League.<br><br>Mayhem is excited to be partnering with Mold Spice and looks forward to promoting the brand's message of health, wellness, and smearing moldy deodorant on children. Mayhem is confident that Mold Spice's innovative formula will help children everywhere breathe easier and live healthier lives, even when being exposed to mold as a form of deodorant.<br><br>The partnership between Matthew Mayhem and Mold Spice is exciting, and like nothing that the world has ever seen before. Mayhems commitment to a healthy lifestyle and Mold Spice's innovative approach to mold repurposing make them a perfect match. With Mayhems' support, Mold Spice can continue to reach more parents and help more children live healthier lives.<br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT#2</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>As a goalkeeper for F.C. Kaapstad, I am thrilled to announce that I have just secured my first sponsorship deal with a top sports equipment company called Sure Hands. This is a significant achievement for me, and I am excited to be partnering with such a well-respected brand in the industry.<br><br>Sur Hands is a leading manufacturer of high-quality goalkeeper gloves, and their products are used by many top-level professional players worldwide. As part of the sponsorship deal, Sure Hands has agreed to provide me with a new pair of gloves for every match I play, and they will also be sponsoring some of my training gear. This is a huge advantage for me as a goalkeeper, as it allows me to focus more on my training and playing without worrying about the quality of my equipment. It also gives me an opportunity to give back to the community as I will be auctioning off each of my game worn gloves and will be donating all the money to charity!<br><br>I am honored to have been chosen as a brand ambassador for Sure Hands, and I am excited about the opportunities that this partnership will bring. Not only will I have access to top-quality gear, but I will also be able to work closely with the company to help develop and promote their products. This sponsorship deal is a testament to the hard work and dedication that I have put into my career over the past two years. It is an incredible feeling to have a company like Sure Hands recognize my talent and potential, and I am eager to repay their faith in me by continuing to work hard and perform to the best of my abilities on the pitch.<br><br>Overall, I am extremely grateful for this opportunity, and I look forward to representing them both on and off the pitch. I am confident that this partnership will help me take my game to the next level and achieve even greater success in the league.<br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Fara Dian player page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #2</a><br><br><u>361 words</u><br><br>While players may dream of international sponsorship by the big brands, it can often be more rewarding to receive recognition in their home country, the place where their friends, family, and old teammates (and rivals) can see what has been achieved. After two seasons in the SSL, Fara Dian has received an immense accolade in being sponsored by the most famous establishment in Casablanca:<i> Rick's Café Américain</i>!<br><br>During the off-season between S8 and S9, Fara spent some time in Casablanca filming a series of television ads. While &quot;As Time Goes By&quot; plays in the background, the camera wanders through the well-known rooms of the sprawling cafe, which has been in operation since 1940. It is, in fact, the place where Fara's parents first met.<br><br>Though the ads will run in many programs, including SSL games, the long version of the spot debuted in the surprising second season premiere of Moul Lmlih. Over nearly two minutes, the camera finds and highlights Moroccan celebrities from all walks of life: the rapper French Montana, Nobel Prize winner Serge Haroche, astronomer Merieme Chadid, journalist Leila Ghandi, actress Emmanuelle Chriqui (sure, she’s Canadian but her parents are Moroccan!), streamer Pokimane, writer Laila Lalami, and footballer Fara Dian! At the end, it pans to man who is at first obscured by a large espresso machine, but then he steps out to reveal that it is café owner David Blaine, the great-grandson of its founder Rick Blaine. David closes the ad with the famous catchphrase: “Everybody comes to Rick’s!”<br><br>Watching it play back for the first time, Fara was nearly in tears. He had heard various versions of his parents’ meeting story over the years, and of course spent a lot of time at Rick’s himself (though he never drinks caffeine during the season). But seeing himself on screen in that timeless place, counted among the brightest stars of his home country, seated in the exact spot his parents may have first connected… well, it was all he had dreamed of and more. Footballing success has always been his goal, but to have such a meaningful personal success means his career has already given him more than enough.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b><br>
[Image: S10.png]

<div align="center"><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Glenn Smart</a></div><div align="center"><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT#1</a></div><div align="center"><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT#2</a></div><br><br>Glenn Smart had always dreamed of playing professional soccer. He had been playing since he was a child and worked tirelessly to improve his skills every day. When he joined AC Romana, one of the top teams in the second tier of the Simulation Soccer League, he knew that he had finally made it.<br><br>However, as much as he loved playing the game, Glenn knew that it was not always easy to make a living as a professional soccer player — especially when you’re not in the top tier, which is where the real money is made. That's why he was thrilled when he was approached by a major sports brand about a sponsorship deal.