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#1 Biography [Open to All Players not in regression]
Alfredo Puttanesca was born to an Italian immigrant family residing in Vancouver, Canada. Being called Alfredo, not Alfred, was certainly a detriment in his youth as other kids would make fun of his name, both being very Italian, and also very old sounding. Nevertheless, he was a happy boy and loved spending time outside with his friends. His Nonno and Nonna also immigrated with his family, and they lived quite close to each other. As both of Alfredo's parents were often working late, he would come home from school to his grandparents' house and spend the afternoon there. Often, his grandfather would have the replay of the Italian Serie A league playing, especially if his home team of Società Sportiva Calcio Napoli (Napoli) was playing. Other times, he would tag along with his Nonno to the Italian cultural center where other similar aged grandparents would be gathering. One of those men was a soccer coach back in the old country, and he would spend time playing with Alfredo and teaching him small tricks that would be useful on the football pitch. As Alfredo became of age to join the local youth football team (soccer to Canadians) he eagerly joined and showed an aptitude on the pitch. Eventually, Alfredo joined his school football team, leading them to the provincial championship, and also playing for the club teams, becoming quite well known in Canadian circles. Many had him pegged a future Major League Soccer player. <br><br>On a family visit to their ancestral home town of Napoli (Naples) as a youth, Alfredo managed to get himself into a pick up game of football while he was out and about, and unbeknownst to him, one of the men there was a scout for the local football team. He noted Alfredo's aptitude for the game, and then proceeded to keep close tabs on Alfredo throughout his collegiate career. Once he graduated post secondary education, he was recruited into the SSL draft, where Cairo City drafted him. This burgeoning start of his career has led him to places that he hadn't thought was possible just a few short years ago. Playing for Hollywood, Alfredo has gained quite a bit of fame, especially back in Napoli. <br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->369 words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

The BIO of David Doug<br><br><br>David Doug was born in the good ole small city of Flint, MI. He never played soccer a day in his life. He played nothing but basketball growing up, and he wanted to play some football and for some reason when his senior year came… He wanted to play football for sh*** and gigs. David Doug walked to the Football (HE THOUGHT) desk and said he was interested in playing football. BUT!! Before that, let us tell you how we got here…… The day before sign up day. David Doug had to get surgery so he did not have to have glasses anymore. The doctor said you can not see and have to wear two eye patches, and David did not like the idea, but he was okay and tried it. NOW…. Go ahead to the day he had to choose a sport. Well he walked up to the ”football” booth with two eye patches and he walked up and said can he please sign up for this sport for extra fun… A young man with an English accent says “yes for sure”.. And David did not really put two and two together, but he was officially on the team for what the Americans call “SOCCER”...... So the next comes and goes. David Doug came into the classroom for his FOOTBALL meeting, David was the best basketball player on the Basketball team and in the state, and all of the major universities in Michigan were trying to get his talents for Basketball. But it all will change once he takes a step in that room. He walked in and all eyes on him. A young freshman from Argentina was asking about the way the team will line up… So he sits down and the coach says hello David Doug, the best basketball player we have seen here in a long time. Thanks coach. I am ready to help this team, said David. He asked the coach about what position he will be in, his vision was still very blurry, but he wanted to join the meeting to be there. The coach simply said “CB Doug”.... <br><br><br>To be continued…..<br><br><br>(363 Words)<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
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Borey Barflett has always been the runt of the family. Born in 1999 in New York City he was a part of a very athletic family. His mother is 6’1 and plays in the WNBA. His father was a general 6’6 very large and intimidating man. His brother is 6’8 and plays in the NBA for the Pelicans. Borey Barflett stands at just 4’11 at the age of 20. As a he grew up, he was definitely an early grower. Always playing center in basketball in elementary school, goalkeeper in soccer. Everyone expected him to balloon in height once puberty hit. It never happened. Everyone around him continued to grow while he stagnated. And since he always played the big positions at an early age, he never developed the skills and technique the smaller and more agile people should have. He was quickly overshadowed in height and skill by his brother and all the attention regarding sports went to his brother. He was told “he better hit the books if he wants to become something.” Unfortunately Borey was never the smartest. He decided to beat all the odds. Starting with soccer. He was never really good with the ball at his feet. But he is a good ball handler from basketball. He did the only logical thing he could do. Start playing as a goalkeeper in highschool. He was always the backup until the last game of senior year. The coach felt bad for him and put him in at garbage time when the team was 5-0 up. The team got destroyed during that time and gave up 5 goals to make the score 5-5. Borey Barflett gave up 5 goals and the game went to PKs. On the final PK Borey Barflett got a glove to an absolute sitter and saved the game. That’s when he knew that he wanted to prove everyone wrong. That’s when he knew he had what it takes to make it big. That’s his starting point and we will see where the story unfolds. He hopes to be a great goalkeeper and the best shortest player the league has ever seen.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

