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#4 Versatility [Now Open to S15 Players]
<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>#3 Career PT</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Tom Pedersen's player page</a><br><br>Tom Pedersen does try to train hard and get a lot better every off-season. He usually goes back to Norway with his family and trains with his childhood friends. Tom Pedersen has always played a lot of football with his mates but doesn’t know what the different versions of game play are called in english. There was one version where one is a goalie and kicks the ball out on the field and all the players play versus each other and have to get the ball and score a goal. If you shoot and miss the goal you are out. If the goalie saves he just kicks it out again. All goalscorers wait for the next round. Last man standing on the field gets a penalty kick where the same rules apply, except save means you are out. All scorers enter the field again until one stands left as champion. That person gets to decide the next goalie. Another form of football Tom Pedersen often plays with his friends during the summer is “danker’n”. All the players get a number in line. The first one shoots the ball at a wall. The next one in line has one touch to hit the same wall. And so on and so on. The tricky part is not shooting so safe that the next one can just make an easy tap in. Or so hard that you miss. All those that miss have to clear away and wait for the winner to be announced. The winner gets to shoot first the next round. These exercises make Tom Pedersen’s dribbling skills and technique a lot better. Tom Pedersen also does a lot of running during the summer. Standard military runs which consist of a 30 kg backpack and running 8 klicks in less than 52 minutes. He will also do a lot of obstacle courses and mud pits to gain that core muscle gain. To not lose speed and acceleration he also does a lot of interval running. Both at max speed over shorter distances and high speed over a football field length. When back in Montreal before preseason Tom Pedersen focuses on getting to know his team mates and how they like to do things. Important to be able to play without having to see where your teammates are and just pass blindly into that space where someone will come full speed.<br><br>Words: 399<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
[Image: Tom_Pedersen.png]
Thanks to lore

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #3</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>Pierre Houde has always been a more mentally focused player. He believed he could be a good player simply by having a strong will and be determined, but he soon found out that it takes much more than that to be an elite center back in the Simulation Soccer League. That's why he spends the offseason trying to improve his physical attributes. It involves a lot of running, sure. He must improve his pace and acceleration to keep up with the insanely fast and quick meta forwards who exploit the way FM is made, you know ? Despite his height, Pierre has also been at a disadvantage when playing in the air, so that's why he's doing tons of squats, not only to grow his glutes, but to get higher jumping reach so he can with the aerial duels with the same forwards who apparently can do it all. He's also finding the time to improve his mentals, but I don't really know how he does that. Something that plagued Pierre in his first couple of seasons was that he kept passing the ball to his opponents and they scored right after and his manager told him that he had to concentrate more, but how do you actually improve that ? Pierre went on a mission to improve his concentration. He had some tests run on him and he ended up in a doctor's office where they told him he had Attention Deficit Disorder so they prescribed him some meds to help with that. It looks like it works, because Pierre has yet to make the same mistake again. One must wonder Pierre is also a hyperactive, but just by looking at him on the field, you'll know he has ADD and not ADHD. Pierre is also commited to his bit that he doesn't need to improve on offense. Despite starting his career strong with a couple of goals, Pierre still doesn't train his offensive game, desperate to prove that you can be a defensive genius and be worthy of a D1 CB spot.<br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Frenchie CPT #3</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>In a shocking move, Montreal United star midfielder, Bismo Funyuns, packed his bags to leave the cold winters of Quebec behind him to enjoy the warm beaches of Sao Pulo, joining the division one side who was in dire need of exactly what Bismo had to offer: grace, clinical poise and skill in the midfield. Although a big step up, despite being one that Bismo is confident he’ll be able to take, the reality is the level is other than what he’s been used to in division two. In fairness, the midfielder was able to easily command games through his presence in midfield playing weaker opposition, that would now be changing.<br><br>Used to playing alongside a more defensive minded midfielder to cover more ground in their own third, Bismo had creative freedom moving forward, finding space and running into it to provide an offensive spark when needed. Moving forward, this won’t be the case as the young player will need to cover the midfield on his own, acting as the pivot in transition and looking to transition the play from the backline to their talented forward. His attacking abilities are not put in doubt here, and there is always that fallback, but there will be more defensive responsibility in that area of the pitch and there is now a need to round out his game to provide that to his new team.<br><br>A constant lack in his game, Bismo has been tirelessly working on his marking and tackling, both through watching film with his personal trainer and Sao Paulo video coaches to gain insight in the tactical demands of the team as well as insight into how to better position himself, how to read the play from a more defensive mindset and how to not be a defensive liability. This will make him more versatile in the long run as he’ll be able to retain possession more and gain possession more, which will then enable him to use his deadly going forward tools to continue being a midfield menace as healways was.<br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Roberto Scarpetta Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #3</a><br><br>---------------------------------<br><br>The offseason is always an important time and one that Roberto Scarpetta takes very seriously. That being said, over the past couple of seasons, it seems as though the work ethic has dropped a little bit and the offseason training could have been better. The only real turning point that made him realize that was when this season ended and he started training with Mikko Rashford. Rashford and Scarpetta started to get to know each other when Roberto joined the SSL with Sydney FC back in Season 6. Sydney was in Division 1 playing against some of the league’s best players, and in their games against Hollywood they got to talking and became friends.