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SSL Rulebook
<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><div align="center"><u><b>Simulation Soccer League Player Rulebook</b></u></div></span><br><br>The following Rulebook is designed to create a framework for our players and managers to operate within order to keep the league fun, fair and structured. These rules have been created, copied, altered and edited from previous leagues. Any rule discrepancies found need to be reported to the Admins and Board of Directors. Admins and Board of Directors reserve the right to make changes to the rulebook at any time.<br><br>Please be sure to know the rules of our league and operate within them during your time in the SSL. Failure to do so will result in guidance, warnings and possible consequences. Thank you.<br><br><b><u>Table of Contents</u></b><br><br><u><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Section 1.0 - Personal Conduct Policy</a> <br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Section 2.0 - Player Creation</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Section 3.0 - Earning TPE</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Section 4.0 - Season Rulebook</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Section 5.0 - Waiver Wire</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Section 6.0 - Salary Cap</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Section 7.0 - Transfers</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Section 8.0 - Trades</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Section 9.0 - Releases / Retirement</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Section 10.0 - Regression</a><br><a href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>Section 11.0 - Bots</a></u>

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><div align="center"><b>Section 1.0 - Personal Conduct Policy</b></div></span><br> <br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>1.1 Suspension Guidelines<br></span></b><br>a. The SSL Commissioners and/or Board of Directors reserve the right to enforce punishments and suspensions for personal attacks (on the forums, on SSL-related Discord servers and in private messages), cheating, and any other action deemed detrimental to the league.<br><br>b. Personal attacks and conduct violations can be any term or phrase with racial or discriminatory aspects. Suicidal, family, personal attacks, and all other similar or unethical attacks can be grounds for a suspension without a previous warning.<br><br>c. Punishments can include, but are not limited to: game suspensions, salary penalties, posting suspensions, forum bans and more, depending on the severity of the offense.<br><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>1.2 Appeal Guidelines </span></b><br><br>a. Appeal conditions can be denied in extreme or repeat cases. An appeal will be conducted either on the site or on the SSL Discord using a private thread only visible to the user appealing and the entire Board of Directors and administration. <br><br>b. Users may not appeal on another user's behalf. If there is an issue with a suspension or ban that you feel may be unjust, please submit a complaint to a BoD member or commissioner. They will bring it to a larger discussion as needed.<br><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>1.3 Illegal Activities </span></b><br><br>a. Any illegal activity by a user of the site is grounds for removal with no appeal. The SSL does not condone any illegal activities which can be, but not limited to, solicitation, theft, fraud, hate crimes, etc and in some cases local authority may be contacted.

<b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><div align="center">Section 2.0 - Player Creation</div></span><br></b><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>2.1 Player Creation</span><br></b><br>a. Players will be provided 350 TPE to distribute to build their player on creation. These TPE can be spent on any attribute according to the following scale:<br><br>5-7 = 2<br>8-10 = 4<br>11-13 = 6<br>14-16 = 12<br>17-18 = 18<br>19-20 = 25<br><br><br>b. Every player will begin with 5 in each attribute, which a user can improve with their starting TPE aside from stamina and natural fitness which is set at 20.<br><br>c. Every player will have the same Hidden Ability ratings and it cannot be changed. Only the BoD reserves the right to change the hidden ability ratings which will impact all players. <br><br>i.The Hidden Rating would go as follows:<br>Adaptability - 20<br>Ambition - 20<br>Loyalty - 20<br>Pressure - 15<br>Professionalism - 15<br>Sportsmanship - 15<br>Temperament - 5<br>Controversy - 5<br>Consistency - 15<br>Dirtiness - 5<br>Important Matches - 15<br>Injury proneness - 1<br>Versatility - 10<br><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>2.2 Positional Experience</span></b><br><br>a. Players will be given 50 points at creation to spend in the different positional categories.<br><br>i. From this amount, 20 will need to be put into the player’s main position to max out their positional eligibility there.<br>ii. The remaining 30 points may be used in other positions..<br>iii. A max of 20 positional expierence may be added to a position.<br><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>2.3 Traits</span></b><br><br>a. Upon creation, users will have the chance to select a wide range of traits to select how they want their player to play on the field.<br>b. A player can choose 2 traits they want to start with when they create their player.<br>c. Players can have up to 7 traits to add to their player over the course of their career.<br><br>i. To add player traits, you must buy them from the player store with your contract money.<br>ii. Refer to Section 3.4 for the Player Store.<br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>2.4 Player Re-Rolls</b></span><br><br>a. During a player's first 2 seasons in the SSL players are allowed to do one full re-roll of their attributes/positional experience. <br> i. Any re-roll made during or prior to Season 1 does not count against the one re-roll max.<br>b. If a user makes a mistake within their first week of their player. A Commissioner or the Head of Updating may let them reroll once with no penalty attached.

