Forum Clock: 2025-03-07 18:56 PST

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S5 Claim Thread
Grading and processed PTs from S5 are published in this thread.

All claims here must be claimed in your update thread prior to the end of the S6's off-season.

Congratulations to all the Prospects selected during the S5 Prospect Draft

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Mock Draft:

BoD and Managers may claim the AVG: 3 TPE
Participation TPE included in the numbers shown

4D Chess 4
Aenir 2
AgentSmith 2
ajwllmsn 3
Aneeqs 4
Arctic 4
Ashes 4
Asked Madden 4
Bauer 4
Bibleman19 12
Birdman 2
CampinKiller 4
Citizen of Adraa 4
Cleetus 2
CptSquall 2
Domffl 4
Dylan 2
Fluw 2
Froste39 4
fútbuoliscool 4
Gordon Bombay 4
guku 2
H0PPY75 4
Halkohol 4
Henrik 2
Hexx 4
High Stick King 2
holy.sheesh 4
Hoovuh 3
ImSatanJunior 4
jeffie43 4
Jepox 4
Jiggly_333 4
leatherneckmike 4
Legend 3
Lemorse7 4
lespoils 4
marco999 4
mastersheep 3
McAl95 2
mer 4
MrMom 2
Muford 2
mutedfaith 4
Nadiyd 4
OrbitingDeath 4
overdoo 4
PorQueNoLosCinco 4
RaidTheArcade 4
Raven 4
RenoJacksonHS 4
Renomitsu 4
Retuperkele 2
roastpuff 2
Runningman434 3
RussDrivesTheBus 3
Sadio 2
Sarah 4
Sburbine 2
Scudmuffin19 2
seafreddy 4
Sermokala 4
SFresh3 4
slothfacekilla 2
solas 2
sulovilen 4
Thunfish 2
Tiktaalik 4
Toast 2
Tomen 4
TubbyTim69 2
tweedledunn 2
Tylar 2
Warrior_of_Massalia 4
Whitecap 2
WildfireMicro 2
ZootTX 4

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know RashfordU#4119
[Image: Mikko-Rashford-Sig.gif]

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Week 1 Predictions:

BoD and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 2 TPE

.evok 2
3lewsers 1
4D Chess 3
ajwllmsn 1
Aleris 3
Aneeqs 2
Arctic 2
Ashes 3
Asked Madden  2
AW13 3
Berocka 3
Birdman 2
C9Van 2
caltroit_red_flames 2
Citizen of Adraa 1
Cleetus 2
cmac8 1
ColeMrtz 2
CptSquall 2
domffl 2
Fluw 2
fútboliscool  1
G2019 2
Gordon Bombay 4
Graydonsanatomy 2
HalfEatenOnionBagel 3
Hexx 1
High Stick King 1
holy.sheesh 3
Hoovuh 1
HouseOfBlack 3
ImSatanJunior 2
jackkmart 2
JaytheGreat 1
jeffie43 2
Jepox 2
Legend 1
Lumosityfan 2
marco999 2
mastersheep 1
Matty86 2
Maur Rivers 3
mer 3
Mojo Rizing  3
MrMom 1
Mutedfaith 2
OrbitingDeath 3
pauadrian 2
PorQueNoLosCinco 2
RenoJacksonHS 3
Renomitsu 1
retuperkele 3
roastpuff 1
RunningMan434 1
RussDrivesTheBus 4
sambam229 2
scudmuffin19 1
seafreddy 3
SFresh3 1
slothfacekilla 2
stevo 3
sulovilen 2
Thunfish 2
Tiktaalik 3
trëlla 1
tweedledunn 2
twix 3
ValorX77  2
Vulfzilla 2
Warrior_of_Massalia 3
Whitecap 2
WildfireMicro  1
Xenlos 4
ZeBurgs 2
Zombiewolf 2
ZootTX 2

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Week 2 Predictions:

BoD and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 2 TPE

.Evok 3
3lewsers 3
4D Chess 2
Aenir 1
Aleris 2
Aneeqs 2
Ant 3
Arctic 3
Asked Madden  2
AW13 3
Bauer 2
beegbeegyoshi 2
Berocka 2
blix900 3
caltroit_red_flames 3
Cleetus 2
cmac8 2
domffl 2
Fluw 2
Froste39 3
G2019 3
Gordon Bombay 3
Graydonsanatomy 3
HalfEatenOnionBagel  3
Henrik 3
Hexx 2
High Stick King 2
holy.sheesh 3
Hoovuh 3
ImSatanJunior 2
jeffie43 2
Jepox 2
Kasterborous 2
Leatherneckmike 2
Legend 2
Lemorse7 3
lespoils 1
marco999 3
mastersheep 3
mer 2
MN_Moosey 2
Mojo_Rizing  3
Muford 2
Nhamlet 4
OrbitingDeath 2
pauadrian 2
PorQueNoLosCinco 2
Raven 3
RenoJacksonHS 3
Renomitsu 2
retuperkele 3
roastpuff 2
RunningMan434 3
sambam229 2
Sburbine 2
scudmuffin19 2
seafreddy 2
Sermokala 4
SFresh3 3
slothfacekilla 3
solas 2
spooked 1
SteveAiva 4
sulovilen 3
Thunfish 1
Tiktaalik 2
trëlla 3
tweedledunn 3
twix 2
Tylar 2
ValorX77  2
Vulfzilla 2
Warrior_of_Massalia 2
Whitecap 2
WildfireMicro  2
zeburgs 2
Zombiewolf 1
ZootTX 2