<br><br>Now this offseason, Mikko and Roberto decided to train together, and immediately Roberto noticed the difference in quality and effort that Mikko was putting in to his offseason routines and the routines he was going through with some of his Division 2 counterparts. The workouts were brutal, much more intensity, much more technical skill was worked on and it was very difficult to get through. However, it started to put things into perspective on how the best players train, what they work on and what’s important. As a defender, that knowledge is also very helpful to know how your opponent may want to beat you, or how your attackers and midfielders want to play ahead of you. <br><br>It’s also interesting to see the importance these Division 1 players like Mikko put into their recovery. While training hard is important, what you do off the pitch is just as important. The food ingested, the rest times, the stretching, etc. Everything needed to get your body ready to be at it’s best during a match or in training is crucial, and this was a real eye opener. Training like this made Roberto feel better, and feel as though he could get back to his rookie season form and hopefully help his teammates in Iceland get themselves promoted to Division 1.<br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT 3</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>Another season complete, means another offseason of work to stay sharp for Tata Youre! After losing a tough fight against relegation, Inter London found themselves returning to Division 2 last season. It took a lot of scratching and clawing, and the results didn’t fall exactly as expected, but in the end, London was able to secure promotion back to the top flight behind incredible performances from K. Clamence, Jerry, and Yeboah especially. After securing promotion however, there is little time to rest, as the team must redouble their efforts if they plan to stave off the dreaded immediate relegation this season. Youre knew he would have to train harder than he ever had to make sure he was prepared for what was to come. As such, he returned home to Divo in the Ivory Coast to recharge his battery and get some wisdom from his loving parents. He helped them and other villagers with their daily tasks and helped on the construction of a new well in the town’s center. He filled up on his mother’s delicious cooking and was ready to once again return to London to take on the world.<br><br>Upon his return, he reached out to Clamence and Jerry. He knew if they were to have success, he needed to continue to cultivate the connection he has with the attackers. If they can become even more familiar with habits and preferences, Youre’s service would likely improve and the team would get the best out of their strike force. The trio worked on many drills; timing runs, lobbing through balls over dummies, pinging long passes to catch the runners in stride, and finding their heads at the back stick. The three trained together for a fortnight before Inter London’s official camp had begun, and the extra sessions seemed to pay off immediately as they soared in training. The team was boosted and their level elevated the rest to work even harder. London is ready to fight!<br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT 3</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>After the Management in Reykjavik completely disappeared in the middle of the season (you can check out the 30 for 30 on this missing person's case <a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>here</a>), the team's season quickly went downhill. Even though Iceland is filled with the most talented footballers in the world, there was still no cohesion. The team didn't know how to play well together. So, like all teams with poor chemistry do, we lost. <br>So, in an effort to bypass the inconsistent leadership, Matt Le Tissier decided to bring all of the team to his estate in Guernsey where they could train together without the distractions of the big city weighing on them. We also asked current Southampton star James Ward-Prowse to come spend a week coaching up our midfield to better understand passing lanes and perfect the art of the free kick. All in all, this summer professional break has been instrumental in the cohesion of the Reykjavik team, especially the back line. An anonymous current SSL Board of Directors member has been quoted calling the Reykjavik defense the &quot;toughest, roughest, rootin'est, tootin'est backfield in the entire Second Division. Shoot, I'd even go on to say that it could handle some of the First Division attackers.&quot; This was in no way coerced or made up. <br>After weeks of training, one of the richer members of the team, Hol LeDiver, decided to take the entire team to Disney World to recuperate and refocus on the upcoming season. And as we all know, there is no place on earth that can help you both focus and relax like the It's A Small World ride. But now, that is all behind us. And we have only one goal moving forward: to demolish the Second Division so that we can take our rightful place in the middle of the First Division table. Nothing can stand between us and our ambitionless and completely achievable goal.<br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Biography - CPT #1</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Rookie Season - CPT #2</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Media Day - CPT #3</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br><br>Coming off a championship with Hollywood, Videl Valor needed to stay in shape by doing some off-season training. The first of which is doing some simple drills with teammate Tiki Taka to improve on the passing game that helped Hollywood remain on top of the simulation soccer league. The next teammate that Videl trains with is the newly acquired Ari Nagatoro. Communication was not an issue because they were both of Japanese heritage, and their passing and synergy were on point. During this time, Videl visited Tokyo and decided to open up a soccer school for young girls, which caused the popularity of the sport in the country to increase and drew ire from the nearby Tokyo SC team. The next stop on her offseason training tour was in Kaapstad, one of Videl's old clubs. She continued to improve on her footwork by using a heavy rock as a ball, to test pain tolerance and loyalty, then she decided to help renovate Kaapstad's stadium by funding money to replace aging sections with new, modern amenities needed for a modern field. After a brief stop in South Africa, she returned to Japan to participate in the Women's world cup which was held in Osaka that year. Her efforts helped Japan to win the world cup and shock the dominant united states. Afterward, Videl decided to continue her training back in Hollywood and started by continuing her simple drills and continued to train with other teammates as well, with the dream of domination still within Hollywood's grasp. The final thing that Videl Valor did to keep her in shape, was record herself doing a workout regimen and share it with her teammates in order to help them stay in top shape if they wanted to play in international friendly games during the offseason.