<div align="center"><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><b>Section 3.0 - Earning TPE</b></span></div><br><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>3.1 TPE</span></b><br><br>a. TPE stands for Total Points Earned and if the number of points that your player has available, this will include both your spent TPE and banked TPE.<br><br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>3.2 Weekly Cap</b></span><br><br>a. There is a weekly cap of 12 TPE<br>b. Tasks that are marked as uncapped don’t count towards your weekly cap of 12 TPE.<br>c. A earning week runs from Monday 12:00am PT to Sunday 11:59pm PT<br><br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>3.3 Weekly Point Task (Capped)</b></span><br><br><br>Articles - Articles are league related that must be 300 words for 6 TPE.<br><br>Podcasts - Podcasts must be 10 Minutes per person and must be league related for 6 TPE.<br><br>Graphics - Graphics must show effort, be original and league related for 6 TPE.<br><br>Affiliate Point Task - A Point Task from an Affiliation League of the SSL for 6 TPE.<br><br>Activity Check - A once a week thread where you state that you’re active for 6 TPE.<br><br>Job Pay - If you hold an official league job you get 6 TPE Job Pay.<br><br><br>NOTE: Currently we only accept Affiliation Point Task from the EFL, SBA, VHL, ISFL, SHL, PBE, WSBL<br><br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>3.4 Seasonal Earning Opportunities (Uncapped)</b></span><br><br><br>Award Predictions (Once a Season) - There is a seasonal predictions for the SSL worth up to [INSERT] and they are due [INSERT].<br><br>Theme Week (Name) - In The 3rd Week of the games each season, users can claim 6 TPE uncapped from their Article/Graphic/Podcast on top of their current 6 capped TPE. Can’t claim from Affiliate PT for uncapped TPE. <br><br>Game Predictions (Once a Week) - Each week users can predict the winners (or draw) of 4 matches. Each correct prediction elects 1 uncapped TPE. Payout is only at the end of the season<br><br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>3.5 One-Time Point Task (Uncapped)</b></span><br><br>a. One-Time Point Tasks are tasks that are built to create a history with your player.<br>b. All One-Time Point Tasks are uncap TPE.<br>c. Players when they create will have taks available for them to do at any time.<br> i. Rookie Point Tasks (available only for first gens) - First Gens will have the opportunity to complete 5 tasks that are designed to <br> help them get acclimated with the site and sim leagues. This is claimable for 10 TPE.<br> ii.The Task goes as followed; <br><br> Task 1 - Create a Player<br> Task 2 - Do a Point Task<br> Task 3 - Do an Activity Check<br> Task 4 - Submit an Update<br> Task 5 - Completed the Rookie Survey<br><br> iii.Biography - Users will have the opportunity to write 350 words on their player’s life up until this point and be eligible to claim that <br> for 10 TPE for completing it.<br><br> iv. 2nd Career PT - TBD<br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>3.6 Player Store (Uncapped)</b></span><br><br>a. Players can spend their contract money at the player store at any time during their career to earn more TPE. A player earns money via their SSL contract. <br><br>b. The Things a player can purchase in the Player Store are;<br><br>1.5M - 1 TPE<br>3M - 4 TPE<br>4.5M - 8 TPE<br>5.5M - 12 TPE<br>7.5M - 18 TPE<br><br>Buy a Trait - 3M a Trait (Can Buy Max of 5 Traits for a Total of 7 Traits)<br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>3.7 Training Camp (Uncapped)</b></span><br><br>a. The SSL Training Camp rewards players TPE depending on their players experience in the League which goes as follows.<br><br> i. Rookies: (40 TPE) <br> 2nd - 3rd Year Players (30 TPE)<br> 4th - 8th Year Players (20 TPE)<br> Regression (10 TPE)

