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#1 Biography [Open to All Players not in regression]
Erik Tildesfunchen was born with a severe congenital deformity in his spine, which caused him to require extensive experimental surgery to correct it. The surgery was shockingly successful, and Erik has since gone on to become a successful youth soccer player.<br><br>Erik was born and raised in the small town of Drüpendichen, Germany. He was always a bright and happy child, and he loved soccer more than anything. When he was born, he was diagnosed with a severe deformity in his spine. Multiple vertebrae in his lower back had failed to calcify as bone and were instead comprised of spongy cartilage, meaning he was unable to balance or keep his back straight. His parents were told that there was no surgery that could correct the deformity, and that Erik would never be able to walk or enjoy a normal life as a result of his disability.<br><br>In spite of this, Erik's love of the sport of soccer continued to grow, watching it from a special back-brace seat in his living room with his father, taking in the knowledge of the game. He gravitated towards the great attackers of the sport and although he could not move like them, he began to think like them. He announced at just six years of age that one day, he would coach soccer even though he could not play. However, things would turn out quite differently.<br><br>Erik's parents refused to accept the prognosis, and they began to search for a surgeon who could help their son. They eventually found a surgeon in the Netherlands who was willing to attempt an experimental hardening surgery to correct Erik's deformity. The surgery was successful, and after a chemical cocktail of drugs and years of physical therapy, Erik was able to walk normally. Shortly thereafter, he was able to run like he'd never missed a beat. Within months of this, he was enrolled with local youth soccer, finally ready to take the field.<br><br>Erik is now a successful youth soccer player, and he has even been scouted by professional teams. He is an inspiration to other children with congenital deformities, and his indomitable spirit will serve him well as he seeks to overcome the odds and become a legend in the sport.<br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED<br><br>Chemical cocktail eh? I'll have what he's having</span></b>

Tom Pedersen saw the light of the day for the first time in the capital of Nordland in Norway. After a while a move to the south of Norway happened and the young boy started playing football with the local team. He soon emerged as a talent. Playing consistently as a defender with an eye for attacking. Through all the years with 7-players football everything was a joy. He also played for much older teams both on 7 and 11-players teams. <br><br>When his own team got promoted to 11-players football they had to alternate with older and younger players to have a team. Tom Pedersen was OK, but couldn’t really find his spot on the team. He played right back, left back, wing, central midfield, forward and even target man. He excelled in tackles, technique and doing raids with the ball, but after some time he stopped doing raids. He also stopped wanting the ball. The substitute bench was often where he started. One day when the manager was ill and couldn’t participate the assistant manager threw Tom in as central midfielder where he absolutely destroyed the other team with his work ethics and hard tackles. Tom got to play more after that and even featured regularly for the first time in over a year. When Tom had replaced the usual right back for 5 games straight he decided to retire. Stating that the love for the game was lost and that he would never play for the local team again. <br><br>Enjoying his newfound free time he started playing computer games instead and gained weight. The love of watching the game never disappeared and one day the then girlfriend of a manager in Sweden asked if he could appear at a training session since the team had too few players. Tom accepted since he had become a bit fat and needed some workout. Tom had instant joy again playing as center forward for the Swedish team. That year Tom Pedersen became top scorer for the team and had a blast. The second season was derailed by injuries and the third was a struggle with internal problems since an apparently Arsenal-influenced sports director had been hired. Tom left the team after the season and joined SSl awaiting his draft. <br><br>Toms favorite destination going into the draft was Buenos Aires, but has really enjoyed his time on the right wingback in Montreal. The goal for the first season was promotion and that was a failure, but his goal is still to win promotion with Montreal as long as they believe in him.<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->430 words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
[Image: Tom_Pedersen.png]
Thanks to lore

