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S15 Claim Thread
Grading and processed PTs from S15 are published in this thread.
All claims here must be claimed in your update thread prior to the end of the S16's off-season.
[Image: slothfacedkillashl.gif]

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S15 Week 1 Predictions:

Who will win the match between Hollywood FC and CA Buenos Aires  >>  BA
Who will win the match between Schwarzwälder FV and  A.C. Romana  >>   SFV
Who will win the match between Tokyo S.C. and CF Catalyunya >>   TSC

BoD, Grader and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 3 TPE

Please DM me on discord if there are any issues.

5oulja    1
bjkman    1
Blueline    2
bluesfan55    3
Breeze837    4
brickwall35    2
BUM®    3
C9Van    3
CapnCooper    4
comebackzak    3
dogwoodmaple    2
domffl    3
DominicToblerone27     3
Duilio05    4
Durodo    3
Eggcracker    4
Emmanuel Blackman    2
Fakemuford    2
FaraDian    4
Figgy    3
FuriousChicken    3
hhh81    3
Jason kranz    3
JR95    3
kahri    3
Leo Fiachra    3
lespoils    2
lore    4
mastersheep    3
Muford    3
Murtsi    4
Oozegirl    2
OrbitingDeath    4
Otaznik    3
Otrebor13    3
Parriyah    2
Prikulis5    3
RashfordU    3
Renomitsu    1
scudmuffin19    3
SFresh3    2
Shnitzl    4
sliceruser    2
Squid    2
tomtommen    3
woog    4
[Image: slothfacedkillashl.gif]

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S15 Week 2 Predictions:

Who will win the match between Montréal United and Inter London >> ILFC
Who will win the match between F.C. Kaapstad and North Shore United  >>  KAP
Who will win the match between Athênai F.C. and AS Paris >>  AFC

BoD, Grader and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 2 TPE

Please DM me on discord if there are any issues.

5oulja    2
absolutelynothing    2
Aenir    2
bjkman    3
Blueline    3
bluesfan55    3
Breeze837    2
brickwall35    1
BUM®    1
burritohour    3
C9Van    2
CapnCooper    1
ComebackZak    2
dogwoodmaple    1
Domffl     2
DominicToblerone27     2
Duilio05    2
Durodo    1
Emmanuel Blackman    2
FaraDian    1
Figgy    3
Frenchie    1
Froste39    1
FuriousChicken    3
Gage2    2
Gordon bombay    2
hhh81    1
jason kranz    1
JR95    2
Leo Fiachra    3
lespoils    1
mastersheep    1
Muford     2
Murtsi    2
Nhamlet    2
Oozegirl    2
OrbitingDeath    2
Otaznik    2
Otrebor13    1
Parriyah    4
r1c3bowl22    2
Renomitsu    1
RussDrivesTheBus    1
scudmuffin19    3
SFresh3    1
Shnitzl    1
sliceruser    2
sonicgmail    3
Squid    2
woog    1
Xotcin    1
ZootTX    3
[Image: slothfacedkillashl.gif]

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S14 End of Season Survey:

5oulja: 2 (please check the spelling of your username on the form in the future)
Aenir: 2
bjkman: 2
Blueline: 2
bluesfan55: 2
Breeze837: 2
brickwall35: 2
BUM®: 2
C9Van: 2
CapnCooper: 2
ChiefVito: 2
ComebackZak: 2
Crunk: 2
Domffl: 2
Duilio05: 2
Echlyrica: 2
Eggcracker: 2
Emmanuel Blackman: 2
Fakemuford: 2
Fakemuford: 2
FaraDian: 2
Figgy: 2
Frenchie: 2
Froste39: 2
FuriousChicken: 2
Heart0verheight3: 0 (You did not submit a verification word in the task thread)
hhh81: 2
jason kranz: 2
Jexter: 2
JR95: 2
kahri: 2
leofiachra: 2 (please check the spelling of your username on the form in the future)
lespoils: 2
lore: 2
mastersheep: 2
Metafiction: 2
Muford: 2
Murtsi: 2
Pandar: 2
Parriyah: 2
Prikulis5: 2
Puppy: 2
Pyro182: 2
r1c3bowl22: 2
RashfordU: 2
Renomitsu: 2
scudmuffin19: 2
Shnitzl: 2
sköldpaddor: 2
sliceruser: 2
slothfacekilla: 2
Squid: 2
tomtommen: 2
Valpix: 2
vinskyy: 2
woog: 2
[Image: 0HMDG8L.png]
Thanks to @sulovilen

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S15 Week 3 Predictions:

Who will win the match between Seoul MFC and AS Paris? >>    SEO
Who will win the match between Cairo City and Montréal United? >>   CFC
Who will win the match between North Shore United and Inter London? >>  NSU

BoD, Grader and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 3 TPE

Please DM me on discord if there are any issues.