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know
[Image: Mikko-Rashford-Sig.gif]

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Week 3 Predictions:

BoD and Sim Team may claim the AVG: 3 TPE

.evok 3
3lewsers 3
Aenir 1
ajwllmsn 1
Aneeqs 4
Ant 3
Arctic 3
Ashes 4
AW13 4
Berocka 2
Bfine 4
C9Van 3
caltroit_red_flames 3
ColeMrtz 2
domffl 2
Fluw 2
Froste39 2
fútboliscool 2
G2019 2
HalfEatenOnionBagel  3
High Stick King 3
holy.sheesh 4
Hoovuh 1
HouseofBlack 2
ImSatanJunior 3
jeffie43 4
Jepox 3
Kasterborous 2
Leatherneckmike 4
Legend 2
marco999 3
mastersheep 3
Mojo Rizing 3
Muford 2
Mutedfaith 2
OrbitingDeath 4
pauadrian 4
PorQueNoLosCinco 2
Pythonic 1
Raven 3
RenoJacksonHS 4
Renomitsu 4
retuperkele 2
RunningMan434 3
RussDrivesTheBus 2
sambam229 3
Sburbine  3
scudmuffin19 2
Sermokala 3
SFresh3 3
slothfacekilla 3
solas 4
spooked 4
stevo 2
sulovilen 4
TheSparkyDee 2
Tiktaalik 4
trëlla 3
tweedledunn 2
twix 3
Warrior_of_Massalia 4
Whitecap 3
WildfireMicro  2
Xenlos 2
Zombiewolf 3
ZootTX 4

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know

Really enjoyed reading through these, and seeing some of the Dream XI's that were dreamed up!

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Theme Week:

.Evok 6
3lewsers 6
4D Chess 6
Aenir 6
AgentSmith 6
Ajwllmsn 6
Aneeqs 6
Ant 6
Asked Madden 6
AW13 6
Big Newff 6
Blix900 6
C9Van 6
caltroit_red_flames 6
CanadianThor 6
Canadice 6
Captjanko 6
Cleetus 6
ColeMrtz 6
Dogwoodmaple 6
Domffl 6
Drokeep 6
fútboliscool 6
G2019 6
Gordon Bombay 6
Graydonsanatomy 6
Guku 6
HaleEatenOnionBagel 6
Henrik 6
High Stick King 6
Holy.sheesh 6
Hoovuh 6
HouseofBlack 2 (did not fulfil task requirements)
JaytheGreat 6
Jepox 6
Jiggly_333 6
Legend 6
Lemorse7 6
Marco999 6
Mastersheep 6
Matty86 6
Mr. Splash Man 6
Nhamlet 6
Omniscius 6
Pauadrian 6
PorQueNoLosCinco 6
ProjectSaint 6
R1c3bowl 6
RashfordU 6
RenoJacksonHS 6
Renomitsu 6
Retuperkele 6
Runningman434 6
Sadio 6
Sarah 6
Sermokala 6
SFresh3 6
sköldpaddor 6
slothfacekilla 6
Solas 6
SteveAiva 6
Sulovilen 6
TheSparkyDee 6
Thevoicelesscreator 6
Thunder39 6
Thunfish 6
Tiktaalik 6
Tomen 6
trëlla 6
Twix 6
Warrior_of_Massalia 6
Whitecap 6
Zema 6

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know
[Image: Mikko-Rashford-Sig.gif]

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Week 4 Predictions:
BoD, Sim Team, and PT Grader may claim the Average = 3 TPE

.Evok 4
3lewsers 4
4D Chess 3
Aenir 4
Aneeqs 3
Ant 3
Beegbeegyoshi  3
Berocka 3
Bfine 4
Big Newff 1
C9Van 2
caltroit_red_flames 3
Cleetus 2
Cmac8 1
Dindog 3
dogwoodmaple 4
domffl 3
Fluw 1
fútboliscool 2
G2019 2
Gordon Bombay 0 >> submitted after matches began
HalfEatenOnionBagel  3
High Stick King 3
holy.sheesh 4
Hoovuh 1
jackkmart 3
Jepox 3
Kasterborous 3
Leatherneckmike 3
Lumosityfan 3
mastersheep 3
Matty86 3
mer 4
MN_Moosey 2
Mojo_Rizing  3
Muford 3
Mutedfaith 3
Nhamlet 3
OrbitingDeath 3
pauadrian 3
Raven 3
RenoJacksonHS 4
Renomitsu 2
retuperkele 2
RunningMan434 3
RussDrivesTheBus 3
sambam229 2
sburbine 3
scudmuffin19 2
Sermokala 2
SFresh3 3
slothfacekilla 3
Socc 2
spooked 3
stevo 1
sulovilen 3
TheSparkyDee 2
Thunfish 2
Tiktaalik 3
TOmen 3
trëlla 3
twix 3
Vulfzilla 2
Warrior_of_Massalia 3
Whitecap 3
WildfireMicro  1
xenlos 3
Zeburgs 2
Zombiewolf 3
ZootTX 3

