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#7 Navigating the Off-Season [Now Open to S12 Players]
<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT7</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br>A lot more thought was being given to which team Fallon d'Floor would join in the offseason than what was being worked on in terms of skill. It would perhaps be something that hampered their future campaigns, but what it had meant in the previous season was the largest contract signing in Simulation Soccer League history in a free agent move, signing a $7M contract with AC Romana in Division 1.<br><br>Plenty of offers had been considered by d'Floor, but the eventual decision was to return to their inaugural club with Inter London. Going back to train with Donna Rumma and Gavin Millar, who had been a part of the promoted side, and had been great guidance in the past after being given training programs to work through during the season.<br><br>Fallon had received help in the past as well from Milton Núñez when a part of AC Romana. The partner in crime, brother of Tyson and defensive partner was a key fixture in d'Floor's decision making and prowess with the ball, along with Pascal Anivierre's advisory, and of course, the money being able to be put toward further training under World Class Performance.<br><br>&quot;It's been tough sledding,&quot; d'Floor stated in a small press conference after a training session. &quot;There's been a lot for us to cover after my time away at Romana, and so we've been trying to make sure I'm up to speed with new tactics and new strategies.&quot;<br><br>The British club looks to utilize d'Floor as a right defender once again, with most training involving crossing and play off the ball, though it has been much more of a mixed bag in terms of results on the field. The team will look to not bounce back and forth between the two divisions of the SSL as they venture into another Division 1 season.<br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT 6</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player Page</a><br><br><br>As the seasons come to a close, Tate Youre is reminded that while rest is key to recovery, he also needs to keep his body sharp and in shape for the battles to come. He also knows that iron sharpens iron, so he likes to gather all of his midfield brethren to join in a camp of workouts during the offseason. All the homies gather together and share all kinds of insights and techniques they've picked up from game experience with the team or maybe while they were on loan or even from doing something ridiculous in FIFA and trying to recreate it. The idea is to get together and share and be creative, all while keeping their bodies fit for the season ahead. Last offseason, Oak and Youre worked some extra session to really help each other understand their off-ball movements and habits. They parleyed this bond into a stronger partnership on the field that paid major dividends. Rashford saw some drills at a youth team practice that he thought he could modify and show to the group. Many a cone was stomped on, but they eventually got it working and started to see improvement in their first touch skills and passing ability under pressure increase. <br><br><br>As mentioned before, rest is key to recovering after a long season, so while the boys are getting some training sessions in during the day, they are also hanging out in the evenings making meals for each other and sharing memorable stories from the season. Many laughs are had, strategies shared and reflections are made, further strengthening their resolve. The sting of the finals loss is strong, but it's something they discuss and learn from. On the final day, there are drills in the morning only. The evening is reserved for personal sharing in order to further bond with their teammates. Each member shares a personal struggle and the others offer condolences and plans of action. After everyone has had their turn, the team feels unbreakable. The power of friendship knows no limits.<br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Career PT #6 Hugh Mann</a><br><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Hugh Mann Page</a><br><br><br>This offseason, Hugh finally underwent the position-oplasty he’d been talking about since his first season in the SSL. He had his RWB surgically removed and split up, adding to his DM and ST position experience. He worked with Dr. Brokintoe and with the SSL’s medical office. Treatment was a long involved 8-hour surgery, with a super involved physical therapy process afterwards. He had to relearn everything soccer related, not to use hands, positioning, and which way to cut in. It could be super wasteful (even in practice) to run up the left side, and forgetting where he is, cut left and out of bounds. Relearning all of this is a hard process, involving hard work, effort and an overall team spirit that has rarely been seen outside of the realm of fictional movie sports teams. Hugh was treated at the Taco Bellevue Hospital which also allowed him to eat as much of the hospital food as he wanted, whereas other hospitals might normally charge for such a perk. The physical therapy team was also very good, consisting of a multitude of various athletic trainers, physical therapists and that one weird guy who is always there, but doesn’t actually work there, His name is Chuck. However, the best part of all of the rehab and surgery was the therapy dog. His name is Thor, and he is a super adorable English Mastiff* who was big enough to lay his head on you when you were laying in the hospital bed without jumping up. Hes super lovable but also a big ol’ coward when loud noises occur. But between the active therapy from the doctors and PTs, and the passive therapy from the doggo, Hugh was able to rehab in record amounts of time and get ready for this season for Seoul! Hopefully it will be a good one! <br><br>*The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual doggos, living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental.<br><br>Spoiler for Doggo Picture!<br><div class="tableborder"><div class="maintitle" align="center" onclick="$(this).next().toggle()">Spoiler (click to show)</div><div style="display:none; color: #959595; text-align: center;"><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /></div></div><br><br>I have 307 words.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