Wesley Stains was born in Corpus Christi, Texas, in less-than-ideal conditions. His family did not have much money and always struggled to stay above the poverty line, Wesley himself having to do odd jobs to help his family when he was just a little kid. Going through struggles like this left a mark on Wes and he struggles with a negative and hyper-nihilistic view of the world. The only thing in the world that brought him joy was playing soccer. <br><br>Wesley first played soccer when he was about 8 years old, his parents were able to afford a gift for Christmas that year and he got a soccer ball. Wes treasured this ball, and he spent all his time playing soccer in the street when he was not working or in school. Despite his love for the sport and his rapidly improving skills, it was not his soccer that gave him an opportunity to advance his career, but his academics. Despite having a lot on his plate outside of the classroom, Wesley excelled in all of his courses and got a hefty academic scholarship to Texas A&amp;M for urban planning. <br><br>His high school did not have a soccer team and his family could not afford for him to play at a club, so nobody really knew about him. He was not on the radar of the coach at Texas A&amp;M, but he decided to sign up for tryouts as he saw a chance to make his dream come true. Wesley did well at the tryouts, but did not impress the coach enough to make the team in his freshman year, especiaally as a random kid with no playing history. Wesley realized he had a long way to go if he wanted to play for the NCAA team, so he decided to keep a chip on his shoulder and join the college's club team. After a year of playing with the club team, Wesley tried out for the NCAA team in his sophomore year, where he made the roster.<br><br>Stains became a consistent starter on the team as he provided a steady and reliable presence down the middle of the field with his quick passing and great vision.<br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

There once was a time when youth soccer challenges always presented themselves when Karl started playing at 5 years old. Always undersized, it provided unique challenges in itself as many doubted his ability until they actually saw him in action. <br><br>Growing up in a western suburb of Madison, WI, soccer became more of a prominence following the 1994 World Cup hosted in the United States. It wasn't until the late 90's and early 00's did it take off in the state, but when it did... the popularity exploded. Karl grew up watching his father, Kyle, regularly on the pitch. The speed would be a given, as it was more of a natural talent that stemmed through many generations... and Karl would harness it all the same.<br><br>Playing youth soccer, Karl often found himself making runs through the backfield as he had a motor that seemingly never ended. He wanted to simply be everywhere, until he learned more about the game itself and the role that best suited his ability. Heading into high school and club level matches, he found himself consistently in the starting lineup... but as he got older he found himself in the offensive half as coaches around him realized his relent pursuit and nose for the ball. He knew where to be and when to run.<br><br>While coaches noticed his ability to matchup with opposing speedsters, what they came to utilize was the oppositions inability to match his speed when trying to contain him around their goal. It became a constant problem with a deadly ability to shoot with both legs, Karl prided himself on the ability to do the basics flawlessly.<br><br>How will that translate to the SSL... Well it is a whole other level of competitiveness. <br><br>&quot;I'm going to take it one match at a time. I'm jumping into the mid-season, many others will be in better form and I need to find the groove and trust in my teammates. It isn't going to happen over night, but finding the gym and the practice facilities regularly will be a start. I'm looking forward to the path and I know that the players around me will see my commitment and dedication long term.&quot;<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
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Lochlann O’Rourke, the Galway United product has officially stated his intention to try a career in the SSL. As another recent article pointed out, the Galway home grown player featured a bit in the first team this past year as scouts have finally taken notice. Already 6’5”, the Irish Striker has the tools to succeed at this level, clearly evident with his performance this season.<br><br>We wanted to take you further back than that though. Where did it all start for the youngster?<br><br><i>“I guess it started when I was super young, maybe 2 or 3 years old and I was already kicking around a football and making a mess in the house to boot. During my first few years in primary school I was just having fun playing with my lads when my family was approached by Galway United. Being pretty far from other clubs, Galway wasn’t taking any chances of a “major” Irish club to sign him first.