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#1 Biography [Open to All Players not in regression]
Chad Johnson was born in the tourist favourite country of New Zealand and the City of Rotorua, however moved to Perth, Western Australia as a baby with his parents looking to create a more comfortable life for him. Growing up in the suburbs of an isolated city like Perth gave Chad a sense of belonging, while he was proud of his heritage back home he considered himself Australian as well as a Kiwi.<br><br>Chad loved football, while Australia was focused more on sports such as Australian Rules Football, Cricket and Rugby League. Chad loved all sports but football was an early love of his, he grew up idolising Ryan Giggs and Paul Scholes even going to model the way he moved around the field to be like Paul Scholes. Funnily enough Chad grew up a Stoke City supporter, something his friends always used to laugh and make fun of him for. Chad wasn’t born with natural athleticism like some players, but he worked his ass off and was no doubt the hardest working player on any team he was apart of on and off the field. He was blessed with the vision for a pass like no one else in his age groups, which is ironic given Chad wore contacts during games due to his poor vision something that tended to frustrate him while coming up the ranks.<br><br>Chad was apart of the Perth Glory academy most of his teen years and learnt how hard work can pay off and lead to opportunities not all kids get in football in Australia, he also was apart of youth New Zealand teams which is something Chad was so proud to do. Representing his culture and country is something Chad never cared for when he was really young but as he has matured and gained perspective is now something thats of the upmost importance to him. Now Chad’s focus is to contribute to his new team Reykjavik United with the Work Ethic and Passion he has had his whole youth career and life, his goal to be apart of success to a club that has been quick to open their arms to a young kid from “Rotovegas” who grew up with a dream.<br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

Well, Pork Tenderloin honestly never had much of a penchant for soccer growing up. Being a genetically engineered piece of meat he honestly had no idea what he may or may not do at all until he was finally set free upon the world. Some thought he may pursue a career in football, being one of the beefiest linesmen you could imagine. Some thought he might end up strapping some knives to his feet and trying to have a go at hockey, being a beefed up defenseman knocking heads around and fighting people. So it really did come as a shock when he decided to lace up some cleats and step onto the pitch for soccer. He didn't know the first thing about sports in general so teaching the rules of the sport to him was... rough at first. His first few games were rough and he actually ended up getting thrown out once or twice via a red card. It was a steep learning curve for a being with lots of muscle and a lack of brain. <br><br>See, Tenderloin was quite literally grown in a lab from a clump of cells taken from the loin of a pig. The culture was grown and grown until it actually gained sentience. A basic form of life to be sure, but one that could think and respond to stimuli and actually learn. It wasn't long before Tenderloin was able to walk and even talk. This hunk of meat had become its own lab grown being. It was something the scientists had never expected and was even more shocking to them when Tenderloin requested his own freedom. How could they deny this form of life a chance to experience the world for its own? It would be inhumane to bring this creature life, thought, freedom, and then deny it a chance to have a go of its own. So that's what they did, they set Pork Tenderloin free on the world and let him choose which path he desired. With that freedom, Pork Tenderloin decided that he wanted to play soccer and thus, he was drafted into the Simulation Soccer League by the Seoul Mythic F.C.<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->363 words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

