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#3 Media Day [Now Open to S16 Players]
<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CT2</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Tamanna</a><br><br>Tamanna is very passionate about caring for the planet and protect wildlife and endanger species. He even volunteers with a locate group that locates and identifies invasive plant infestations and then treats them. As such Tamanna has selected to partner with The Nature Conservancy as his primary sponsor. Being sponsored by The Nature Conservancy means tamanna will attend local events around the country and internationally to help promote education regarding the care of local parks, wildernesses, and wildlife. This relationship between an environmental group and a high profile athlete is a bit unusual given the carbon foot print international sports have on the environment. However, that is the exact reason Tamanna felt compelled to seek such an agency out. He hopes working together they can push the league to become a greener organization and reach a goal of 0 carbon emissions during all Simulation Soccer League activites including transportation, team trainings, and food and beverage consumption at events. For the Nature conservancy they hope their interaction with Tamanna will increase the number of donations and event opportunities from SSL fans and partners. Tamanna also hopes this will help spark a new avenue of sponsors. Ones who aren't looking to sell micelaneous junk, but partner with organizations looking to improve the world we live in. One of the first coevents being hosted by Tamanna and the Conservancy is the Adowa Accra Garden Planting. Lush carbon storing plants will be plant around the entire Accra Stadium and the Adowa Fans are welcome to come help with the digging, planting, watering and care during the installation of this new fan interactive event. The entire grounds will be water from a large rain collection tank hosted underneath the stadium. This tank will collect all the excess rain water the falls on the field, stadium, parking lot, and neighboring roads. It will be a one of a kind stadium in SSL thanks to Tamanna and The Nature Conservancy<br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT#2</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>Henrik has spent most of his career not really focused on things outside of the team. The league has changed a lot since he entered as a rookie and Henrik has started to come to terms with what is needed for him to stay relevant and active. Henrik needs to start talking to sponsors! Once that information became public it didn't take long for multiple companies to reach out and one of the most experienced players in the SSL to promote their brand. <br><br>The main brand Henrik was looking into was from his home country of Sweden. Being an international superstar in the biggest football league in the world makes Henrik the best poster &quot;man&quot; for something that everyone needs in their home, furniture. IKEA had just published a new set of home furniture that Henrik has been given to try out and then participate in some recorded commercials of &quot;everyday situations&quot; where he is just using the furniture in his home. There was everything from comfortable sofas, big and spacious cupboards, affordable mattresses, sturdy tables for both the kitchen and the living room. Henrik's home essentially became something taken directly from a catalogue with designers coming in and redecorating and renovating both his house in Athens and his parents home in Rosvik. <br><br>One of the main things that Henrik was connected to was a new design for the outdoor furniture that is heavily influenced in its design by the game of football. Deck chairs were built so that they could double as goal posts and the table top had markings mimicking the football pitch allowing for a smaller version of the sport to be played on top. IKEA also includes a Henrik Lind signed football with every purchase of the outdoor furniture set, a great opportunity for a young child to learn the sport and follow in Lind's footsteps.<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1--><br>Words: 310<br><!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
[Image: 0HMDG8L.png]
Thanks to @sulovilen

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Biography - CPT #1</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Rookie Season - CPT #2</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br><br><br>Videl Valor, a rising soccer star from Japan, has just landed his first national corporate sponsorship deal with the sportswear brand, &quot;Nirvana Sports.&quot; It's a dream come true for the young athlete who has been striving hard to make her mark on the field.<br><br>Videl was just a child when she started playing soccer, and she quickly developed a passion for the game. She was always one of the best players on her team, and her talent didn't go unnoticed. As she grew older, Videl became more and more dedicated to the sport, spending countless hours practicing and perfecting her skills.<br><br>Now, at the age of 23, Videl has become one of the most promising soccer players in Japan. Her talent on the field has caught the attention of fans and scouts alike, and she has been drawing comparisons to some of the country's greatest players.<br><br>It's no surprise that &quot;Nirvana Sports&quot; took notice of Videl's talent and decided to sponsor her. The company is known for its high-quality sportswear, and they believe that Videl's dedication and commitment to the game are a perfect match for their brand.<br><br>As part of the sponsorship deal, Videl will be featured in several advertisements for &quot;Nirvana Sports.&quot; She will also be given access to their latest sportswear and equipment, ensuring that he always looks and performs his best on the field.<br><br>Videl is thrilled to be working with &quot;Nirvana Sports&quot; and is excited about what the future holds. She knows that this sponsorship deal is just the beginning of what promises to be a long and successful career in soccer.<br><br>As for &quot;Nirvana Sports,&quot; they are confident that Videl will help take their brand to new heights. With her talent and dedication, they believe that she has what it takes to become one of the greatest soccer players of all time.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Jerry Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #2 </a><br><br>A press conference has been called as Romanian striker Jerry of Inter London is here to announce his new corporate sponorship. Rumors have been flying around about what the sponsorship might entail and everyone is waiting with bated breath to see what it is.