<div align="center"><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><b>Section 4.0 - Season Rulebook</div><br></b></span><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>4.1 Season Schedule</span></b><br><br>a. Each season will take 7 weeks, which at the conclusion of those 7 weeks, season rollover will happen and the league will transition to the next season.<br><br>Week 1: Offseason <br>Week 2: SSL Shield + Matchday 1-2<br>Week 3: Matchday 3-5<br>Week 4: Matchday 6-8 (Theme Week)<br>Week 5: Matchday 9-11<br>Week 6: Matchday 12-13 + SSL Cup Round 1<br>Week 7: SSL Cup Semifinals + Matchday 14 + SSL Cup Final<br><br><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>4.2 Preseason</span></b><br><br>a. The Pre-season will consist of one match played between the winners of the SSL Cup and the SSL League.<br><br><br>i If the SSL League winner and SSL Cup winner end up as the same team, the second team that will qualify for the SSL Shield will be the team that finished second in the SSL League.<br>ii. The winner will receive the SSL Shield.<br><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>4.3 SSL League</span></b><br><br>a. The regular season will consist of 13 matchdays, which allows each team to play each other two times a season.<br><br>i. SSL Board of Directors reserves the right to change the number of games based on the future number of teams in the league.<br><br>b. The winner of the SSL League will be determined based on what team has the most total points at the end of the season.<br><br>i. Each team will receive 3 points for winning a game, 1 point for drawing a game, and 0 points for losing a game.<br><br>c. If two teams have the same amount of points at the end of the season, tiebreakers will be taken into account to determine the winner of the league.<br><br>i. The tiebreaker system will be based on Goal Difference, Goals For, Goals Against.<br><br>d. The winner of the SSL League will receive qualification to the SSL Shield, which will take place in the preseason of the following season.<br><br><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>4.4 Cup Competitions</span></b><br><br>a. The SSL Cup is a competition that runs alongside the SSL League. It consists of three rounds of play, with all teams qualifying for the first round, and the subsequent round qualification based on the winners of the first round.<br>b. Each series of games will be played on a two-leg system, with each team playing each other twice, one time away from home and one time at home.<br>c. Games will run on a 90 minute system, to which at the conclusion, if the teams are still tied with the same score, then two 15 minute extra time periods will commence followed by a classic penalty shootout if needed <br>d. The winner of the SSL Cup will receive qualification to the SSL Shield, which will take place in the preseason of the following season.<br><br><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>4.5 Offseason</span></b><br>a. An offseason schedule will be posted, prior to the start of that season’s offseason. The schedule will detail dates on any important league events happening that season.

