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#1 Biography [Open to All Players not in regression]
Brock Sherwood was born and raised in the cold, salty air of a tiny rural fishing village in just outside of Halifax, Nova Scotia, the third and youngest son of a fisherman and a fisherman's daughter. Considerably younger than his two brothers, young Brock became a free-roaming child, left to entertain himself on land when his older brothers went out with their father to check lobster traps or dredge for scallops. Although his mother would occasionally worry, the close-knit community kept an eye out and made sure the youngster was always home by dinnertime. He liked scrambling up the coastal rocks and gazing out across the waters of the bay, looking for whalespouts and leaping dolphins.<br><br>On one such coastal solo excursion, Brock happened across a battered, waterlogged old soccer ball floating in the shallows and fished it out. The boy soon took to dribbling the ball along at his feet just about everywhere he went, just for the fun and challenge of not losing the ball on the uneven, rocky coastal terrain. He became skilled at keepy-uppies and other juggling tricks, and did target practice trying to hit specific rocks and trees, or trying to kick the ball into an overturned fish barrel.<br><br>Brock was also an exceptionally bright student, and his parents wanted to see him live up to his academic potential. The family legacy was secure with the two older Sherwood boys set on joining the fisheries business, and Brock's parents sensed that he needed to see more of the world than they had. He was able to secure a scholarship to prestigious private academy for boys in greater Halifax. Not only did Brock enjoy greater educational opportunities there, it was also where he was discovered as a prodigious footballing talent. By change the coach of the soccer team spotted Brock casually flick a discarded paper cup into the air, tap it up a few times, and then kick it effortlessly into a nearby trash can. Immediately he implored Brock to join the team.<br><br>Brock Sherwood proved to be a natural fit in central midfield. The strength, toughness, and ball skill that he had developed through years of inadvertent practice up and down the rocky coastal hillsides served him well. In the 6 years that he played at the academy, they rarely lost. If you can play, they will find you, and by Brock's final season pro scouts were routinely spotted in the stands at academy games.<br><br>Once he graduated at 18, Brock had to option to attend any number of universities on soccer scholarship, in both Canda and the United States. However, he instead opted for the exciting opportunity presented to him when he was drafted by CF Catalunya of the SSL. Brock has become well-traveled now, with season-long loans in Rome and Kaapstad showing him more of the world than he ever thought he would see.<br><br>But rural Nova Scotia will always be home, and you may just catch a tear shimmer in his eye if you should hum a few bars of <i>The Mary Ellen Carter.</i><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

Paul Penshaw was born on a rainy Wednesday in the north east city of Sunderland. People from there don't have much and expect even less a lot of the time, but the one thing they love is football.<br><br>Attending a local school, Paul enjoyed what was essentially the mandatory lunchtime activity ever day, a kickabout with the lads. It wasn't until he reached secondary school aged 11 that people started to notice the lad had something there. Some form of talent, raw for sure but he was outplaying kids a few years older than him as soon as he reached that level.<br><br>The true potential came out the year he turned 14, and was already bulking up and standing taller than his classmates. He was recruited by Gateshead Academy, and eventually made his way up into the Youth Academies of Sunderland. Penshaw was developing into a traditional number 9, a target man out there for one clear purpose, finding the net.<br><br>He showed clear talent at commanding the oppositions box, and out-muscling defenders to find a shot that many couldn't. One thing he didn't anticipate however, is just how much of a step up challenge wise it is to join the rest of the countries young elite.<br><br>In time, his promising youth career began to fizzle, as many do. He declared himself eligible for the SSL draft in order to revitalise his chances at making it on a global stage. Only time will tell if the imposing forward will find success at the next level, but his dogged determination is sure to give him a decent chance.<br><br>With this in mind, Paul relocated away from his home in the north, and now lives &amp; trains in North America. In part, to try and attract one of the teams there to draft him, but also to prepare himself mentally for the life on the road that professional football can bring. It's a tough change, but he's up for it.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