<a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>CPT6</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Player page</a><br><br>During the off-season leading up to his breakout year with Sao Paulo's Division 1 team, Felix Arasov embarked on a rigorous training regimen that set the stage for his rise to stardom. Arasov's dedication to honing his skills and physical attributes paid off, but it was the method and company he kept during the off-season that truly set him apart.<br><br>Arasov knew he needed the right mix of mentorship and competition to achieve his goals. He found his ideal training partners in a group of experienced, elite-level players taht were now his teammates. Among them was Oven Forty-FOur, a seasoned forward with an innate understanding of the game, and Kofi Ansah, one of the best wingbacks in the league. These mentors played a pivotal role in Arasov's transformation.<br><br>Arasov's routine blended technical training with physical conditioning. He spent long hours on the training pitch, perfecting his crosses, fine-tuning his dribbling skills, and enhancing his finishing ability. Under the guidance of Forty-Four and Ansah, he also delved into the mental aspects of the game, learning to read the play and make quick, calculated decisions.<br><br>Physical fitness was a priority. Arasov worked with personal trainers to increase his speed and agility, essential attributes for a wingback. The training included sprint drills, plyometrics, and strength training to improve his pace and explosiveness. Stamina was another focus, ensuring he could make those crucial overlapping runs deep into extra time.<br><br>Off the pitch, Arasov prioritized his nutrition. He worked with a sports nutritionist to create a diet tailored to his needs, promoting muscle recovery and energy levels. Regular physical therapy sessions helped him manage any niggling injuries and maintain peak performance.<br>.<br>Felix Arasov's off-season journey was more than just a story of individual growth; it was a testament to the impact of the right training partners, optimal facilities, and a holistic approach to development.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

Player Page
Career Task #6

There's barely a time in a professional soccer player's career when he's not training. In fact, physical sharpness is that important that even when pros are not actively training, for example when they are injured, they are still working on their body in way: Stretches for more flexibility, abs workouts - you name it. There's always something to do, even when you're injured.

Karl Schenkinger, however, is a special kind of player. He has always been physically gifted - tall, fast and strong - but his best asset has always been his mentality. As a matter of fact, he has relied so much over his natural fitness over the years that now, while he's ascending to the very top level of play, he realized he's lagging behind.

Schenkinger, not one to simply affect his inferiority and always looking to improve, has spent the offseason training with the best of them: Doing sprinting drills with olympic sprinters, chasing them around the pitch for hours on end. Strength training with olympic weightlifters, speding day and night in the gym with them. Agility training with olympic Sharpshooters with a paintball gun, trying to dodge their merciless fire and aim. From dawn till dusk, Schenkinger honed his body to perfection, not even touching the ball once all offseason, but that didn't matter to him. To be on top of the game both physically and mentally, that would have to be enough.

Good habits need time to build, but as the Off-Season neared it's end, not only was Schenkinger chiseled like an ancient statue of Greek gods, he also had successfully developed a habitual training regime: Get up at 5am, hit the gym for 3 hours, then get ready for team training.

(310 words)

[Image: 8BlgQNl.png]

Fara Dian player page
CPT #6

While living in Germany, Fara has become fast friends with a professional hockey player who plies his trade in the SHL, the German native Marton Diehm. Their paths first crossed while Diehm was visiting home during his offseason. As soccer-loving as most Germans, he was excited to catch a Schwarzwalder home game. Through a series of connections to the coaching staff, he got to spend some time with the team during the following day's training where he and Fara got drawn into lengthy conversations about the differences in training and strategy between the two sports. Sensing a kindred spirit, Fara invited Marton to dinner and the two struck up a friendship that continues long distance when their seasons overlap.

A major component of the training conversation came down to Marton making the case for his unique Survivor-inspired training regimen, including the ongoing plans for the creation of his own Survivor-inspired gym being built in his hockey home of Texas. Between his life in Morocco, Ghana, and Germany, Fara was almost entirely unfamiliar with the show except in passing reference. So Marton has been recommending his favorite seasons for Fara to watch and especially pointing out his favorite challenges, many of which he has recreated either at his home or in his gym. Though not possessing the same resources, drive, or free time, Fara has been doing his best to find ways of recreating some of those challenges on the training ground in the Black Forest.

Though the professional athletes are both in better shape than most of the Survivor contestants, it's surprising how grueling some of the challenges can be. Many of them stress different kinds of movement, focus, and muscle groups than the standard training program, which has made them an excellent supplement for both players. Doubting he will have time to visit Texas during SFV's brief trip to the US this season, Fara is planning on spending some time there to check out the gym during the next offseason.

APPROVED @FaraDian - the madness behind the SFV training regimen reveals itself.
[Image: S10.png]

Career task 6

This past offseason I was blessed to be able to spend weeks with my brothers in Mongolia and in Japan, where they are Sumo wrestlers and I went from being a merely tall and quick keeper to being a prospect of note at the position. 

My brothers are nearly at the top flight of sumo wrestlers now, and I may be nearing the top of goal keepers. We all have wealth now. We have money to spend on anything we might want to have. We could choose to spend weeks of free time however we want... we spent it herding and huntingon the steppe. Memory and heritage can not be bought.

In Mongolia, on the western steppes, we travelled with our family's herds. There is no strength training like wrestling with people who weigh triple what you weigh, but love you enough to not break you like a long stick. Charitably, they told me that my professionally-honed twitchiness made me useful to help train their reflexes. And forcing fat, strong behemoths to run around in games of soccer is a sweet sadistic revenge after being flattened by them repeatedly in even the lightest wrestling.

