2025-01-16, 03:09 PM - Word count:
Coin Flip sat on the plane, nervous at how his metamorphosis would be received. Flip, who was on the plane to REDACTED for a scouting conversation with REDACTED and the REDACTED organization, was passing over the border, and true to himself, he shifts coins based on what the local currency is. He had grown used to the Sydney Currency System and had maintained it while playing away games, although it took a great toll on him and led to slightly worse performances; it was worth it to make sure his teammates knew who he was. However, Flip had recently been getting flown in for scouting conversations, and although the process was going slower than his friend Taonga Kofi from the International Football League (ISFL) had said it would Flip made sure to try his best to impress after all this would decide the rest of his career. The impact he left on scouts would influence the creation of draft boards and would determine where he would end up falling in the draft, which would have lasting effects throughout his entire career, past simply the draft day. He did his best to sell the most natural version of himself possible - which entailed letting his body metamorphosis to how it would, regardless of his desires to stick with his Academy league team in Sydney City.