A balmy afternoon in mid-May. Twenty-four twelve-year-olds are trying to become Hesse's state champions, an average corner is only half-heartedly cleared and lands right at the feet of a lanky left-back who has never scored a goal. He never shoots, even refuses to pull the trigger from the second row most of the time. Not today. The boy hits the ball richly with this one spot between the outside of the foot and the full stretch. To the astonishment of the spectators, the ball flies and flies and, like in a Hollywood movie, it pops into the upper left-hand crease in slow motion. Exhausted, the boy sinks to the ground. He hasn't scored a goal since that game, no wonder, since he still never shoots.<br><br>Mark Spoon is now a young man, is at the start of his professional career and still likes to remember this one moment, which is basically every little boy's dream. Mark is an intelligent young man, knows how football works. His coaches don't predict a great career for him if he doesn't finally start working on his technical skills now, but just with a basic shrewdness he has already come a long way. Left defender he has remained, even if others are faster, can dribble better and can cross better. Somehow he is always in the right position. When he gained a lot of weight at 16, his coaches tried him out as a defensive midfielder, which worked quite well, although his passes have little pressure and he is 0.0 danger from the back. At some point he'll have to shoot again, or go to the ball with his head, but he's not really good at that either. <br><br>So what remains of the player Mark Spoon? He is motivated, determined, ambitious and willing to work on his skills. He is also studying marine biology, simply because he can. The person Mark Spoon is more interesting than the footballer, probably.<br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>

First Person Attempt!<br><br>My name is Olof Sides and I was born and raised in Brazillia, Brazil. Ever since I was a little boy, I knew that soccer was my passion, My father used to take me to the local park and we would play for hours on end, always practicing my shots and my dribbles, as a young boy in the concrete grounds my flair was always important Hah. After scouts looked at my skills I was on my route to stardom.<br><br>From there, my career took off. I joined the club's youth academy and spent every spare moment practicing and perfecting my skills. By the time I was 16, I was playing for the club's reserve team and was on the radar of several big clubs in Brazil, my excitement was immense, I never thought the son of a farmer would be this huge!<br><br>At 18, I was signed by a top team in Brazil's Serie A and quickly made my mark on the league. I was known for my speed, agility, and ability to score goals from just about anywhere on the field. I was named Rookie of the Year in my first season and went on to become one of the top scorers in the league, my most famous goal was a Set Piece to win the championship!<br><br>In my mid-20s, I finally felt ready to make the move to Europe. I signed with a top team in Spain and quickly adapted to the faster pace of play. I continued to score goals and make a name for myself, but after a few seasons, I started to feel like something was missing.<br><br>That's when I received an unexpected call from an SSL team in the UK, I had never heard of this league. It Certainly wasn't apart the Big 5. After doing more reasearch I found out this was truly the real deal, the flair, the exciting game. All in 1 league, I will make my name even more known!<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->334 Words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span><br>(weirdest Brazilian name ever but eh)</b>
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<!--emo&:romana:--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='' /><!--endemo--> Patrick Carrigan <!--emo&:romana:--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='' /><!--endemo--> <br><br>Patrick Carrigan had a bit of a different story growing up to a lot of other soccer players. He never really played the sport at all outside of social events or having a kick about with some mates. Being from Australia and in particular from Brisbane, Queensland he preferred to play rugby league or cricket. He had spent all his youth years playing fullback in rugby league which was the last line of defence there and he really started to enjoy being in that role and directing the defence. Someone suggested he should try playing soccer and become a goal keeper so he thought why not and gave it a go. <br><br>Much to his surprise he loved it. He signed up at one of the local teams in Brisbane and before pre season was over he was already the first choice goal keeper for the club. Something just clicked with him in that position and he was able to organise his side very well in front of him and keep out most of the shots that came his way. He ended up playing in 27 games that season and conceded only 31 goals which definitely caught the eye of some teams higher up. He was asked in the off season to come have a trial with one of the Hyundai A-League teams and specifically the Brisbane Roar.<br><br>Brisbane were going to do an overseas tour for their preseason and he got to play a few games through Europe which got even more eyes on him. Brisbane in the end decided not to offer Carrigan a contract but while he was overseas he caught the eye of a scout that worked for Romana who asked Carrigan to come on and be their backup goal keeper. Moving overseas was a big move but it was one Carrigan just had to jump at so here he is in his first season at Romana.<br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