We are known names in our homeland now. We honoured that by helping build sport facilities outside the capital, particularly in the west. We give back. Here, my brothers are as known as I am. Such is wrestling in Mongolia.

Then, in Tokyo, I visited the Sumo stable where my brothers lived and trained. Everyone there was another kind of family to my brothers. The delight for me was to see how far they had advanced in their sport - while I'd seen them wrestle since leaving for Accra years before, I had not seen how things were different for them in their stable now. Sumo had once been a dream of mine too, following in my brothers' footsteps. But my body never took to adding the extra weight required as theirs did. 

They honour and are honoured in one of the most traditional sports in the world. And yet, in their offseason, away from their stable, I was recognized by more people in Japan. I left my brothers with their found-family in Tokyo, and returned to mine in the Black Forest.


Career Point Task #6
Player Page`

With only the cup final still to be played, Furious Chicken already has some kind of plan for what he will be doing during the off-season. Already having decided to do some training in the hope of getting Reykjavik United back on top of the major league next season, after the second place behind A.C. Romana this season. Together with some other players the plan was for this off-season to spend some time training and come back stronger for the next one. This training would of course start with some smaller trainings, and with the giant amount of difference between goals made, and expected goals made some nice shooting drills would be up first, followed by corner drills, to train both heading, and to make corners an even bigger weapon for Reykjavik United, after noticing some great corners during this past season.
After these are done, some fitness and physical training is in order, with this Chicken is sure he can be properly fit before the start of the next off-season, were outside of the normal training coming back, Reykjavik United will also be playing 2 pre-season friendlies against different teams in the simulation soccer league.
But this season Furious Chicken decided to do some more “special” training, after noticing last season the massive importance of speed and acceleration in the simulation soccer league, he decided to take part in a few sprinting groups, to try and get even the smallest advantage over the other speedy players that are in abundance in the simulation soccer league. A final thing Furious Chicken is going to be spending some more time on is the more tactical aspect of football, from different ways the teams in the SSL tend to play, to where and why some teams can seemingly get the better of Reykjavik United more often than other teams, and where Furious Chicken himself can help in improving the teams chances of victory.

321 words

APPROVED @FuriousChicken - wise to focus on tactics.

player page

Tamanna loves the offseason. He takes a more wholistic approach to his offseason training than his coaches would prefer. He seeks out experts in other physical disciplines in an effort to look outside the box that is soccer for any techniques that could be incorporated to make tamanna better than every other player on the field. Two seasons ago tamanna spent three weeks in the Philippines learning to free dive. He found that free diving opened a new world related to effective breathing skills to harness better oxygen rates to his blood allowing tamanna to have greater stamina and faster pace for every game.

Another season Tamanna spent four weeks training with cique sol lie. the acrobatics, gymnists, and stunt performers gave tamanna critical insight into the movements of the body allowing him be more balanced and nimble on his feet making him a stronger defender, but also a better dribbler. His temporary instructors also helped him improve his jump height to win more headers both on defense and in attack.

His favorite offseason thus far though was learning the hunting customs of African tribes. With them he learned to run down gazelle and other African game for the villagers to eat. He earned the name "squeamish with blood". Tamanna had never hunted before and had never been around any butcher shop or meat processing shop. So the first hunt they completed he was sick from the sight of all the blood and internal organs. Despite such a set back, tamanna persevered and over the course of 3 weeks he helped the village to have 3 successful hunts. He firmly believes his explosion in goals and assists this season is directly related to the training he completed living with that African tribe. He has even taken some of the tribes cooking traditions back home with him for meal prep.

APPROVED @Duilio05 - a missed opportunity to visit with SFV's sacred zebras in the final paragraph? Maybe a story for the next hunt?

#30 6 Player Page

This off season is a big one for myself. Coming off my best season yet with a big improvements from myself and my team I think I can go even farther. Popping off with a 5 goal game was something I did not imagine for myself. With all of that I know I can go even farther. I am no where near where my prime is, but I know I am able to be the best here. Because of that I have started training with Messi. Even tho Messi is way more than a pure goal scorer, he knows how to get in the right spots when it is needed. I need to learn how to use my pace to destroy the defense. If I can use my place and learn where to be I will be unstoppable on the pitch. Being the mix of Messi and Ronaldo that I need. (Do not tell Messi I said that). I do think my play style as of right now is a lot closer to an Mbappe with an insane pace that can cut through any defense that is in front of him. I am also learning how to score with my weak foot as well. I am now ready to be a more complete pace abuser. I want to be steps ahead of every defender and leave them helpless. All I have been doing is hitting leg day and running to see how fast I can end up getting out there. If I can do this I will be so ahead that my goals can become chip ins for me to score. Hopefully I can make all the chances easy by just blowing by everyone. I know I can get it there I am not even at my peak yet and I can almost be the fastest player in the league. I think in no time I will end up the fastest and it will not be even close at all. I can not wait to show what is possible with speed.

APPROVED @jj2416 - pace is everything.

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