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Week 5 Predictions:
BoD, Sim Team, and PT Grader may claim the Average = 2 TPE

.evok 2
3lewsers 2
Aenir 2
Aleris 2
Aneeqs 2
Ant 2
Arctic 2
beegbeegyoshi 2
Bfine 2
C9Van 2
caltroit_red_flames 2
Cleetus 2
cmac8 1
ColeMrtz 2
Dindog 2
domffl 2
Fluw 2
fútboliscool 2
G2019 4
HalfEatenOnionBagel  2
High Stick King 2
holy.sheesh 3
Hoovuh 3
ImSatanJunior 2
Jepox 2
Laser 1
Lemorse7 3
marco999 3
mastersheep 2
Matty86 2
Mer 2
Mojo Rizing 3
Muford 2
mutedfaith 1
Nhamlet 3
Prikulis5 2
RenoJacksonHS  2
Renomitsu 0 (submitted after deadline)
retuperkele 3
roastpuff 2
RussDrivesTheBus 2
sambam229 1
sburbine 3
SFresh3 2
slothfacekilla 2
Socc 1
solas 0 (submitted after deadline)
stevo 2
sulovilen 2
Tiktaalik 2
Tomen 3
trëlla 2
Whitecap 2
zeburgs 2
ZootTX 2

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Week 6 Predictions:
BoD, Sim Team, and PT Grader may claim the Average = 3 TPE

.evok 2
3lewsers 3
Aenir 2
AlbanianValor 0 (S6 Prospect)
Aneeqs 3
Ant 3
Arctic 3
Berocka 2
Birdman 3
C9Van 2
Caleb_H 3
caltroit_red_flames 3
Cleetus 3
cmac8 3
domffl 2
Frazzle14 2
fútboliscool 2
G2019 3
HalfEatenOnionBagel 2
High Stick King 3
holy.sheesh 3
Hoovuh 4
HouseOfBlack 2
Jepox 3
Laser 3
Leatherneckmike 2
lespoils 2
Lumosityfan 3
marco999 4
mastersheep 3
Matty86 4
mer 3
MN_Moosey 2
Muford 3
Nhamlet 3
OrbitingDeath 4
Prikulis5 2
Pythonic 3
RenoJacksonHS 3
Renomitsu 3
retuperkele 3
Runningman434 3
RussDrivesTheBus 2
sambam229 3
Sburbine 3
scudmuffin19 1
Sermokala 4
SFresh3 3
slothfacekilla 3
Socc 2
solas 3
stevo 2
sulovilen 3
TheSparkyDee 2
tomtommen 2
trëlla 3
Whitecap 3
WildfireMicro  1
zeburgs 2
Zombiewolf 2
ZootTX 3
ztevans 0 (S6 Prospect)

If you have any questions, or notice any errors, please let me know

The following users may claim the specified TPE for S5 Standings Predictions:

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me
Board Members, Team Managers, and Simmers are able to claim the Average TPE which was 5 TPE

4D Chess 6
Aenir 4
AgentSmith 3
ajwllmsn 2
Allstar20809 7
Aneeqs 6
Arctic 3
ArmTheSharks 6
Asked Madden  2
Bauer 6
beegbeegyoshi 7
Berocka 4
Bfine 7
Birdman 5
blix900 4
caltroit_red_flames 3
Citizen of Adraa 6
Cleetus 4
cmac8 3
Domffl 6
dylan 5
Fluw 4
Froste39 3
fútboliscool  3
Gordon Bombay 3
guku 3
HalfEatenOnionBagel  6
Henrik 4
Hexx 4
High Stick King 3
holy.sheesh 5
Hoovuh 5
ImSatanJunior 2
JaytheGreat 5
jeffie43 7
Jepox 2
Jiggly_333 5
Kasterborous 7
Legend 5
Lemorse7 8
lespoils 5
Lumosityfan 6
marco999 6
mastersheep 5
mer 6
MN_Moosey 8
MrMom 2
Muford 7
mutedfaith 2
OrbitingDeath 6
PorQueNoLosCinco 3
Pythonic 6
RaidTheArcade 3
RenoJacksonHS 8
Renomitsu 6
retuperkele 5
roastpuff 4
Runningman434 6
RussDrivesTheBus 6
sambam229 5
Sburbine 4
scudmuffin19 3
seafreddy 6
Sermokala 5
SFresh3 5
slothfacekilla 4
solas 9
stevo 6
sulovilen 5
TheSparkyDee 4
Tiktaalik 6
Toast 3
tOmtOmmen 4
TubbyTim69 3
tweedledunn 7
Tylar 3
ValorX77  5
Warrior_of_Massalia 6
Whitecap 5
WildfireMicro  4
ZootTX 6

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