Fakedan Injury was a top prospect, perhaps even the toppest of the top prospects that ever did soccer. He was renown for scoring goals, shredding his shirt upon scoring the goals for seemingly no reason besides disrespecting his team and the sport itself and passionately eating food. Born and raised in London, England he was always destined to be good at faking and lying. <br><br>Like his father, and his father before him and his father before him and so on and so forth until the dawn of mankind, humankind that is, Fakedan was a liar. There was no cause, reason or rhyme to why he did, or even much to gain often but he lied constantly. He pretended to be hurt whenever he played soccer, that was his motivation. And if we're being frank, this was the essence of what made a soccer player. The desire to flail about, haphazardly without cause. It stoked the fire of greatness in and him he was recognized as potentially the greatest prospect of all time because of it. <br><br>So how could one fall so far to reach the dregs of the Simulation Soccer League against the hallowed halls of the premier league and other such overpaid and pointless soccer organizations? Well, ironically, he faked an injury. The pressures of playing for such vast sums of money and fame and in such ridiculously bright spot lights with millions of fans watching your every move actually did injure him... on the inside. It broke his wild to pursue his soccer dream and left him settling for some 12th rate league called the Simulation Soccer League. Now, to be sure, he will dominate this league of buffoons and slackers, ne'er do wells and part time mcdonalds workers. But it is only because it does not mean anything to him, he is just here to find a way to kill the time before his parents kick him out to get a real job. <br><br>And so, the tale of Fakedan Injury is partially complete with chapters to come, albeit pointless ones that have no stakes, so no real accomplishments. Unless somehow this league inspires the chance for him to compete in a real league once and for all but I reserve my doubts. We shall see as the time comes. <br><br>Word count: 382<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

Hugh Mann’s Biography<br><br>Hugh Mann started as any other <b>human</b> player in the SSL starts. First he sprouted off his coral stage, and all was well, he had a loving family and a nice place to attach himself to. Then he went through his awkward hydra stage, discharging nematocysts in public is embarrassing for everybody! Hugh really doesn’t want to recall those awkward years, however in his next stage of the starfish, he gladly regales us about this time he found a delicious mollusk and then was able to use its shell as a hat for a period of time. He ran all around the continental shelf floor, discovering things and finding his interests. It was at this point he became a mite prickly and moved onto his next cycle, the Urchin. Hugh recalls that “At the time, everything and everyone irritated him, and caused him to become as prickly on the inside as he was on the outside.” However, he looks back upon it now and just sees that time as part of growing up, the trouble of adolescence as it was. Next Hugh went through a bit of a goth phase, going deep sea diving in his Anglerfish Stage, and starting to hang out with a rough crowd. This was behavior that followed him into his Lamprey stage, where he hung out with all sorts of parasites that just took and took and didn’t give him anything in return. After an argument with a bunch of them, Hugh then Clammed up for his next stage, and didn’t let anyone into his life that he deemed could hurt him. Finally starting to understand that living like that isn’t healthy for anyone, he started to volunteer at the old folks’ home and entered his Trilobite stage, finally relearning that empathy and caring are very important to everyone no matter your age. With this revelation, he entered his cuttlefish stage, a stage marked by a large increase in curiosity and the understanding that no one is an island all on their own. You need people that you care for and can care for you. With this finally dawning on him, Hugh entered his Humanoid stage, discovered soccer and thought it was a fun game. He then started playing and joined the SSL.<br><br>(381 words)<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED<br><br>What did I just read?</span></b>

Prior to joining the SSL, Xavier was a well-known footballer. American footballer that is. In a humorous misunderstanding, Xavier finds himself signed up for the wrong football draft prior to Season 6 but decides to just roll with it. He played a whopping 2 years in middle school before being old enough to try out for an American football team. During those two years, Xavier had a knack for making plays and getting the ball to those who were better at the objective of the game: scoring. Still, his team did well enough and earned third place in his division of 5. <br><br>Xavier only has two goals having been thrust into an unfamiliar sport with well-known rabid fan bases: Don't get killed and make your mark. He is planning to do so by becoming a top assist earner for any team that will take a chance on him and hopefully earns a reputation as the man with a plan on the pitch. However, he is not naive enough to believe this will happen any time soon and, in fact, may take the majority of his new career to even come close to achieving. Nonetheless, Xavier has an open mind and the desire to learn anything that anyone will teach him about the sport. He is not afraid of not knowing anything as it just means there will always be more to learn. <br><br>Xavier has chosen to be a midfielder so that he may look to not only gain assists but provide support for the defensive side of the ball as he played defense in American football. However, he has made sure to note that &quot;tackling&quot; is not the same as in American football and will need to tone it down a bit. He is hoping his conditioning coming into the league will be enough to keep pace with the veterans but knows that is a pipe dream at best. Oh well! Here's to a new start in unfamiliar territory. Xavier has nothing to lose and needs the cash so I guess he's a real footballer now. There is a brand new world of opportunity and fame awaiting in this league. Xavier is ready to make his mark!<br><br>(367 words)<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