Junior wanted to take in his father's footsteps. And play in the SSL like his pops. Senior, as Junior would call him, did not have a long career. He had to step away from the game after his wife, Serena, died, to focus on raising Junior, who was only starting highschool. Money was ok, but it was enough to just get them by, not through. Senior would pick up jobs wherever he could find to make some money to be able to take Junior to training. But here is the thing. Junior was talented. He was so good at playing soccer. He had such an affinity for goalscoring, even if he was clumsy and looked completely out of place. Every time he tried to aim for the goal, the ball would go in. And Senior was all for it. He was not pressuring his son, but he was supportive. He wanted to see his son make it to SSL and have the glorious career he had to give up, but more in a proud father way than living his dreams out of his son way, because Junior was SO. DAMN. GOOD. at it. Now, you will ask. What's Junior's name? Well, he is the son of the Kaapstad legend, Giannis Kroustis, with whom he shares his name. Hence Senior and Junior. Junior doesn't remember the last time he called his father &quot;dad&quot;. It has always been Senior. He did it as a joke one time, they had a laugh at it, and it just stuck. Junior is determined to see his name on the back on an SSL jersey. It's what he promised his mother in her deathbed. That he would make their family name heard all over the world, for all the good reasons. He still remembers the faint smile she gave him, right before she left for the endless trip on the other side. It is what motivates him. It's a bad experience, but it fuels him. Still, a year after his mother's passing, he always looks and points to the sky after scoring a goal. He hopes to keep it going in SSL.<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->356 words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

Øscar Jebaseelan is an Australian soccer winger who has already made a name for himself in the world of football. He was born on May 11, 2004, in Melbourne, Australia. From a young age, Øscar showed a great interest in football, and he started playing for his local club at the age of six.<br><br>As Øscar progressed through the ranks, he quickly became known for his technical ability and his lightning-fast speed. He also had a great work ethic and a never-say-die attitude, which endeared him to his coaches and teammates alike.<br><br>In his early teenage years, Øscar was scouted by several professional clubs, but he decided to stay with his local club and work on his game. He continued to impress on the field, and by the time he was 16, he had caught the attention of several A-League scouts.<br><br>In 2018, Øscar was signed by Sydney FC's youth team, where he continued to develop his skills and gain valuable experience. He quickly rose through the ranks and was soon playing for Sydney FC's senior team in the National Premier League.<br><br>Over the next few years, Øscar continued to impress on the field, and he was eventually scouted by several teams in the SSL. He decided to declare for the Australian national team, being a former British colony with English as one of the official languages, he saw it as an opportunity to pursue his football career.<br><br>In the upcoming Season 9 SSL Draft, Øscar draft sock is unknown with many saying he could be drafted as high as the 3rd overall pick with others saying he could slide to the bottom. It just depends on which team sees his potential.The team that drafts him will be thrilled to have him on board and it all depends on if Jebaseelan is ready for the big stage as this is no longer the A-League anymore.<br><br>Despite his young age, Øscar has already achieved a lot in his football career, and he is widely regarded as one of the most promising young talents in the game. As he continues to develop his skills and gain more experience, there is no doubt that he will become a household name in the world of football.<br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