<b><div align="center"><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Section 5.0 - Waiver Wire</span></div></b><br><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>5,1 Claiming a Player</span></b><br><br>a. A new player in the SSL has to join a team through the waiver wire. Any team can bid on a player through the waiver wire which goes through the following process. <br><br>1. A team submits a claim(s) on a player(s)<br>2. Other teams have 24 hours to submit a claim. <br>3. The team with the highest claim in the waiver wire - gets the rights to that player(s).<br>4. Once a team has acquired a player, they'll go to the bottom of the waiver wire.<br><br>i. If a team has more than one claim at once, then they must have a priority list which they must send to the league commissioner.<br>ii. Failing to send a priority list means that your priority list is the order that you make claims on a player.<br><br><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>5.2 Waiver Order </span></b><br><br>a. The initial order is based on the league standings and reset at the start of every offseason<br>b. The initial order goes by reverse league standings.<br><br><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>5.3 Manager Players</span></b><br><br>a.Managers have the choice to use their waive position on their manager player.<br><br>i. If they elect to have their manager player, then they automatically go to the bottom of the waiver order - otherwise, they enter the waiver wire as normal. <br>ii. Managers will have a 24-hour window before the waiver wire for the new season commences to claim their player.<br><br>b. Managers can’t join their own team via transfers but can trade for their players if they aren’t on their team. Managers can also trade away their players if they are on their team.<br><br>i. All Trades involving manager players must be fair and approved by the BoD/League Commish

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><b><div align="center">Section 6.0 - Salary Cap</div></b></span><br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>6.1 Salary Cap Calculation</b></span><br><br>a. The Salary Cap is decided by using the total sum of minimum wages in the SSL divided by the number of teams in the league rounded to the nearest $500,000. Then a $2,000,000 buffer is added to generate the final wage number.<br><br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>6.2 Exceeding the Cap</b></span><br><br>a. The SSL Salary Cap is a Hard Cap and under no circumstances may a team go over the salary cap.<br>b. During a season, every team is allowed to sign two (2) Rookie Contracts with players claimed through the waiver wire that does not count towards the current season cap.<br> i. The salary will count towards the cap for the player's subsequent years of the rookie contract.<br><br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>6.3 Roster Size</b></span><br><br>a. Each team must have a minimum of 11 players and a maximum of 18 players<br>b. Per Section 11.2 each team may have up to 7 bots which will be included into the max of 18 total players.<br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>6.4 Wage Budgets</b></span><br><br>a. In the SSL, the annual value of a player's wage is tied to the APE that the player has. A contract will never scale down and depending on the amount of APE a select player has in the off-season prior to the year of their contract, will indict the minimum wage they must take as shown by the following scale<br><br><br>APE Level - Salary Minimum<br>350 APE = 1M<br>351-500 APE = 1.5M<br>501-650 APE = 2M<br>651-800 APE = 2.5M<br>801-950 APE = 3M<br>951-1100 APE = 3.5M<br>1101-1250 APE = 4M<br>1251-1400 APE = 4.5M<br>1401-1550 APE = 5M<br>1551-1700 APE = 5.5M<br>1700+ APE = 6M<br><br>i. A player APE levels leading into the final week of the season will decide what bracket they have to enter at a minimum in the following season. A player can only have a contract above their minimum wage bracket and cannot have a salary wage below their wage bracket.<br><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>6.5 Contracts</span></b><br><br>a. All Rookie contracts are 2 Year Long<br><br>i. The Maximum a rookie contract can be including bonuses is $4,000,000<br><br>b. The Maximum a contract can be for a player not on a rookie contract including bonuses is $7,000,000<br>c. All Contract lengths must be a minimum of 1 Year and can only be a maximum of 3 years long.<br>d. The SSL doesn’t have any contract options<br>e. Managers reserve the right to offer their players no-trade clauses (NTC) in their contracts<br><br>i. Players with a NTC cannot be traded unless they waive their NTC.<br>ii. If a player is Inactive and has NTC, the commissioners reserve the right to waive the NTC.