David Brukspatron grew up in the small village of Moudoslompolo, 113 kilometers from the still small town of Pajala where he went to school. Since he had to wait for the one bus that went back home, he stayed after school every day and played football. During the long winters the snow lay meters deep and he and his friends played in the school gymnasium, every day from end of last class to the bus left at 17.11. <br><br>All those afternoons of playing football on a small field gave him a lot of practice with small movements, quick passes and physical play. When he later joined the local football team Pajala IF he quickly became known for his opening passes, leading him to dictate a lot of play from the midfield early on. He was quoted saying &quot;the outdoor field is just so big, it's no problem finding a good pass when there's so much space&quot;. <br><br>Back home he worked on the family farm, the stony earth had been beaten into submission by generations of his ancestors, and he always thought he would take over the small fields, the cows and the large swaths of untouched forest when his father got too old to continue. It didn't turn out that way, however.<br><br>A local news story about the teenager playing grown up football at just 13 turned into a national story, and soon he found himself approached by Brommapojkarna, a Stockholm club well known for its youth academy. He moved down there at the start of high school, aged 16. He didn't stay long, however. Scouts from the SSL team Buenos Aires were scouting the youth setup and less than a year later he ended up in the CA Buenos Aires youth team.<br><br>Such a move would have been a big step into the unknown for everyone, but David has been quoted saying he finds Stockholm and Buenos Aires to be very similar, compared to his small home village of 58 people. &quot;City people are city people&quot; he said to a local newspaper, &quot;And the south is the south, no matter how far you go&quot;.<br><br>Still only 17, David was promoted to the senior team and even though he isn’t likely to play just yet, the short stocky boy with a body more suited to plowing a field than doing the fancy footwork expected of Argentinian youth players looks to be one for the future. He is strong, good in the air and the football field is still larger than he’s used to. More than 13 000 kilometers away from home, in a vastly different climate and culture, he still believes he can make it.<br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>
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Edoardo Mutasci is an up-and-coming soccer player who is just starting his professional career in the second division of the SSL League with Reykjavik United. A defensive midfielder by trade, Mutasci has been hailed as one of the most promising young players in the lower leagues of Italy, and he recently signed with Reykjavik United after being bought by the club.<br><br>At the juvenile level, Mutasci played for Castellaneta Calcio 1909, where he impressed coaches and scouts with his technical ability. He also had an experience in futsal, playing for Fortitudo Castellaneta, where he further developed his skills and gained valuable experience.<br><br>Despite his young age, Mutasci has already shown that he has the potential to become an useful player in the SSL League. He is a tireless and hard-working player, who is always looking to win the ball back and launch counterattacks for his team. His speed and technical ability make him a handful for opponents, and he is also known for his potentially excellent passing and vision, that hasn't already been proved in more difficult games.<br><br>However, Mutasci has yet to make his debut for Reykjavik United, as he is still getting acclimated to his new surroundings and adapting to the physical demands of professional soccer. Once he is fully fit and ready to play, he is expected to fight for a spot in the starting lineup to showcase his skills to the world.<br><br>In the meantime, Mutasci is working hard in training, trying to impress coaches with his dedication and professionalism. He is known for his humble and hardworking attitude, and he is always willing to put in the extra effort to improve his game. With the right guidance and support, he has the potential to become one of the best defensive midfielders in the SSL League and beyond.<br><br>Off the pitch, Mutasci is trying to obtain a popular stance among fans for his friendly demeanor and willingness to engage with the community. He is grateful for the opportunities that soccer has given him, and he is determined to make the most of his time at Reykjavik United. With his talent, determination, and hard work, he is sure to be a success in the SSL League and beyond.<br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

Born and raised in rural Florida, Bismo Funyuns grew up a happy kid. Very active from very early on, his parents found refuge in organised sports, as Bismo proved to be a handfull as the years went by, a wee little tornado with how destructive his energy could be when went unchecked. In sports, he was able to find a way to direct it in positive ways, make good use of his very very high output and develop a passion while doing so.<br><br>As such, after a lot of trial and error, Bismo would grow fond of Football, not the eggball Football, but the classy game its name suggests. Aged 7, he started trying out for travel teams and easily made most of them, an encouraging sign for his young parents who were albeit a bit relieved to find something that they could pursue and stop the search of something meaningful for their son to take part in. The local competitive team, the Wayne County Celtics, would find Bismo to be a very inspiring player coming up the youth ranks.<br><br>Never a straight A student, Bismo was the usual sport-athlete, seeing academics to be more of a means to an end. As such, his high school AAA team really fueled his fire in keeping the ball rolling. When he first enrolled at Tampa Prep, he had to leave his local Club at the profit of better competition. Being in one of the states top programs, he focused on doing the right things to give himself the best odds at making it, and was rewarded.<br><br>After multiple jaw-dropping seasons with the Terrapins, he was scouted and eventually commited to being a Seminole over at FSU, a childhood dream come true. When there, he kept up with his impressive displays of skill, running Coach Garvy's midfield like it was nothing, even as a Frenshman. The seminoles never could quite live up to the talent the young man displayed day in and day out and most often fell short of their championship hopes, not by lack of effort.<br><br>Bismo Funyuns is definitely a bright spot in american football, and one to watch moving forward for sure.<br><br>(363 words)<br><br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