<br><br>I got off to a rocky start in the academy, I’m not going to lie. I just wanted to play and score goals. I knew I didn’t have the best feet in the world, nor the technical skills, but I wanted to prove that I knew the game inside and out. I refused to play anything other than striker for the longest time, and those caused problems.<br><br>I finally gave other positions a go, but I knew I was a striker at heart and so did the club finally. It wasn’t until a year or two ago that I got my first real shot training with the first team, and I made it count. I didn’t do anything fancy or jaw dropping, but being in the right place at the right time can be off huge.<br><br>I remember speaking to the gaffer and having an honest conversation with him. He was going to give me my shot, but I needed to silence my critics. He was under pressure for his job at the time and I can see why now looking back.<br>In my first start for the club I got a extra time equalizer just be finding the opening in the defense and waiting until my teammate saw me. Thankfully he did and the rest is history. From there I got the confidence that propelled me into my current form and current situation of looking to the SSL.<br><br>From here I don’t know what will happen, but I do know that I’m confident I can succeed anywhere and for any team, regardless of the system.”</i><br><br>With the SSL draft coming up, every in Galway is nervous to see where Lochlann may end up. Perhaps it’s a team he’ll refuse to join and he’ll be right back here at Deacy Park come January.<br><br>463 words<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
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In the city that never sleeps, thousands of soccer players are waiting for their chance to go big and become the stars of tomorrow. As the 5th SSL draft approaches, however, there seems to be a name making the rounds: Tim Etodeliverapizzaball, a regular pick-up player at Central Park's North Meadows.<br><br>&quot;Tim's probably gonna be in the league someday.&quot; says a local player. &quot;Very talented individual, but if I'm being honest, he's kinda a f------ loon.&quot;<br><br>Etodeliverapizzaball's rise to fame, or infamy, happened rather quickly: as a frequent visitor of Central Park's playing fields, he had been around the game for years, but for a relatively unusual reason: mainly, attempting to introduce regulars to Scientology, a religion many say that he's pushed fervently.<br><br>&quot;He's always around the fields. Half of the time, he's playing the game, as you would. The other half, he's out there telling people about how L. Ron Hubbard is the &quot;True God&quot; or whatever.&quot;<br><br>Beyond the information provided by regulars, little is truly known about Etodeliverapizzaball, from his occupation to his personal life. Despite efforts by multiple news stations and friends of Etodeliverapizzaball, he has not responded to any interview requests. What is known, however, is three things:<br><br>- One, his skills as a soccer player are undeniable. Since he started playing pickup games, he's gone against multiple professional players passing by, which in turn has led to scouts inquiring about his future in professional soccer.<br><br>- Two, his choice of clothing. His clothing choices can be considered odd, even by New York standards: everything from multicolored hats, clothing (even a lack of it), glasses: you name it, he's probably worn it.<br><br>- Three, and most peculiarly: his penchant for consuming ranch dressing, which he has been on record to say that he wants to &quot;legalize it.&quot; He also has on record asked many passers-by if they want to &quot;hit&quot; his daily bottle, and has also been on record to have more on hand.<br><br>What will his future entail? No one knows for sure, but the opportunity for success is there, and many will be watching on, either in awe or in horror.<br><br>(354 Words)<br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
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Born in the village of Divo, Tata was raised in a loving home with his parents and his brother Tolo. His gift for the game was recognized at an early age, as was his size. He was always bigger and stronger than the other players from his area, but his technical and passing abilities helped him standout even further. With a seemingly endless gas tank, Tata would boss games from whistle to whistle, leaving little doubt that he was a special talent. He may not have dominated the stat sheet in terms of goals, but his presence was felt in every game. But talent can only take you so far in this world. Tata realized that he could potentially turn his gifts into a career and a better life for his family, so he doubled his efforts and set out to play professionally.<br><br>At the age of 16, an agent approached Tata about the prospect of playing professionally in Belgium, and off he went. The level of competition definitely required some adjusting, but he did eventually prove to be that powerhouse he was scouted to be. After a couple seasons in the Belgian top-flight, he was scouted by a number of European leagues and was called up to the Ivory Coast's national squad. He rotated into some international games and had his eyes opened by some of the incredible global talent to this point in his life he had only seen in highlight videos. This revelation would drive him to find and play against the best competition the world had to offer.<br><br>With a renewed vigor, Tata has now set his sights on the SSL and plans to make his name known the world over. To be one of the greatest to ever do it, and inspire others from his home nation to be great are his goals. He doesn't have a preference on what team he does it with, he just wants to be the best player and teammate he can be. As the draft approaches, Tata will be spending time with his family in Divo and training with his brother to stay sharp.<br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