<br><br>&quot;Hello everyone! My name is Jerry, and you may know me as one of the strikers for Inter London in the SSL, and today I'm here to talk to you about a very serious problem that I have and the steps that I'm taking to fix it. One of the biggest issues I have on the field is knowing when I'm onsides or offsides, they don't call me Mr. Offsides for nothing after all, and the other day I was approached by a representative from ADT, a company known for home alarms, with a fantastic idea. ADP is in development of a new product they call the Offside Proximity Alarm. It's a special device that you press onto your jersey, and when you're about to go offsides in a game of soccer, a loud blaring alarm goes off to let you know that you need to back up, Jack. I have already received approval from the SSL that it is a legal device that can be worn during official SSL games, and so I signed off on the sponsorship to become the first player in the SSL to wear this new device. I watch back a lot of our games when they're over in Inter London, and day after day, I get reamed by the commentators for my positioning. Could I go out and learn how to position better? Sure, but that takes time, and that's time I could be using to learn how to kick the ball better. With the Offside Proximity Alarm, being offsides will be a thing of the past for me, and if it works out in the SSL, I hear there are already talks of trying to create one for use in ice hockey as well. I expect this to be a beautiful partnership and can't wait for you all to see the improvement that I make as time goes on! Thank you and have a great day!&quot;<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->367 Words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
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<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #2</a><br>Borey Barflett’s amazing skills as a goalkeeper has been undeniable even at his height. Through sheer determination and drive he has proven himself to be a world beater goalkeeper. Which is why it is unsurprising he has been chosen to be a sponsor of the new technology leg unextension surgery! If you have ever wanted to be shorter but did not have the means to (besides leg amputation) think no further! Borey Barflett sponsoring this surgery is a dream come true for him. Everyone will be able to put their skills in life to the test! No longer will you have to worry about your respect being mostly directed to how tall you are or domineering you are! With the leg unexension surgery you will have to prove yourself with other means just as the legendary goalkeeper Borey Barflett did! You can explore new low heights and put your tall life behind you. Have you ever wondered what if you were shorter than your girlfriend? Would she stay with you or is she only there because you are tall and handsome? (By the way if you no longer want to be handsome they have a surgery for that too!) Did you get that promotion at your job because you were tall and consequently appeared confident. Take all those genetic advantages away and what are you really? An incompetent loser or a short king? Find out today and get your leg unextension surgery!<br><br>Borey Barflett’s sponsorship offers a 50% off per leg as long as you sign every single one of your rights away! The doctors are not responsible for any emotional physical, or societal pressure damage that may occur after the surgery. And remember, no take backs!<br><br>What are you waiting for? Get the surgery today! <br><br>Sponsored by Borey Barflett<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Last Career Point Task</a><br><br>Finally, the science center for chicken-based science thought, a successful experiment. Semi-successful at least. After a few years ago testing a new technology on a chicken that should make the chicken be capable of human tasks, it did have the side-effect of making the chicken truly sentient. Now a few years later this same chicken was playing in the SSL, one of the biggest football/soccer leagues in the world, or yeah the 2nd division of this SSL, but this is still a feat no chicken so far has succeeded on. Because of this the scientist were happy to announce their research center to the world in the hope of getting some donations. But one thing they didn’t expect was the chicken wanting sponsor money. Just some seeds like they used to do in the past with non-humanified chickens wasn’t enough anymore. This one wanted to see cash before committing to showing of the project and being officially announced as coming from the science center for chicken-based science. After a lot of bargaining it did finally succeed, the one and only Furious Chicken would do a one-time commercial take for them, it did cost them 500,000 but there was hope to make that money back from new sponsors, I mean who wouldn’t want their own chicken footballer, or other jobs. <br><br>Then a few months later the day came, on a calm week within the 9th season of the SSL Furious Chicken came to a media studio to partake in his first ever commercial. Announcing to the world this humanified chicken didn’t come to be In any natural way, but was fully created in a research lab, based on chicken DNA. At the end of the commercial it was a success, at least in the way of having the footballer publicly say he came from the research center. One negative was the constant aggressive energy permeating throughout the commercial.<br><br><br>(314 words)<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Ricky Bobby Player page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT#2</a><br><br>Ricky Bobby is proud to be sponsored by hydro Quebec ! Hydro is the a national company of Quebec that have the monopoly on electricity. They have been formed by Jean Lesage and the power company is one of the motor of the Quebec tranquil revolution. The question that everyone is asking is why? Why does Ricky Bobby , an American that is a nambian citizen , is being sponsored by a Quebec company? It's my pleasure to announce that Ricky is planning to give us both of his citizenship to become Québécois. He will effectively change his name for Richard Richard. While playing soccer in Hollywood, Richard needed a hobby. He discovered the hobby of genealogy. He took 10 ancestry tests and the results were clear. Their is no doubt , Ricky was born in Quebec. All of the story that we can see in the movie &quot; The Ballad of Ricky Bobby&quot; is fake ! So Ricky is coming home , but to do so he need lots of money ! Enter Hydro Quebec , they are giving him 5m dollar a year for him to live in Quebec, do some power publicly and change his name. Since Ricky lost all of his money gambling, he could not pass such opportunities. <br><br>Speaking of gambling, Ricky have line up his next sponsor . It will be another national company from Quebec . Loto-Quebec , they have the gambling monopoly in the province and Ricky will be the face of the company. His big face will be in every casino of the province and he will be on every lotto tickets. Ricky think that he have done a nice deal , but little does he know , he gives Loto Quebec more money that they give up. He has a big gambling problem!