5oulja    4
abh89    3
Aenir    2
AW13    3
Bayley    2
bjkman    2
Blueline    4
bluesfan55    3
BUM®    3
burritohour    2
C9Van    3
CapnCooper    3
ComebackZak    4
dogwoodmaple    2
domffl    4
DominicToblerone27     4
Duilio05    3
Durodo    3
Eggcracker    2
Emmanuel Blackman    2
fakemuford    2
FaraDian     4
Figgy    2
firstfray    1
Froste39    2
FuriousChicken    4
hhh81    3
Jason kranz    3
jj2416    2
kahri    2
Leo Fiachra    2
lore    2
mastersheep    3
MattyIce    2
Muford    3
Murtsi    3
Nhamlet    2
Oozegirl    3
OrbitingDeath    3
Otaznik    2
RashfordU    3
scudmuffin19    2
SFresh3    4
Shnitzl    3
sliceruser    4
sonicgmail    4
Squid    4
tomtommen    3
woog    3
Xotcin    3
ZootTX    3
[Image: slothfacedkillashl.gif]

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S15 Week 4 Predictions:

Who will win the match between CF Catalunya and Tokyo S.C.?  >> TSC
Who will win the match between CA Buenos Aires and Hollywood FC? >> BA
Who will win the match between A.C. Romana and Schwarzwälder FV? >> SFV

BoD, Grader and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 3 TPE

Please DM me on discord if there are any issues.

5oulja    3
abh89    4
Aenir    4
Antman    4
bjkman    2
Blueline    2
Breeze837    4
BUM®    4
C9Van    3
CapnCooper    4
ComebackZak    2
domffl    2
DominicToblerone27     2
Duilio05    4
Eggcracker    3
Emmanuel Blackman    3
Fakemurford    3
FaraDian    3
Froste39    3
FuriousChicken    3
hhh81    4
Jason kranz    4
JR95    3
Leo Fiachra    4
mastersheep    2
MattyIce    3
Muford    3
Murtsi    4
Oozegirl    2
OrbitingDeath    2
Otaznik    3
Parriyah    3
Renomitsu    4
RussDrivesTheBus    2
scottisheyebrow    2
scudmuffin19    2
SFresh3    2
Shnitzl    4
sliceruser    2
Squid    4
tomtommen    3
ulaire    2
woog    4
Xotcin    1
ZootTX    3
[Image: slothfacedkillashl.gif]

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S15 Week 5 Predictions:

Who will win the match between CA Buenos Aires and Schwarzwälder FV? >> SFV
Who will win the match between Hollywood FC and Tokyo S.C.? >> HFC
Who will win the match between A.C. Romana and União São Paulo? >> ACR

BoD, Grader and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 3 TPE

Please DM me on discord if there are any issues.

5oulja    3
abh89    4
Aenir    3
antman    3
Blueline    3
Breeze837    3
brickwall35    3
BUM®    3
C9Van    2
CapnCooper    3
ComebackZak    3
domffl    3
Duilio05     3
Eggcracker    2
Emmanuel Blackman    3
fakemuford    4
FaraDian    3
Figgy    2
Froste39    3
FuriousChicken    3
Heart0verheight3    3
hhh81    2
Jason kranz    3
Jexter    3
JR95    3
kahri    2
kdr    3
leofiachra    3
mastersheep    3
Muford    3
Oozegirl    2
OrbitingDeath    3
Otrebor13    3
r1c3bowl22    2
RashfordU    3
Renomitsu    3
scottisheyebrow    2
scudmuffin19    4
SFresh3    3
Shnitzl    3
sliceruser    1
Squid    4
Tsunny    3
ulaire    3
woog    3
Xotcin    3
ZootTX    3
[Image: slothfacedkillashl.gif]