<br><br>The brand, Mitre, was one of the biggest names in the world of soccer equipment and apparel. They were looking for talented young athletes to promote their brand and help spread the word about their products, returning them to the status that they once had in the 1990’s.<br><br>At first, Glenn was a little skeptical. He had always been focused on his performance on the field and didn't want to get distracted by any outside deals or endorsements. But after talking to the Mitre team and hearing more about their vision and values, he began to see the potential benefits of the partnership.<br><br>The deal included a range of benefits for Glenn, including access to the latest equipment and technology, customized training programs, and even financial support for his family. In return, Glenn agreed to wear Mitre gear during his matches, promote the brand on social media, and participate in various promotional events.<br><br>Over time, the partnership looks like it will prove to be a great success. As Glenn’s status within the league continues to grow, Mitre will see a significant increase in sales and brand awareness. Glenn is proud to be a part of such a successful partnership and remains grateful for the support that Mitre have provided him, his family and his team so far.<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->331 Words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b><br>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT 1</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT 2</a><br><br>After a good second season starting almost every game for Buenos Aires, David Brukspatron found himself becoming more and more of a recognized name both in his native Sweden and in Argentina. It was time to strike out into the world of corporate sponsorship, and there was one brand David was incredibly excited to get the opportunity to represent. Ever since he was a child on the small northern family farm, the Brukspatron family had been a Bolinder-Munktell family. The trusty family tractor had always been a Bolinder-Munktell, but a lot the other equipment he and his family had used had been made by the company as well.<br><br>The Swedish farming equipment company are looking to increase sales in the Argentinian farmland and a home grown, hard working farmer boy like David was the perfect fit for the job. The current ad campaign features David riding a variety of farming equipment across the fields of the Pampas Region. David has also been gifted a special built tractor he uses to commute to and from the training ground. It sure stands out next to the expensive cars of his fellow players, manager and staff.<br><br>For David the deal is sure to raise his profile in Sweden, which hopefully increases his chances of representing his native country on the international stage in the future. A Swedish version of the campaign is planned during the summer break when David will ride a special built tractor all the way from Smygehuk in the far south of Sweden to his native Moudoslompolo in the far north.<br><br>”He jär kLart man jär säll för en Bolinder-Munktell, he jär ju ändå na särdeles visst” David was qouted saying about the announcement in his hometown newspaper Norrländska Socialdemokraten. Translated from the Swedish Northern farmer dialect, it means ”Of course one is happy, cause a Bolinder-Munktell is something really special”.<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->311 words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b><br>
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<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Roberto Scarpetta Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #2</a><br><br>---------------------------------<br><br>After a brilliant rookie season, Roberto Scarpetta was someone who turned some heads in his home country of Italy. That isn’t something that’s very easy to do, especially in a country that takes their football very seriously. Whenever there is a young player with a lot of potential and is able to make people in Italy talk, the phone calls for sponsorships were not far behind. <br><br>There were a bunch of phone calls that came Roberto’s way, but the one that was very persistent and decided to get Roberto to sign on the dotted line was Ferrero. Now obviously Ferrero has many products, but the good thing is the ability to have these products represented around the world, so no matter where Roberto would play, he would be able to get recognized, and that’s what was important when the brand approached him.<br><br>He’s done some commercials and advertising pictures for products such as Ferrero Rocher chocolate, which even prior to the brand sponsorship he had mentioned was his favorite chocolate and he believes it to be the best chocolate in the world. On top of that, he’s done some work for Nutella, which is arguably the most popular spread around, and definitely the most popular chocolate spread you can find. It’s only fitting to have these massive products behind him as an Italian, it’s all so very fitting. <br><br>On top of Ferrero, he has done some brand deals with various pasta companies and coffee companies. It seems as though the Italian heritage and his roots are really allowing him to explore these options. With a country as passionate and proud as Italy for both football and their food, it only seems like a perfect match for these companies to partner with one of the SSL’s bright young players. While he has not has as spectacular of a season as he did as a rookie, his effort has not faltered and his numbers will surely improve once his team gets put back on the right track.