<br><br>(301 words)<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Jerry Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Jerry Career PT #3</a><br><br>When Jerry had to consider training during the offseason, he knew that there was only one person that made sense to train with. That was Inter London legend, K Clamence. The Boris Johnson PartyDome was shut down during the offseason to the public, but Clamence and Jerry were able to sneak in there to work on the actual pitch that they'd play on. Was it legal? Maybe not. But that didn't stop them.<br><br>Clamence was the team's leading goal scorer and that's what mattered most to Jerry, he just liked to put the ball into the net and he wanted to be better at doing just that. While Jerry was good at just kicking the ball as hard as he could into the net, Clamence had to teach him that sometimes you needed a little bit of finesse to score goals, it wasn't just all about raw power. There was also time to continue Jerry's eternal war against going offside. They would put a dummy on the field to represent the keeper and Jerry would have to try to time runs to get around Clamence but also not be offside. With his new sponsorship of the Offside Proximity Alarm, it was easy for him to know when he violated the rules and was able to simply adjust himself and try again. He had hoped that this would help his situation and get him back in the good graces of player coach Gavin Millar.. <br><br>The road to a new season is always a long one, especially when you have to prepare for a jump from Division 2 to Division 1. The competition that you're going to face will be loads harder than the ones you've faced in the past year. All Jerry could hope to do is be ready for whatever is thrown his way and be a better player for it.<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->311 Words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
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<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT#3</a><br><br>Jannik Andersen has certainly been trying to perfect his craft over a long career so far to this point and his training certainly gets a bit different over the years. Now, heading into his 10th season in the league, his goal is about taking care of his skills and being able to maintain his body as his age might try and hold him back. With that, he has always been trying to be better than other goalkeepers over his whole career in being more versatile than the others. While others may be stalwarts in the net, Jannik is certainly a different beast as he really focuses on different parts of his game to be a true sweeper keeper over the years. <br><br>Not many keepers are as eccentric as Jannik is and with his eccentricity, comes doing a bunch of different things that he needs to do differently. He is really adept at coming out of his box to make plays and when he does get a handle on the ball, he has a very strong leg and keen mind to make plays and set his team up for success. He can certainly start breaks with his ability and has even picked up an assist over time because of this. While keepers are not known for being truly versatile, one can argue no one has been more versatile than Andersen over the years because he is built like an extra defender playing keeper as well. You could probably stick Andersen anywhere on the pitch and he can have some level of success with his mind and athletic ability helping him over time.<br><br>As Jannik gets older, his focus is keeping that same versatility for as long as he can in the league and even over time, if he is needing to make a change, he will need to be versatile in a different way and change up his playstyle if need be. Knowing the keeper position so well, Jannik can certainly make a transition to being a traditional keeper after awhile and while it may be a bit of a change when it comes, there are not many that can adapt as well and show of their versatility more than Jannik Andersen.<br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>
[Image: Lovric.webp]

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Adam Knight Career PT #3</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Adam Knight Player Page</a><br><br><br>Adam Knight came into the SSL back in the Season 5 draft, joined by fellow defenseman Che Guevara. While Knight was your standard defensive back with solid speed, decent defensive instincts, and some ok touches going forward, Che was the big, strong, CB capable of shutting the door on opposing strikers. From the get go, the two formed a solid pairing for the Buenos Aires defense, and both grew and improved together to help Buenos Aires reach promotion. This past offseason, Knight managed to pick up a few tricks of the CB trade from Che after Che bet Knight he couldn’t do his job, and Knight, to be quite frank, disagreed. Knight was an unorthodox wingback in that he was more defensively focused, so he felt the transition would be easy. Unfortunately for Knight, his confidence was misplaced, as he soon found himself overwhelmed in the CB position during some offseason scrimmages. For starters, Knight’s WB instinct had him roaming forward out of position a bit too often, leaving his spot wide open. He also struggled with his aerial game. He had decent height and vertical for a WB but was on the smaller side as a CB. In addition, his heading accuracy was pretty poor, leading him to mishit a bunch of clearances back out to late arriving midfielders. Fortunately for Knight, Che took pity on him, and helped Knight get it together. Through some extensive 1 on 1 work together, Knight was able to curb his roaming habits and establish some stronger positioning as a CB. Che also spent hours upon hours launching aerial balls at Knight to work on his heading accuracy. In his own time, Knight also spent a bunch of time in the gym doing strength training to increase his vertical. While he may not be the best CB to ever play, Che and crew managed to whip Knight into shape and give him the versatility to play anywhere along the backline, hopefully allowing Buenos Aires to continue to remain competitive.<br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

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