Glenn Smart was born and raised in London to Eva and Kenneth Smart. With both parents being teachers, Eva an English teacher and Kenneth a former professional rugby player, who found himself working as a gym teacher when his playing days were over, Glenn was always pushed academically. Naturally, with his father’s sporty background, he was also spurred on to push himself in various forms of athletics. He tried his hand at everything, from rugby to cricket, football to golf. As with most athletes, he took to a few sports naturally and excelled at them. He played at competitive levels in Cricket, Tennis, Basketball, Football and Rugby. Unfortunately, he didn’t inherit his fathers height and size, so visions of a career in basketball and rugby soon evaporated. While he was deemed to be good at the other sports he played, he was only truly elite at football, in which he seemed to have a strong understanding of the defensive aspects of the game and how to utilize his tenacious attitude within it.<br><br>As he attended Rokeby High School in East London, he was constantly being watched by scouts from various clubs in the area, most frequently those from West Ham United. He would eventually end up joining their academy but not before he bounced around a variety of youth teams, playing in various systems, formations and — of course — for different managers. Each of them would leave a lasting impression on Glenn, as he worked hard to figure out exactly what kind of player he would be. After putting in strong performances across multiple leagues in the area, West Ham United finally pulled the trigger and signed him up to their youth academy, where he would train with some of the brightest young talents in the footballing world. Following in the footsteps of great defenders such as Bobby Moore and Rio Ferdinand, he knew that this was a huge opportunity that shouldn’t be taken lightly.<br><br>Despite giving it everything he had, he was unfortunately let go by the club shortly after his 16th birthday. Although they had released him, they ensured that he was prepared for life both in and outside of football, helping him to get training in an alternative career, which he followed until the chance to join the SSL S7 Draft presented itself.<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->385 words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

Milton Núñez was born in Sambo Creek, as small traditional village on the northern coast of Honduras, three minutes before his younger twin brother Tyson. Núñez had a happy and traditional childhood, eating cassava bread and green bananas and playing on the beach with his friends. When he was 4 years old, his uncle took Tyson and his brother to see a local amateur football team play.<br><br>From that moment, he was hooked on the game of football. Both brothers were, in fact. They would take a ball down to the beach and pass it to each other, and take turns kicking it into the sea and having the other one swim out and fetch it, to see how far they could kick the ball.<br><br>As they got older, the Núñez boys decided to set up a small football pitch on a disused piece of local grassland, and would play 6 a side games with their friends or anyone else that was available. They played on that pitch with any time they had free, all through their childhood, and all this football had made them quite impressive athletes.<br><br>One day, a man approached their little pitch during a game. His car has broken down on the nearby CA13 highway, and he was looking for assistance. He told the boys to play on for a while though, he said he wanted to watch. And watch he did, because he was a football scout returning from a trip. He worked for Real Club Deportivo España, based in San Pedro Sula (the big city) and the two small brothers with lightning pace immediately caught his eye. They were very quick and could read the little game nicely, and had decent technique for two presumably uncoached teenagers playing without boots.<br><br>Before getting help with his broken down vehicle, the scout asked the Núñez boys to talk with their parents, and offered them the opportunity for a trial with Deportivo España, and the possibility of playing for the team's youth academy. The boys jumped at the chance, being given boots for the first time by the club to play against the other youth players. They were just as fast in boots as they were without them, and the club gave them their first contracts.<br><br>(379)<br><br><br><span style='color:blue'><b>APPROVED</b></span>

Caleb Hayden was never really the biggest soccer fan in the beginning. Growing up in a small town, known as Londonderry, located in the state of New Hampshire. Growing up, he never thought of having a career in soccer. All throughout school he didn’t really have any plans and he just wanted to see how it would play out. He made a lot of friends in school, and they all played soccer for the local team. Caleb thought, “I think it would be cool to try out a new sport and be able to play with my friends.” Surely enough, tryouts came around and Caleb nailed it. The coach had told him instantly that he was going to make the team. Caleb has amazing skill of ball control and being able to place them with such accuracy and power. All his friends were happy to have him on the team. He had rapidly become one of the best prospects known world wide, and all clubs had eyes on him. Londonderry had become one of the best high school teams in the country with Caleb on the team. Obviously, he could not have made it this far without all his friends cheering him along the way, and being able to help him on the field. They all worked together so well, to help each other all be the best players they could be. He has heard a lot about all the different clubs around the world, and he enjoyed the thought of playing for all of them. With him graduating high school soon, he has to prepare to be drafted by one of these amazing franchises, and he notices that he might have to move across the world to be with that team. Being away from his friends will be one of the biggest downsides of this, but Caleb has now noticed that his future is playing soccer. THe amount of skill he has at putting shots away and creating changes is unmatched. But he will now prepare for the journey that lies ahead of him. He knows the spotlight is on him now, and cannot wait to show the world what he is really worth.<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->365 words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