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b><br>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT #1</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT 2</a><br><br>Jürgen Müller was delighted to be approached by one of Germany’s biggest national brands to be a spokesperson - Lufthansa. Just as Müller is a central hub, moving the ball around the field and getting it to where it needs to be, Lufthansa does the same for the people of Germany. While Müller is responsible for sending the ball to ten different players in a 7140 square meter area, Lufthansa sends people to 211 destinations in 74 separate countries. <br><br>As starting defensive center midfielder for F.C. Kaapstad, Müller is a notable German player playing so far outside of Germany that seeing him play would require air travel. Müller was flattered when Lufthansa reached out to form this partnership. “I already was using Lufthansa as my primary airline, since they fly to all of the destinations I travel to. I was thrilled when they reached out to form our partnership,” Müller said. <br><br>When asked about if he had any plans now that he was sponsored, Müller responded, “Right now, I’m just worried about doing a good job for the media shoots and commercial filming. I’m not exactly used to acting, or posing? So I’m a little nervous that I’m not gonna do a good job on it.” <br><br>When asked for comment, Lufthansa’s spokesperson said, “We’re thrilled to be partnering with a German soccer player abroad. We know that many fans of Jürgen will be traveling to South Africa to see him play in Cape Town, and we’re pleased to be able to help those fans get there! And once they’re done, we’ll get them wherever they want to go next, whether that’s back to their homes, or to a fun vacation in any of the countries we service.” <br><br>While we don’t know what other companies may be interested in sponsoring Müller in the future, this partnership with Lufthansa shows that he is developing a level of prestige that may lure in other deals. <br><br><br>(322 words)<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b><br>
[Image: DTDPYVY.png]

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Karl Schenkinger player page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>#1 Biography</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>#2 Rookie Season</a><br><br><br>After #SchweinNFT made their entry into the sports sponsorship over in the SBA by signing Oklahoma City Rampage star Damian Stein, many had suspected the cute pigs reading books would take over the other leagues as well - and they were right. The newest ambassador for the #SchweinNFT brand is none other than Karl Schenkinger, the brick-wall keeping Adowa Accra's midfield intact.<br><br>&quot;As someone who values creative art like only few others, #SchweinNFT is the perfect partner for me to move forward. They share the same values as I do, and I believe this will be a beautiful partnership&quot;, Schenkinger stated with his usual stoic tone. &quot;A sponsorship like this is new to the SSL, with it being NFT and all, but I'm convinced the league will see the benefit this new angle can bring.&quot;<br><br>Many fans seems surprised to see the stone-faced, physical midfielder partner with a company that creates art, because on the pitch the german is known more for destroying rather than creating. It's also not disclosed how Schenkinger and SchweinCorp, the company behind #SchweinNFT, have come in contact in the first place. Many believe Schenkinger and Stein met each other on a german sports gala last year, others believe in a strategic focus of Schweincorp in the german market. Even though SchweinCorp is an american company, they opted for a german brand name, which will certainly help them in their quest to a strong presence in their market.<br><br>Be that as it may, we will continue to monitor #SchweinNFTs whether #SchweinNFT will grow into the SSL just like it did in the SBA. With a marketable rising star face like Schenkinger on board, chances are good. So far, the Board of Directors has refused to comment on this new angle of sponsorship, but can their silence be interpreted as approval here? We will find out soon and keep you updated!<br><br>(313 words)<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
[Image: 8BlgQNl.png]

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT 1</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT 2</a><br><br>Milton Nunez's agent had news for him. A Serbian drinks company had developed a new energy drink that they claimed would give players an extra boost on the field. To promote the drink, they wanted to sponsor a football player, and Milton Nunez was their top choice. Milton knew that they were lying when they said that, but it was nice of them to pretend.<br><br>Initially hesitant, Milton was lured in by the promise of a significant amount of money as the brand ambassador for the unfortunately named BOLLOCKS Energy. However, the sponsorship came with some bizarre and demeaning requirements. The brand demanded that Milton drink their energy drink on the field during games, despite it being incredibly gassy. They also insisted that he wear a shirt with BOLLOCKS on it during press conferences and post-game interviews.<br><br>Despite the ridiculous requirements, Milton signed the contract, hoping the money would help support his family. However, he soon realized that he had made a mistake. Drinking the energy drink during games made him feel sick, and his performance on the field suffered. The TV advert he filmed where he had to say &quot;I have a mouth full of BOLLOCKS&quot; had already become an internet meme as awareness grew of the vulgar UK English term.<br><br>Milton regretted signing the contract, but he couldn't back out now. He tried his best to fulfil the requirements, but it was taking a toll on his physical and mental health. After exiting a restaurant one evening and having the word &quot;BOLLOCKS&quot; shouted at him no fewer than eight times while waiting for his Uber home, Milton decided he would have to break the contract.<br><br>He learned two important lessons - never compromise your integrity for money, and never go on film saying that you love the taste of BOLLOCKS.<br><br>Also, he sacked his agent. Idiot.<br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

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