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S15 Week 6 Predictions:

Who will win the Cup, North Shore United or Reykjavik United? >>  NSU
How many goals will North Shore United score during the SSL Cup Final? >> 3 or more
How many goals will Reykjavik score during the SSL Cup Final? >> 3 or more

BoD, Grader and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 2 TPE

5oulja    1
abh89    2
Antman    2
Blueline    2
bluesfan55    1
Breeze837    1
brickwall35    1
BUM®    2
C9Van    1
CapnCooper    1
ComebackZak    2
Dewalt27    2
Domffl    2
Duilio05    1
Eggcracker    3
Emmanuel Blackman    2
FaraDian     2
FuriousChicken    2
Heart0verheight    2
hhh81    1
Jexter    2
JR95    2
kahri    2
kdr    3
leofiachra    2
lespoils    1
mastersheep    4
Oozegirl    1
OrbitingDeath    2
Otaznik    2
Prikulis5    2
r1c3bowl22    2
RashfordU    4
Renomitsu    2
Scottisheyebrow    3
scudmuffin19    1
SFresh3    2
Shnitzl    2
sliceruser    3
sonicgmail    2
Squid    2
Tom Edwards    3
tomtommen    2
trella    3
ulaire    2
woog    2
Xotcin    2
ZootTX    2
[Image: slothfacedkillashl.gif]

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S15 Majors Standings Predictions:

Congratulations goes out to Schwarzwälder Fußballverein SFV on their league championship.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me
Board Members / Interns, Team Managers, and Simmers are able to claim the Average TPE which was 4 TPE

abh89    4
Aleris    4
AW13    6
bjkman    6
Blueline    4
bluesfan55    2
Breeze837    4
brickwall35    4
BUM®    4
C9Van    4
CapnCooper    4
ComebackZak    6
domffl    6
Dominictoblerone27    4
Duilio05    4
Durodo    2
Eggcracker    3
Emmanuel Blackman    5
Fakemuford    4
FaraDian    5
firstfray    6
Froste39    4
FuriousChicken    4
Heart0verheight3    2
hhh81    4
High Stick King    6
JR95    6
Leo Fiachra    6
liamcowboys    2
lore    4
mastersheep    4
Metafiction    2
Muford    6
Murtsi    4
Oozegirl    3
Otaznik    6
Otrebor13    4
Parriyah    4
r1c3bowl22    4
RashfordU    4
Renomitsu    4
RussDrivesTheBus    4
scudmuffin19    2
SFresh3    7
Shnitzl    4
SomeSay...    2
sonicgmail    2
Squid    4
tomtommen    3
Tsunny    4
ulaire    4
Valpix    2
woog    4
ZootTX    5
[Image: slothfacedkillashl.gif]

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S15 Minors Standings Predictions:

Congratulations goes out to North Shore United NSU for their championship.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me
Board Members / Interns, Team Managers, and Simmers are able to claim the Average TPE which was 4 TPE

abh89    4
Aleris    5
AW13    4
bjkman    4
Blueline    4
bluesfan55    3
Breeze837    4
brickwall35    4
BUM®    4
C9Van    4
CapnCooper    4
ComebackZak    4
domffl    4
dominictoblerone27    4
Duilio05    4
Durodo    2
Echlyrica     3
Eggcracker    2
Emmanuel Blackman    3
Fakemuford    4
FaraDian    4
firstfray    4
Froste39    3
FuriousChicken    4
Heart0verheight3    2
hhh81    3
High Stick King    4
JR95    4
liamcowboys    2
lore    4
mastersheep    4
Metafiction    5
Muford    4
Murtsi    4
Oozegirl    6
Otaznik    3
Otrebor13    4
Parriyah    4
r1c3bowl22    4
RashfordU    4
Renomitsu    4
RussDrivesTheBus    4
scudmuffin19    2
SFresh3    4
Shnitzl    4
SomeSay...    2
sonicgmail    2
Squid    4
tomtommen    6
Tsunny    4
ulaire    4
Valpix    2
woog    3
ZootTX    4
[Image: slothfacedkillashl.gif]

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