<div align="center"><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><b>Section 7.0 - Transfers</b></span> </div><br><br>a. Any SSL player who has concluded a contract is eligible for Transfer. To successfully complete the transfer the team with the incoming player must have enough room under the salary cap to pay the Minimum Salary indicated in section 6.4b and the team must have the necessary Transfer Budget indicated in section 7.<br><br><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>7.1 Transfer Value Calculation</span></b><br><br>a. A player's transfer value is decided by using their contract minimum times 114 then divided by the player's experience. Then that number is rounded to the nearest whole number to generate the player's final transfer value. <br><br> <br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>7.2 Transfer Budget</span></b><br><br>a. All teams in the SSL have a transfer budget of 100M, this is the maximum cap of Transfer Budget. Completing a Transfer as explained in Section 7.1 will deplete the Transfer Budget by the Transfer Value specified in Section 7. 1<br><br>i. Having a player leave through Transfer will NOT increase the Transfer Budget in any way. <br>ii. Each team’s Transfer Budget will replenish towards the 100M cap by 50M at season rollover.<br><br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>7.3 Contract Re-Negotiations &amp; Extensions</b></span><br><br>a. Once a contract has been officially accepted and confirmed, the only change that can be made to a contract is to increase the salary wage a team gives to a player. You can never decrease the salary wage given to a player once a contract has been confirmed.<br><br>i. Extensions can only be agreed upon on the last season of a player's current contract up until the start of the transfer window.<br>ii. An Extension will only come into effect once the previous contract has fully run out and only can come into effect at the start of the off-season.<br><br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>7.4 Inactive Players</b></span><br><br>a. Managers are able to extend an inactive player for one season and it must be done during the inactive signing period of the season that their contract expires.<br>b. If a manager is re-signing an inactive player during the inactive period, it doesn’t affect their transfer budget<br>c. However, if an Inactive player is a free agent, then it will affect a teams transfer budget when they sign them.<br><br>i. To claim an inactive player a team must put a bid on them using their salary cap<br>ii. Other teams will then have 24 Hours to put a higher bid on<br>iii. Every time a team bids, the 24 Hours clock resets<br>iv. If there is no bid after 24 Hours, whoever has the highest bid - gets the rights to that player.<br>v. The Max a team can offer an Inactive player is $7,000,000<br><br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>7.5 Tampering</b></span><br> <br>a. Tampering is the illegal contact for any player that is under contract with another team, without manager approval. No player or GM may contact another player that is currently under contract. Tampering will be met with punishments which may affect a player or a team.<br><br>Player Punishment<br><br>1st Offence: Loss of Season Salary/s<br>2nd Offence: 1 Season Suspension + Loss of Season Salary/s<br><br>Team Punishment<br><br>1st Offence: Loss of 1st Round Pick/s and/or Loss of Team Wage Budget<br>2nd Offence: Manager is Sacked

<div align="center"><b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Section 8.0 - Trades</span></div><br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Making a Trade Official</span></b><br><br>a. Each team in the trade must publicly accept the trade. Posting a trade thread is considered accepting the trade and can only be done by the team's manager.<br>b. The BoD reserves the right to veto any trade if the trade is deemed excessively detrimental to a franchise or purposely compromising the integrity of the league.<br>c. The Trade Deadline is after Matchday 8 and no trades may be after that point until the offseason<br>d. Once a trade is completed and official, all players involved contracts will 100% move to their new team<br><br><br><b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Waiver Trades</span></b><br><br>a. In the SSL, all managers reserve the right to trade their positions in the current waiver wire to other teams.<br>b. In the SSL, no future considerations are allowed of any kind<br>c. You may also not be allowed future waiver wire positions

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><div align="center"><b>Section 9.0 - Releases / Retirement </b></div></span><br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>Releases </b></span><br><br>a. If a player is released by a team then the team has to pay half of their contract for the rest of their contract duration<br>b. Unless, a player is released during their rookie contract then that team doesn’t have to pay any of their contract once released<br>c. If a player is picked up by another team within 48 Hours of being released then the team isn’t required to pay any of that contract.<br><br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>Retirement </b></span><br><br>a. Once you have officially retired a player may not add any more TPE to them.<br>b. Once your player is officially out of the league, you are eligible to have another player in the SSL.<br>c. To reverse a retirement, you have 24 Hours to undo a retirement upon, after the 24 Hours the retirement is official.

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