Charles-Andrew-Simon Utley-Abara-Lunga was born in Kitwe, Zambia. From a young age he enjoyed playing all sports, but boxing always had a special place in his heart. While his parents would have preferred a non-contact sport or at least one with less contact than boxing it was where he was most comfortable. While all his friends were playing soccer, netball and rugby he spent time training in the ring. At 16 he was known on the national scene and was considering one of the best up and coming boxers of his generation. But since we are here in the soccer world we know that didn't last. During a match in late June he took a right hook to the head and collapsed on the canvas. He never regained consciousness in the ring and was stretchered out and off to the hospital. Utley-Abara-Lunga says it was all a flash after taking that hit. He spent 12 days and countless hours undergoing tests in the hospital before being released. At that point doctors said taking another hit like he did could spell the end of his life. The brain damage and scare of the whole event was enough for his parents to beg him to leave boxing all together. It destroyed Cas (as his friends call him) and he spiraled following the heart break. To be as competitive as he was and as talented only to have it all ripped away was killing him. In an attempt to fill his completive drive he turned to soccer, the most popular sport in Zambia. What started as just wanting to fill that competitive nature turned into a love unlike any other. At 16, following a scare and feeling of emptiness Cas has found his new love. After almost having everything taken away Cas did everything he could to elevate his game. He was invited to join the Kabwe Youth Soccer Academy after quickly becoming a rising star in the sport. There he continued to hone his game on his way to becoming one of the top prospects in the country and an invitee to the 6th Annual SSL draft. Now he hopes to prove to everyone he belongs on the big stage.<br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

In the Cathedral City of St. Albans in Hertfordshire, England, a young boy had a dream. This little boy’s big dream was about playing football at the highest level, the SSL. Who would have thought the boy's dream was close to coming true, but that is skipping ahead to the present, let’s dive back into the past. <br>William “Willie” Normous was born in St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England to father, William, and mother, Lillian. While a child, Willie would always be outside in the fields dribbling the ball through make believed defenders. It was always his dream to make it to the big leagues. When you are a kid living just outside of London, you gain big aspirations to be a star. His parents were quick to enlist him in local leagues to gain a better understanding of the game. Not only that, checking out Division 2’s Inter London FC whenever he could to watch pro players. Willie was quick on learning the rules of the game, as well as different formations teams may use. Studying the game in his free time proved to be beneficial to Willie. Not only could he correctly mark other players around him, he knew how and when to tackle them without drawing a foul. It was clear that Willie Normous was above, and beyond the rest of the groups he played with. <br>Wille finally found like minded people once he joined a local Academy. Once in the academy, his training took a positive turn. He learned how to condition his body to play 90 mins a game and then some. Willie was named one of the top. Once he got into his mid teens, Willie finally found his place on the pitch. Always being shuffled around playing full back and defensive midfield positions, Willie found his home at wingback. Willie was noted to have a great defensive IQ and an excellent one two passing technique. Wille finally found like minded people once he joined a local Academy. His academy days were coming to a close and scouts started filling stands. It is only a matter of time before Willie Normous is an all star and the supporters are chanting his name.<br><br>(366)<br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

Toki Wartooth was born in Norway normally, but for this league, we will say he was born in a small village from Finland. Before joining the SSL, Toki was the rythm guitarist of the world famous metal band, Dethklok. He lived plnety of adventures with the band and got richer than VInce McMahon doing so. Looking for new adventure, he joined the SImulation Hockey League a while hockey, and retired with a cup and a middling career overall. Now, he wants to try the soccer. Where does this interest in soccer comes from? Nobody knows. He was told it could be easy for him as he had good natural fitness and could actually kick objects pretty good.<br><br>Interestingly enough, during his many world tours, Toki got fond of the region of Quebec and Montreal. He knows a lot about the region and the culture of the place naming it his second home. He loves the food, loves the people and loved the hockey fans especially. Now he will also try to reconquer the locals to soccer. Toki's rival, Skwisgard Skwigelf, whom is also a guitarist of Dethklok, torments him a lot, so hopefully soccer will free him from such tormentor. TOki hopes he will not join the league to make him look bad on purpose, he is so much more skilled than him in everything.<br><br>Toki's familly is prett much non existent, his parents were also tormentors to him, never proud of his life choices. Parents tend to dislike metal band careers, even succesful ones. To compensate, Toki finds love in unicorns and clowns and imaginary friends. In his free time, he likes to practice the sport of football a bit, but he also plays a lot of simulation leagues online of many sports. Some say he should spend more time developing his real skills but being in the 2nd role in the band made him a bit lazy to develop his own skills so he likes to procrastinate on it by doing other stuff. The Virtual hockey and american football are part of his life. Maybe he can also find a soccer virtual league to play in.<br><br>Toki also keeps playing music, however Dethklok is on a hiatus as lead singer and frontman, Nathan Explosion, is also busy pursuing a career in American Football after he finished his hockey career. True athletes in this band.<br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