Karl Schenkinger was born in Germany, in a small town nestled in the forest. A wonderful vacation spot for various tourists, for young Karl, who had no siblings and was an only child, there was not much to do besides pursuing the only sport offered in the area: Soccer.<br><br>Karl started his career in his local club, going through the first few years of youth training before being recognized by a bigger regional club, and entering their academy. By that time, Karl had been a local sensation: Having scored over 70 goals in his final season with his small-town youth club, every soccer mom or dad knew his name and was convinced the boy would make it big some day. But upon entering the academy, suddenly his life changed. Away from home, away from family, living and breathing soccer 24/7, and he wasn’t the locally recognized football prodigy anymore, but one of many talented players on the squad. In fact, there were various teammates surrounding him that were clearly more talented. The small-town moms were wrong in their evaluation, it seemed.<br><br>What Karl lacked in talent, though, he made up with sheer effort and will. During school days, Karl went for his first runs at 5 am. On weekends he allowed himself to sleep until 6 am before going for a light jog, careful not to overwork his body before big games. After trainings, Karl stayed longer, worked on the header pendulum, worked on the passing wall, or simply hoofed it on goal. With little social life, Karl dedicated all his time to the career no one really thought he had the talent to pursue.<br><br>It wasn’t long until Karl was able to hold his own against his peers. Physically, he had quickly gained an advantage, but he had also become a reliable player with the ball. Still, his strengths were evident: Winning the ball was what Karl did best. After being mocked for his bad technique, Karl had made it a point to win challenge after challenge after challenge against seemingly better players, and at times completely neutralized opposing star players by securing the defensive midfield.<br><br>Eventually, it became time for a move. When Accra called, Karl didn’t hesitate to once again leave his home, and join the SSL, becoming a full time football player. The boy from the small town had finally become pro, just as the small-town soccer moms and dads always knew he would.<br><br><br>(409)<br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
[Image: 8BlgQNl.png]

Jürgen Müller was an unassuming child. His teachers didn’t tend to make much note of him, as he wasn’t a particular stand-out academically, nor was he a trouble maker. He spent a lot of time playing video games and kicking the football around the yard. Jürgen was a huge fan of football and loved to play it. He wasn’t a particular noticeable on the pitch either. At least not to his peers. He was rarely chosen with one of the early picks by his classmates, but one teacher noticed that Jürgen’s team tended to win. It wasn’t because Müller had a particularly good shot - he didn’t. He wasn’t a good goalie. He didn’t tend to make spectacular tackles or have eye-popping rainbow kicks or absurd ball handling tricks. The kids that had these skills? They were the ones who got picked first. What the teacher realized, though, was that Jürgen was very good at understanding the game and all of its moving parts. He could anticipate how plays would develop and initiate counter attacks with accurate and timely passing. His team would win more frequently because Jürgen was dictating the tempo and timing of his team’s attack, even though he was doing it quietly. <br><br>One day, the teacher pulled Müller aside and encouraged him to try out for the local football youth club. Jürgen thought the teacher was joking, as not even he realized what he was able to do on the pitch. He pointed out that he was never picked first, and all of his obvious shortcomings. The teacher persisted in their encouragement, even going so far as to offer to go to the try-out with Müller. Jürgen agreed, and attended the upcoming tryout. <br><br>The coaching staff was lukewarm on Jürgen at first, as the early drills showed much of what his peers saw: a decent footballer who had a mediocre shot. But once they ran a scrimmage, they quickly saw what Müller’s teacher had: a player who knew how to control the game, and had the vision and skill to execute this vision. They added Jürgen to the team’s roster and immediately slotted him in at Defensive Midfielder After two brief seasons, a FC Saarbrücken’s scouts recognized Müller’s potential and invited him to join their football academy. From there, he was working his way up to a professional offer, when his grandfather, Hans, became ill. He put his career on hold to try to care for his grandfather. Once his grandfather had made a full recovery, Jürgen feared that he had missed his opportunity to advance to a professional German team. Luckily, a representative of the SSL had seen footage of Müller, and reached out to inform him that even though he had missed the draft, there was still plenty of opportunity for him to join the SSL and be claimed on waivers. A few weeks later, Jürgen Müller got the call and packed his bags to move to Cape Town, South Africa. Where his journey will conclude is unclear, but Müller is excited to test his mettle against professional competition.<br><br><br>(513 words)<br><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
[Image: DTDPYVY.png]

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