Breadneeq LaVert was seemingly cooked up in the bakery as they say. The great bakery of Switzerland. Breadneeq LaVert is actually trying to follow in the footsteps of a great friend of his, Jeffrey LaVert (no relations). Breadneeq LaVert grew up in Zurich, being surrounded by brilliant young football players throughout the country. Breadneeq had often attempted to try and make his first step into the sport by ensuring that he was always available to play whenever FC Zurich were sending scouts. One fateful day, Breadneeq was able to show out in front of the FC Zurich scouts in an exhibition game against Frauenfeld. This sort of springboarded his career within the FC Zurich youth academy. He was never a top prospect, but was always considered a dependable player that was always available for selection. Now that Breadneeq LaVert has finally decided to take the next step in their career by joining the Simulation Soccer League. It is a large step in Breadneeq LaVert's career, moving away from what he is used to and his comfort in Zurich, Switzerland, to now be playing in a new league, with new players all around him trying to be the best that they can be. It will definitely be something that will require Breadneeq LaVert to adjust to his new surroundings, but will definitely be interesting to see.<br><br>Furthermore, Breadneeq LaVert has never really had a tough time making his way into the sport. Often eventually being named captain for the teams he had played for in his younger years. His coaches had often seen Breadneeq LaVert as not the most exciting player, but a reliable one instead. Breadneeq LaVert would always show up early for training, would be the first one in the building, the last one to leave and would constantly be working on other aspects of his game outside of defending and being a centre back. Now it is time to see if that will be able to translate into the Simulation Soccer League and if the scouts and managers here are looking for a reliable player that won't set the world alight just yet.<br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->355 words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

Jonathan Parker is a young man with one very big problem. He gets way too invested into the game of football. Even when he first started playing as little kid he would often take petty acts of vengeance on officials that he believes made an incorrect call or , as he would say, didn’t have either a functioning brain or set of eyes. Throughout his time in highschool he would routinely “spill” water onto referees after getting a card, which led to another card, which led to an even further escalation. If he wasn’t a top tier defender he would have been kicked off everyteam he had ever been on, as is he was only kicked off most of them.<br><br>The worst thing Parker had ever done was stab an officials car tires after being ejected from a game. He was sentenced to community service and had to attend therapy weekly. His therapist has managed to keep him from committing assault of any form since but Parker still is known for shouting the ears off of any referee that dares to call him out on a play.<br><br>Jonathan Parker continued his football career, albeit with less major incidents, and managed to become skilled enough to have been picked #10 overall by Accra. Whether or not he can manage to maintain his composure in the big lights is yet to be seen. Although his forced therapy had ended quite some time ago Jonathan has opted to keep his weekly meetings. And is known to have multiple stress balls on him at all times.<br><br>Any team with Parker on it tends to get on the Referess bad side, so the fact that he was drafted so highly shows that he has potential. As a defender in a weird position he is a bit unique and hard to handle, but that just matches his personality as well. He is an angry perfectionist that has a love-hate relationship with the sport he’s chosen to play.<br><br>(330 words)<br><br><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span>

Anchor: A local college soccer player is forgoing his senior year to declare for the Simulation Soccer League draft this upcoming year; our sports reporter has the story.<br><br>Reporter: Kurt Lightning, after you broke the Missouri state record for most goals and assists in a season during the final season of your high school career and stayed in-state at the University of Missouri where you had 3 knock-out years at the University of Missouri, what made you pull the trigger for the major leagues.<br><br>Kurt: I broke a whole bunch of records both collegiate and personally so I knew I had worked hard enough that I could succeed in the major leagues of soccer. I don't mind if they think I need to start in Division 2 or Division 1 all I know is I am going to make it to the top of either league they put me in.<br><br>Reporter: Tell me the story of how you go the last name Lightning, and how does your family feel about this decision?<br><br>Kurt: It's not that much of a story really, , my parents, Shawn and Ann, have always been super supportive of me, even when I changed my last name from Keller to Lightning. They thought it was going to be a phase but I went to the state office and everything to get my name officially changed and then they couldn't do anything, haha. I just felt like changing my name just like I felt like leaving college for the SSL. My decision and they are very supportive of my dreams and goals.<br><br>Reporter: Thank you for your time, Kurt Lightning, I know your soccer skills will treat you well in the big leagues and we here in Kansas City are excited to see where this journey takes you. I believe you will be very successful and a household name in years to come.<br><br>Kurt: Thank you for your kind words, I am very excited as well, and hopefully, success will come my way!<br><br>Anchor: Kurt Lightning will be drafted into the prospect league after this following season of the SSL. <br><br><!--c1--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='CODE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->352 Words<!--c2--></td></tr></table><!--ec2--><br><br><b><span style='color:blue'>APPROVED</span></b>
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