<br><br>I will conclude this announcement demanding you to please give money to Ricky GoFundMe, he really needs it. He won't gamble it away!<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>C2 Post</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>It's media day today in the simulated soccer league and young up and comer on Seoul is looking to promote a new brand. His publicist and agent have approached him about a hot new product and guess what? They want to use him as the new poster boy for this product. The new product is a brand new energy drink, but it also has electrolytes and is water based. They are marketing as the new sports fuel of the future. Therefore they want a player, future star, to be the face of it as they grow. It's called Sport Drank. Edgy new name for an edgy new clientel. Gunnar is really excited to be the new face of this brand. The really interesting part of the branding and the brand itself is the funny names of the beverages. Grape Drank, Strawberry Drank, Mango Drank, yeah it's a bit memey but it's for the new generation and they really think it is going to take off. He is doing both a photo shoot and a video/commmerical. <br><br>This will be his first commercial and time in front of a video camera professionally. He has done many photo shoots and concept shoots before. He asked his dad Corey Kennedy, former SHL Pro, for some advice and got mixed results. He also reached out to his god father, Gunnar Soderberg and that was much more helpful. So Gunnar is going to be more prepared going into it. <br><br>The commercial idea should be fairly easy to accomplish and should be pretty fun. It's an action-sports thing, with him drinking the Drank mid-game and mid practice. Not many words, or lines, but when they are there, he is more free casual talking then scripted. With this they are also doing a bunch of social media marketing that he is excited to do. As the brand grows, who knows what opportunities there will be.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Isagi Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Careers #1</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Careers #2</a><br><br>Isagi:<br><br>Okay, I have to start with the fact that San Marino is a very very small nation. We don't mave much in terms of landmass and space. However, within the small space that we occupy is just a pure myriad of historic buildings on top of some of the most scenic views in all of Europe. Its my home, and I love to think of myself as an ambassador for the country, so in that regard, I think its best that I present the national sponsor that I am wholeheartedly proud to have taking care of me: Visit San Marino.<br><br>Of course, Visit San Marino is managed and hosted by the government of San Marino as their tourism board, and why not when there are beauties to show withint he coutnries. First off are the three towers that sit on the three peaks of Monte Titano, Guaita, Cesta and Montale. Guaita tower holds a special place in my heart as that is where I had my first interview with Mr. Blazej before I came over to Tokyo. But these towers makes the crux of the identity of a Sanmarenese, watching over us and guarding us from any foes and unwanted enemies.<br><br>Then there is the city of San Marino itself (Yes I know, having the same name between country and city, but roll with it still). This majestic city with its beautiful stone architecture that just keeps climbing and climbing and climbing but the side of the mountain, its steepness bringing imposing awe and beauty. And get with every step up, you get to see the hustle and bustle of life, people sharing trades with each other over a relaxing cup of cappuchino. Within this small escape for us underneath Guiata, you will experience pure joy with Visit San Marino. They may be sponsoring me, but they have been nothing but joy to work with.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Last Career PT</a><br><br>No worries, mate! Securing me first sponsorship deal with XXXX, an iconic Aussie beer brand, was a ripper milestone in me soccer career. It was fair dinkum, a significant moment that showed they reckon me talent and potential and left me happy as a shot fox. Which person from Australia, especially from Queensland doesn't love a cold XXXX on a hot summer's day.<br><br>As a young athlete, I put in a bloody lot of hard yakka on the field. Me hard yakka and passion didn't go unnoticed, and scoring that sponsorship from XXXX fair dinkum validated me efforts.<br><br>Teaming up with XXXX not only put some extra cash in me pocket but also raised me profile as a professional soccer player. It was a fair go from a bonza brand, putting me on the map as a rising star within the soccer community.<br><br>The sponsorship deal opened up new doors for me career, giving me access to top-notch training facilities, sports science resources, and expert guidance. These things were grouse and helped me grow as a player. Plus, the partnership with XXXX gave me a platform to connect with fans, spread the word about the brand, and inspire other up-and-coming athletes.<br><br>I wore the XXXX logo with pride during matches and media gigs. Being an ambassador for them was grouse, mate! I took on the role with true blue professionalism, integrity, and a genuine love for the game. It was an honour to engage with fans and build a positive image for both myself and the beer brand.<br><br>The XXXX sponsorship acted like a rocket, mate, propelling me career to new heights. It provided the support and exposure I needed to make a fair dinkum impact in the soccer world. Our partnership not only benefited me own journey but also promoted Aussie soccer and the XXXX brand's ties to the sport. And the best part of this meant I was always stocked up with XXXX in my fridge at home even though I live in Europe somewhere. Bloody oath!<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

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