Growing up in Italy, football was all that people cared about when it came to sports. Sure, there were other sports people liked, but if you didn’t like or play football, you were an outlier in the country. Everyone knows the passion that Italians have for their football teams, especially the national team. That passion for the team and playing to represent your country was what really got me invested into the sport.<br><br>When I was younger, I wasn’t the most athletic kid around, so naturally I got placed to play defense. It wasn’t too bad, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. However, when I started getting a little older I developed a true appreciation for the art of defending. When people look at the game, they’re always fascinated by the offensive flair, the nice passes or the great goals, but I had my eye on the back line. Moving as a unit, in constant communication, and every move made having potentially huge consequences. That really got me training to be the best defender I can be.<br><br>I watched countless videos of guys like Maldini, Nesta, Chiellini, Bonucci, Cannavaro, and the list goes on. I just loved how they played the game, how fluid they were and how important they were to their team when they were out on the field. When they weren’t in the lineup, you could tell the hole it left. The great thing about being a defender was that nobody else really wanted to do it, so I always got to play and always got a lot of minutes because I was one of few who truly loved the position and wanted to improve. I eventually got my brother involved, knowing how much a great defensive pairing could impact a team, and we immediately became a great duo together. I’m not sure if it was because we were brothers, but we always knew where to be. We covered each other so well, we knew how to communicate and read plays and we just had this instant chemistry that made us a force together. <br><br>Growing up we continued playing together, and eventually decided that we would give the SSL a shot. It couldn’t hurt, but we did know that the possibility of splitting up was high. Looking at rosters there weren’t many teams who needed two fresh CBs. As luck would have it, Sydney decided to take a flyer on us and claim the two of us. And now, just like it was growing up, we line up next to each other and see where this chapter takes us.<br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

Felix Arasov was born on 23 of July, 2005 in Skopje, Makedonia. <br><br>Born in Skopje to Albanian parents, Arasov started his early career at KF Skupi youth system. He also was interested in playing basketball in his childhood, growing up seeing LeBron James game. But basketball is not as popular in Makedonia, as in other Balkan countries, and he also wasn't that tall to pursuit it. So, he concentrated on the football. His family and him moved to Denmark, so Arasov later joined the Brøndby IF's youth system. He was 14 at the time. <br><br>Start of his career in Brøndby went fine. As the team had no place for winger at the time he moved to fullback position on his right flank. It seemed that Felix character was suitable to play a defender. He took some pride in winning match ups and leaving opposing wingers without the ball and space to play. Albeit he was considered a little aggressive for youth football, racking up quite a big count of yellow cards. But his coaches attributed that to his competitive spirit. He also tried to play on opposite flank of defense, but was not successful in it. Still he wished to become a winger, and take more part in his teams attacks, supplying forwards with crosses and providing width for the team's game. <br><br>His youth coaches tried to give him more attacking responsibilities later, and tried to move him through all the right flank. But overall it seemed that Felix is best at defending and creating chances for others. When he tried to score on his own it usually went abysmally, so Arasov was coached to contribute to his team in non scoring ways. <br><br>At the age of 17 Felix Arasov was also called up for the Kosovo U-21 squad to play in the qualifiers for the World U-21 tournament. He didn't appeal to play for Denmark, cause he wished to play for his home country. In national youth squad he played as a winger playing a total of 7 matches and getting two assists during it. Arasov even has scored a lucky goal, which was his long dream.<br><br>Now drafted to Cairo FC he is looking to start his professional career, and showing himself to have a shot for his main national team.<br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

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