Ariadna Tokino Nagatoro Maradona is a lot of things at once. Her mother, Sofi, met her father, Torajiro, in Argentina. Torajiro was a real estate developer and Sofi was in charge of the contracting company they were working with. Unfortunately for both, housing market bad. But, Sofi got in contact with a friend in Mexico, who helped them get set up with a new contractor company in Tijuana. There, finally able to settle down, Ari Nagatoro was born. Because of these strange situations, Ari is technically eligible for the Mexican, Japanese, Argentine, and Italian national teams (the last one thanks to her maternal grandmother).<br>As for Ari herself, she's got a big name attached to her thanks to her mother's side of the family. Her grandfather on that side of the family is a distant cousin of the legend himself and somehow through all the name-changes surrounding marriages and naming traditions, Ari has the name &quot;Maradona&quot; in her own name. Whether she understood what this meant at a young age, it's unlikely; but nevertheless, she was playing football since the day she was able to walk. Her favorite toy was a ball. Growing up, her first celebrity crush was Kun Aguero (until her parents told her that they might be somewhat related). She always surrounded herself with the game and loved every second with the ball at her feet.<br>Much like her great cousin or however that family tree works, Ari has always been smaller than her opponents. Although, this was almost by choice. Ari grew up in the alleyway, playing with the much older boys. And they played rough. They would get physical on defense so often that it became muscle memory for Ari to stay on her feet. Shifting her weight in ways that seem to break the laws of physics, her every touch was beautiful no matter how off-balance she was. Not quite a finisher, she relished the chance to collect souls on the ball, taking every defender on that she can find and beating them.<br>However, this attitude of superiority isn't just present in her play style, she has a bit of off the pitch issues. She may train a lot, but she does so on her own time. She hates being given instruction and orders and often shows up late to practice. She's started a lot of fights with both opponents and teammates, most of the time ending with both being disciplined. Even if she didn't know as a baby, she understands the weight that her name carries and she will always think herself three feet taller than she actually is.<br>For her academy play, she was given offers from Tijuana, Chivas, Pachuca, a few Californian MLS teams, and even full ride offers from UANL and UNAM if she went to their professional academies. But ultimately, at age 15, Ari received permission from her mother to live with family in Buenos Aires to train with Boca Juniors. During that time, the club insisted on giving her a kit with the name &quot;Maradona&quot; on the back. While there, she felt that she was treated differently, but not in the way she wanted to be treated. When people spoke about her, they only spoke about her connection to the greatest to ever play. It was at Boca where Ari decided that once she turned professional, she would make her own name more recognizable than her mother's. And that would start in the SSL.<br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
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I was born on October 14, 1968, in Guernsey, one of the Channel Islands. I began playing football at an early age and soon developed into a talented player. I joined Southampton's youth academy when I was 16 and made my first-team debut two years later.<br><br>I quickly established myself as one of the best players in the English First Division and was named the PFA Young Player of the Year in 1990. I played a key role in helping Southampton win the FA Cup in 1976 and reached the final again in 1992. I also represented England at the 1990 World Cup. <br><br>I continued to play for Southampton until 2002, when I retired from professional football. In total, I made over 700 appearances for the club and scored 209 goals. I am widely regarded as one of the greatest players of my generation and was inducted into the English Football Hall of Fame in 2004.<br><br>I am a creative and technically gifted attacking midfielder, with an eye for the goal, known for the way I strike the ball, and ability to consistently get into good attacking positions. In addition to my vision and ability to create chances for teammates, I was also one of the most accurate penalty-takers in the history of the Premier League. These abilities also enabled me to play as a supporting striker on some occasions, or even on the right wing, although this was not my favored position. I was often known for my excellent ball control, technique, balance, and dribbling skills, as well as my intelligence with the ball at my feet, and my use of tricks and feints, which allowed me to beat opponents, even though they were usually faster than me.<br><br>Since retiring, I have worked as a television pundit and currently run my own soccer academy. I am also a co-owner of Guernsey FC, a semi-professional team in my hometown. <br><br>Since retiring from Premier League football, I tried coaching and being a part of the front office of my hometown club, but I've grown increasingly tired of it. I want to be back out on the pitch and contributing to a championship club. That's why I have decided to come out of retirement and join a Simulated Soccer League club. This should serve as my notice that I am joining the S5 draft class for the SSL! <br><br>[394 words]<br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

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